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#seven floor #

音樂是反映人類現實生活情感的一種藝術。音樂分為古典音樂、民間音樂、流行音樂三大類。今天小編要給大家介紹的是民間音樂與流行音樂下細分的7種音樂。Jazz 、funk 、Soul 、 Deep house 、Pop 、Chill out、 Old school 。

Music is an art that reflects the emotions of human life. Music is divided into three categories: classical music, folk music and pop music. Today I am going to introduce 7 kinds of music subdivided from folk music and pop music. Jazz, funk, Soul, Deep house, Pop, Chill out, Old school.


爵士樂源自美國黑人的爵士樂19世紀末發祥於美國南部路易斯安那州的新奧爾良市,至今已有百年歷史。從最早期的「拉格泰姆」和「民間藍調」到頗具規模的新奧爾良爵士樂;從20年代著名的以集體即興演奏為主的「迪克西蘭」到30年代以伴舞為主要職能的「搖擺樂」;從40年代追求高超的以和弦演奏為基礎做即興演奏的「比波普」到50、60年代風格迥異的「比波普」和「酷」以及隨後的「自由」派;從70、80年代「搖滾」和爵士樂的融合,「合成」的出現到90年代「新經典主義」的誕生;直至今天,每一種爵士風格都活躍在舞台上。具有 強烈持久生命力的爵士樂經過百年的演變和融合,早已突破了地域、種族和國界的局限,成為一種世界性的音樂。

Jazz originated from African American jazz at the end of the nineteenth Century, and it has been in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the southern United States for hundreds of years. From the earliest "Lagrange" and "Folk Blues" to New Orleans Jazz which has formed quite a scale; from the famous "Dick Sealand", the famous collective improvisational performance in 20s, to the "swinging music" as the main function of the dance in 30s; the "biwave" from the pursuit of the superb improvisational performance on the basis of the chord performance in 40s. In 50 and 60s, the "BOPP" and "cool" and the subsequent "free" groups were different in style, from the integration of "rock" and jazz in the 70 and 80s, the "synthesis" to the birth of the "Neo classic" in 90s, and to this day, every jazz style was active on the stage. After a hundred years of evolution and integration, jazz has a strong lasting vitality. It has already broken through the limitations of region, race and national boundary, and becomes a kind of world music.


To a certain extent, jazz represents the highest achievement of African American culture, and is one of the quintessence of black culture. For the black people, jazz means to find and confirm their identity. Only the identity of the individual is confirmed, the identity of the black nation can be confirmed, and the cultural identity of a nation can be confirmed.


funk一般指驟停打擊樂,驟停打擊樂崛起於20世紀70年代,由黑人爵士樂演變而來。被認為是迪斯科音樂的前身。也是美國黑人的跳舞文化的一種。這種音樂是與非洲音樂變化多端的節奏和爵士樂靈活自由的呼應方式一同發展起來的泛搖滾音樂風格 。

Funk generally refers to the sudden percussion and percussion music, which came into being in 1970s, and evolved from black jazz. It is regarded as the predecessor of disco music. It is also one of the black American Dance cultures. This kind of music is a pan rock music style developed with the changing rhythm of African music and the flexible and free way of jazz.


From 1970s to 80s, the United States was in the most popular stage, but since all the similar sounds were highly touted, the percussion percussion was at a low tide in business. After 90s, sudden percussion music appeared as a retro style of pop music.


The music world generally thinks that James Brown is a "Godfather" in the early stage of the percussion, and the other prince, Michael Jackson, black eyed bean, and so on are all the musicians and Orchestra of the sudden stop percussion.


soul ,又譯"靈魂樂",靈魂樂,又翻譯為靈歌,是美國流行音樂的一個分支,起源於底特律黑人音樂,曾同時佔據流行音樂和節奏與布魯斯音樂兩個排行榜的統治地位。1963年末期至1965年早期,它竟然將節奏與布魯斯音樂擠出(公告牌)雜誌排行榜長達14個月之久。對於白人與黑人來講,這也是個絕無僅有的時期,因為他們都在爭相購買同一種風格的唱片。從1969年8月23日開始直至靈歌的沒落,靈歌排行榜一度成為黑人音樂排行榜的代名詞。索爾是福音歌和節奏布魯斯的結合,是福音歌這種宗教音樂形式世俗化、流行化的結果。

Soul, which is also translated as "soul music",which is also translated as"spiritual song", is a branch of American pop music, having originated from the black music of Detroit and once dominated the two rankings of pop music and rhythm and Bruce"s music. From the late 1963 to the early 1965, it beat the rhythm and Bruce music out of the Billboard magazine for 14 months. For white and black people, this is also a unique period, because they are competing to buy the same style of records. From the beginning of August 23, 1969 until the decline of spiritual songs, the list of spiritual songs has become synonymous with the black music list. Saul is the combination of the gospel song and the rhythm of Bruce. It is the result of secularization and popularity of the gospel song.


