首頁 > 最新 > 生命中的第一次一切都會變得更大,舒適將勝過一切


一句話瑜伽,第128期Kathy:星期六我33歲了。On Saturday I turned 33.

當我回顧和反思我年輕時的自己,我想告訴她一些事情。and as I look back and reflect on the younger version of myself here are a few things I"d like to tell her.

你的身體沒必要那麼拼,強迫性瑜伽。Your body needs no work.The obsessive yoga.

練習和健身鍛煉很棒,因為你喜歡這些活動。practices and fitness workouts are great because you love those activities.

但是你不需要花太多的時間去做它們。but you don"t need to dedicate so much of your time to doing them.

你將回顧年輕時的照片,困擾你的「胖」實際上是什麼。You"ll eventually look back at younger pictures of yourself really question what"fat" you were obsessing about.

我會告訴她,最終她將懷孕,她的身體會改變。I"d tell her that eventually she"ll get pregnant and her body will change.

在她生命中的第一次一切都會變得更大,在穿什麼尺寸的衣服上會妥協,因為舒適勝過一切。Everything will get bigger and for the first time in her life she"ll have no ego in what size of clothes she"s wearing because comfort trumps all.



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