首頁 > 美文 > The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸

The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸


The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸

這世間 青山灼灼 星光杳杳 秋雨淅淅 晚風慢慢 也抵不過公子眉間的星辰啊

The green hills are bright and starry, but the autumn wind and the evening breeze slowly reach the stars of the childe"s brow.

The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸

我喜歡你 是那種一想到你的名字 心裡動輒海嘯山鳴的喜歡

I like you to be the kind of person who thinks of your name and is always in the mood of tsunamis.

The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸


The deepest color in the world has a little warmth and a little danger.

The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸

風花雪月痴情人 局局深情次次輸

The infatuated lovers Bureau lost the second time.

The infatuated lovers.風花雪月痴情人,局局深情次次輸

終是莊周夢了蝶 你是恩賜也是劫

The end is the dream of Zhuang Zhou, you are the gift and the robbery.

要善良 要勇敢 要像小星星一樣 努力發光

Be kind and brave and try to shine like a little star.



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