首頁 > 最新 > 董金玲個展 「一匹馬的貞潔」 將延期展出至5月17日

董金玲個展 「一匹馬的貞潔」 將延期展出至5月17日

德薩畫廊 北京空間

董金玲個展 「一匹馬的貞潔」 將延期至2018年5月17日,歡迎更多的朋友蒞臨觀展!

de Sarthe Gallery Beijing space

Dong Jinling"s solo exhibition,The Purity Of A Horsewill be extended toMay17th, 2018. Welcome to visit us!

關於董金玲 About Dong Jinling

董金玲,1986年出生於中國江蘇省,2008年畢業於雲南大學藝術史論專業本科,現工作與生活於北京。近期個展包括:悲傷,素元空間,北京,中國(2017);黑暗是我的養子,陌上實驗空間,北京,中國(2017);另外,群展包括:Performance Art as Space Intervention/ Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art,Medo,維也納,奧地利(2017);首屆梅溪國際文化藝術節,禾美術館,長沙,中國(2017);第五屆「UP-ON」國際現場藝術節,A4美術館,成都,中國(2017);一次別離,楊畫廊,北京,中國(2017);NIPAF日本國際行為藝術節 Asia WS–IN: ACT 2016,胡志明,越南(2016);「以身觀身」 行為跨介四人聯展,澳門博物館,澳門,中國(2015)。

Dong Jinling, born in 1986, Jiangsu province, China. She graduated with a Bachelor degree, major in Art History, from Yunnan University. She currently lives and works in Beijing. Her recent solo exhibitions include:GRIEF, Thrudesign, Beijing, China (2017);My Foster Child-Darkness, Moshang Experiment, Beijing, China (2017). Selected group exhibitions include:Performance Art as Space Intervention / Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art, MEDO ART, Vienna, Austria (2017);The First Meixi International Culture and Art Festival, HE Art Museum, Changsha, China (2017);Exhibition of the Fifth UP-ON International Live Art Festival, A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China (2017);A SEPARATION, curated by Zhu Zhu, Yang Gallery, Beijing, China (2017);NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival) Asia WS – IN: ACT 2016, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (2016);BEYOND ACTION, Kylin Center of Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2016);The First Art Media Nomination Exhibition, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing, China (2016);Inward Gazes-Four Artists in Performance, Macao Museum, Macao, China (2015).


德薩畫廊於1977年在巴黎創立,其後擴展至美國、香港和北京等地。德薩畫廊代理與展出來自世界各地藝術家的現當代藝術佳作,在舉辦高品質當代藝術展覽的同時,也策划了一系列具史論價值的藝術項目。自2010年進駐香港以來,德薩畫廊先後舉辦了陳箴、朱德群、漢斯·哈特 (Hans Hartung) 、羅伯特·勞森伯格 (Robert Rauschenberg) 、奧古斯特·羅丹 (Auguste Rodin) 、貝納爾·韋特 (Bernar Venet) 、趙無極等知名藝術大師的展覽。同時,畫廊亦多次給大家帶來如《具體派》和《現代中國油畫的巴黎先鋒》等開創性的群展。2017年,畫廊搬至香港藝術新聚集地——黃竹坑,開設了一個面積達一萬英尺的空間,旨在給觀眾帶來欣賞藝術大師名作更好體驗的同時,也為國際當代藝術家提供一個相對不設限的展示平台。另外值得一提的是,德薩畫廊於2014年在北京著名的草場地藝術區設立了一個面積達八千英尺的全新空間,致力於關注及推動多元化的本土藝術家。

About de Sarthe Gallery

de Sarthe Gallery was founded in 1977 in Paris, later establishing galleries in America and most recently in Hong Kong and Beijing. de Sarthe Gallery represents and exhibits a diverse spectrum of international artists, with a focus on presenting the highest quality contemporary art and historically significant programming. Since its move to Hong Kong in 2010, the gallery has continued to host groundbreaking shows for artists like Auguste Rodin, Hans Hartung, Chu Teh-Chun, Zao Wou-Ki, Robert Rauschenberg, Chen Zhen and Bernar Venet. The gallery has also exhibited pioneering group shows such as gutai and the Pioneers of Chinese Modern Paintings in Paris. In 2017 the gallery opened a 10,000 square foot space in Hong Kong"s art district, Wong Chuk Hang, to properly honor masterpiece artworks and expand its program of international contemporary artists. In 2014, de Sarthe extended its influence by settling in Caochangdi, a renowned art district in Beijing. With an 8,000 square foot space, the gallery has taken an important role exhibiting a wide range of artists that lead the emerging art scene.


328-D, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, 100015 Beijing, China

周二Tue -周日Sun 10:30AM - 06:30PM


20th Floor, Global Trade Square, 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong

周二Tue -周六Sat 11:00AM - 07:00PM


For more information about our gallery, please follow us :)

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WeChat: deSartheGallery

Twitter: deSarthe

Facebook: deSartheGalleryOfficial

Instagram: desarthegallery



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