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服裝公司 Levi s 已開始銷售 「智能夾克」-「葡萄糖」知識分享


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標題:Technology Is Reshaping Fashion Industry


短文來源: VOA Learning English, byJonathan Evans, April 29th


Technology is changing almost every industry, including fashion.

Imagine wearing a computer in the form of clothing, like a jacket. Now it is possible.科學技術(的發展)正在改變幾乎所有的生產行業,其中就包括時尚行業。想像著一下將個人電腦以衣物的方式穿著在身上,比如說穿一件夾克外套。現如今,這樣(的情況)是有可能的。The clothing manufacturer Levi Strauss & Co. partnered with technology company Google to create what is being called a 「smart」 jacket. The word smart is often used to describe actions controlled by a computer. What makes this jacket 「smart」 is washable technology added to the cuff -- the cloth encircling the wrist.服裝公司李維斯已經與科技公司谷歌合作製造了一種叫做 「智能夾克」 的衣物。「智能」 一次通常形容由電腦控制行為的(一系列)活動。實現這件夾克 「智能化」 的方式就是應用在衣服袖口裡的可洗滌科技。

安防在袖口的可洗滌設備Ivan Poupyrev heads the smart clothing project for Google."When somebody calls you, your jacket vibrates and gives you lights and [you] know somebody is calling you."Ivan Poupyrev 是谷歌智能服裝項目的領頭人。「當某人打電話給你,你的夾克將會震動,同時發出光亮以至於讓你知道有人在打電話給你」。A touch on the cuff can provide directions for helping you get to where you need to go. The jacket also can play music when combined with a mobile phone, headphones and a small piece of removable computer hardware.當你迷失方向時,只要觸摸衣物袖口,它將會告知你正確的行駛路線。(不僅如此),當智能夾克與手機,頭戴式耳機或是小型電腦硬體相連接,夾克還能(充當小型音響)播放音樂。"You get the most important features of the phone without taking your eyes off the road," said Paul Dillinger of Levi Strauss & Co.The Levi"s smart jacket can be purchased on the internet for $350.「(當你正在駕駛時),你能通過智能夾克獲取來自手機的重要消息,這樣能夠避免分散駕駛注意力」,來自李維斯公司的 Paul Dillinger 說道。李維斯這種智能夾克現在可以在互聯網上購買,價值350美金(約合2200元人民幣)。

通過智能夾克的袖口來接聽電話It is just one step to smarter clothing.Poupyrev explained that Google plans to use the technology for any kind of clothing. He added that the company is working with other partners in the fashion industry 「to help to make their products connected."距離智能夾克僅僅只有一步之遙。Poupyrev 解釋道谷歌公司打算將這種可洗滌科技應用在任何服裝上。他同時說道谷歌正在與其他的時尚行業品牌合作,去幫助他們的衣著產品實現 「科技連接化」。

New patterns and materials新風格與新材料From how clothes are used to how they are made, computing power is reshaping the fashion industry. Designers can create structures and designs that have never existed before current technology.New technologies are also being used to make bioengineered materials made with yeast cells in a laboratory.從傳統衣物穿著到製作流程,電腦科技(的應用)正在重新塑造時尚行業。現如今設計師們運用科技(重新)創造之前從來沒有存在過的衣物構造與全新設計。新技術同樣應用在實驗室中,利用酵母細胞去生產新的生物工程材料(用於衣物布料)。Suzanne Lee is chief creative officer of Modern Meadow. She explained how her company creates leather-like material from yeast cells. She said, "We engineer them to produce collagen which is the same natural protein that you find in your skin or an animal skin. Then we really grow billions of those cells, make a lot of collagen, purify it and then assemble it into whatever kinds of materials...the designers that we"re working with would like to see."Suzanne Lee 是 Modern Meadow (科技)公司的首席創意官。她解釋到她們公司是如何使用酵母細胞來生產類皮革材料。她說 「我們對酵母細胞進行改造,使它們生產膠原質,這種蛋白質存在與動物和人類的皮膚當中。接著我們對改造的細胞進行飼養繁殖,生產出大量的膠原質,然後進行提純與聚合。之後取決於設計師的想法,再將聚合的膠原質加入到所需的材料當中去。」Lee added that these bioengineered materials can be described as both natural and man-made.Lee 接著說道這些生物工程材料可以稱為半自然半人工產品。Technology is also changing popular fashion. The rise of social media means it is not just designers who decide the latest looks in fashion.Artificial intelligence can now collect information from social media and the internet to help designers understand what the public likes.科技同樣改變著大眾的時尚品味。社交媒體的壯大意味著現如今不僅僅是由設計師們來定義時尚。人工智慧技術的應用可以收集社交媒體和網路上與時尚相關的信息,用來幫助設計師們理解民眾的時尚品味。



fashion今天給大家簡單剖析的單詞為 fashion。

韋氏詞典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英語學習者版(English-language learns)中的解釋,fashion 可以同時用作名詞和動詞。

名詞的英文釋義為 「a style, way of behaving, etc., that is popular in a particular time and place「,簡單來說就是 」某個時間段內特定的一種風格和行為表現「,即為中文翻譯的 」時尚,風格,風尚。「 此外,動詞的解釋為 」to form (something) into something else」,意為 「去形成風格」,為 「改變形狀,改變,形成時尚風格」。

之前 fashion 這個單詞在國內非常流行,但是之前的用法是錯誤的,「You are fashion」。正確的用法是應當 fashion 的形容詞形式去形容一個人非常時尚,「You are fashionable」。



Share of Pun

Plan it? or Planet?今天給大家帶來的趣味雙關語藏在句子裡面:問句:What"s the worst thing about throwing a party in space?(在太空中舉行派對最糟糕的事情是什麼?)答案:You have to planet (plan it).(你需要去計劃這個派對)在答案中,出現了planet(星球)這個單詞,事實上應該是 plan it(計劃)。當把 plan it 連讀的時候,聽起來就像是單詞 planet。此處與問句中的太空派對相呼應,一語雙關。

You have to planet. (You have to plan it.)




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