"The history of American pop music" is like this: "Saul is a musical rhythm with gospel songs, Bruce."

Deep house

Deep House著重於濃厚的靈魂唱腔,又叫作Garage,很有速度感,蠻流行化的.。像M-People就是個好例子。當年M-People的經典Moving On Up真是紅遍舞廳。

Deep House focuses on a strong soul singing, also known as Garage, has a sense of speed, and is quite popular. M-People is a good example. The classic Moving On Up of M-People was really popular in the ballroom.

BPM在120到130之間。之所以稱為Deep House,就是因為有深邃的感覺,重在低頻,更加寬厚的Bass線條,成為樂曲中的主要演奏樂器,勾勒出舞池中性感扭動的身姿。概括來說,Deep House的音樂語言透露的就是性感。

BPM is between 120 and 130. The reason why it is called Deep House is because of the deep feeling, the heavy Bass lines in the low frequency and the more broad music, which are the main musical instruments in the music, drawing the sexy twist in the dance floor. To sum up, the music language of Deep House reveals sex.

Beat Organ

 Anjunadeep In Ibiza 2014

16 Bit Lolitas 




Pop music originated in the late nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century in the United States. From the musical system, pop music was developed on the basis of the American popular music architecture, such as jingle song, Bruce, jazz, rock and roll music, and soer music. Its style is diverse and its form is rich.

可泛指Jazz、Rock、Soul、Blues、Reggae、Rap、Hip-Hop、Disco、New Age等20世紀後誕生的都市化大眾音樂。

It generally refers to the cosmopolitan mass music born after 20th century such as Jazz、Rock、Soul、Blues、Reggae、Rap、Hip-Hop、Disco、New Age.

當時美國的流行音樂多來自於黑人音樂。70年代,邁克爾·傑克遜橫空出世,從此帶領了流行音樂和MTV的發展,他們以口傳心授及與異族之間的私人交往,逐漸形成了一種特有的音樂形式。二戰後又興起了搖滾樂、藍調和鄉村音樂。70年代以後, 音樂風格更加多樣,走向前衛和極端,表現在具有即興性、強調藉助和運用電子手段、注重樂器和效果的操縱技術、商業化傾向日趨明顯。流行音樂的發展日益走向繁榮。

American pop music came from black music at that time. In 70s, Michael Jackson came out and led the development of pop music and MTV. They gradually formed a unique musical form by oral instruction and private contacts with other ethnic groups. After World War II, rock music, blues and country music arose. After 70s, the music style is more diverse, towards the avant-garde and extreme, showing the tendency of the manipulation technology with improvisation, emphasizing the use and use of electronic means, paying attention to instruments and effects, and becoming more and more commercialized. The development of pop music is becoming more and more prosperous.





Chill Out

伊比沙(Ibiza),是一個位於地中海西部的西班牙小島,被稱為「這個星球上最著名的日落景點」,同時也是世界知名的舞會派對地點(著名的新世紀音樂組合Enigma就是在此成立的)。位於該島海岸邊的Cafe Del Mar是一座可以從海水看到日落倒影的海岸咖啡館。面朝夕陽無限好的橘色日落景象,結合令人心曠神怡的電子音樂,使它成了ChillOut音樂的代名詞。

Ibiza, a small Spanish island in the western Mediterranean, is known as "the most famous sunset on the planet" and is also the world"s famous dance party location (the famous new century music group Enigma was founded here). The Cafe Del Mar on the coast of the island is a coastal cafe that can be seen from the sea to reflect the sunset. Facing the sunset, the orange sunset, which combines the delightful electronic music, makes it a synonym for ChillOut music.

「ChillOut」泛指一種富於悠閑意象的電子音樂,常蘊涵強烈的ambient音樂元素,予以深沉的空間聆聽感,其本意為放鬆、休閑。這種類型音樂與其它跳舞功能性較強的電子舞曲相比,更注重旋律性而不是強力的節奏,更多是結合不同電子音樂元素,並可融合民族音樂、古典、爵士等曲風各異的音樂類型,其範圍可能涵蓋Trip hop、Drum & Bass、Hip hop等具有懶洋洋、慢節奏特點的音樂類型。

"ChillOut" refers to a kind of leisure image of electronic music, often contains strong ambient music elements, to be deep space listening, its intention is to relax, leisure. This type of music, compared with other electronic dance music with strong function, pays more attention to melodic rather than strong rhythm. It combines different elements of electronic music and can integrate different music types such as national music, classical and jazz. The range may covermusical types characterized by a lazy and slow rhythmsuch asTrip hop, Drum & Bass, Hip hop and so on. .

I Love You

 Planet Chill, Vol. 2 (Compiled by York)

Chris Wonderful 


Old school

oldschool 的譯文是守舊派。OldSchool並不是Hip-Hop專用語,在很多音樂和其他文化中都有被廣泛使用,比如old school rock, old school metal等等。音樂形式是指舊式嘻哈(old schoolhip hop)。

The translation of oldschool is the old school. OldSchool is not a Hip-Hop special language. It is widely used in many music and other cultures, such as old school rock, old school metal and so on. The form of music refers to old schoolhip hop.

舊式嘻哈(old schoolhip hop)是指非常早期的嘻哈音樂,來自1970年代和1980年代紐約市街頭的「街角派對」(block parties)。在現代的定義中,舊式嘻哈通常代表1990年代初期在許多廣播電台和電視頻道上播放的嘻哈音樂,包括「BET」電視台。

The old hip-hop (old schoolhip hop) refers to very early hip-hop music, from the "block parties" (block parties) on the streets of New York in 1970s and 1980s. In the modern definition, old hip-hop usually represents hip-hop music played on many radio stations and TV channels in the early 1990s, including the "BET" TV station.

舊式嘻哈最早是從1970年代紐約的碎拍(breakbeat)DJ出現開始,包括「Kool DJ Herc 」、「Grandmaster Flash」等人將放克唱片中的間奏部份延長,創造出更適合跳舞的音樂。他們將只有打擊樂器的間奏部份延長,因此發展出更多混音和刮碟(scratching)的技巧,之後更造成混音歌曲(remix)的流行。

The old hip-hop was first started in New York"s Breakbeat DJ in 1970s, including "Kool DJ Herc", "Grandmaster Flash" and others to extend the interlude part of the CK record to create music that is more suitable for dancing. They extend only the interlude part of the percussion instrument, thus developing more mixing and scraping (scratching) skills, and later on to the popularity of the remix.


With the expansion of hip-hop groups, performers began to speak at the time of music playing. This is the earliest "MC" (Rapper or emcee). The performer usually rap for hours each time, including some impromptu content, simple four beat rhythms, and the basic chorus, or the song of the song.


Old fashioned hip hop is often sampled from disco, soul and punk music.

不同風格的音樂蘊含著不同的文化內涵,聽音樂就要去懂音樂的文化,我們seven floor就是這樣一個擁有音樂文化的lounge吧。

Music of different styles contain different cultural meanings . We have to understand the culture behind the music to understand the music . Our seven floor is such a lounge bar posessing musical cultural meanings.

snven floor 首席音樂總監--TING即將帶領lounge家人們開啟音樂盛典。

The chief music director of snven floor, TING, will soon lead the musicians to open a music festival.


DJ TING seven floor 首席音樂總監,獨立音樂製作人,唱盤主義。2003年開始接觸搖滾樂,並擔任樂隊bas手。2006年受LINKENPARK. GOILAZ等影響開始接觸SCRATCH.並沉迷其中。2012年開始在各大比賽嶄露頭角,DMCWORLD,PIONEER.SMC HEY ,DJ亞洲大賽都取得不俗的成績。2012年DJFLY,DJSHIFTEE等人影響開始接觸編曲創作,對BASS音樂有著自己獨到的見解

DJ TING independent music producer, turnkey. he began to contact rock music in 2003 and was a band bas player. In 2006, influnced by LINKENPARK, GOILAZ,he began to contact SCRATCH and became addicted to it. In 2012, he began to steal the spotlight with achievements in various competitions, DMCWORLD, PIONEER. SMC HEY, and DJ Asia competition. In 2012, influenced by DJFLY, DJSHIFTEE and other people,he started to touch upon music composing and wrote his own unique opinions on BASS music.




2017年世界百大DJ SWANKYTUNES長沙站暖場嘉賓


2016世界百大DJ STEVE AOKI南京站暖場嘉賓



2017 changsha strawberry music festival invited DJ

2017 asgarte syllables invite DJ

2017 world top 100 DJ SWANKYTUNES changsha station warming guests

The 2016 changsha CHILLMUSIC FESTIVAL is invited by DJ

2016 world"s top 100 DJ STEVE AOKI nanjing station warm-up guest

In 2015, zhangjiagang ocean lake music festival invited DJ

2014 changsha strawberry music season changsha station invited guests






Before this, TING had already gathered a lot of popularity in EDM

In addition to gaining recognition from the industry

The first line of the electric note also looked at him

And was incorporated under the name brand

潮娛樂集團傾力打造全新的lounge品牌seven floor......



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