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With the rapid development of the first industrial revolution and capitalism in Europe, the major breakthrough of natural science was coming too. The achievements of the new technology revolution were used in production widely and then led people to enter the second industrial revolution. The main characteristic of it was the popularization of electricity, which made the world step into the age of electricity. This situation caused a revolution in industrial production, which had caused the increasingly fierce friction between the labor force and the enterprise. The working class was growing at that time, the workers』 party was fighting for a stronger power in different countries as well. To expand their power, all of the workers and their political parties had a thought which could reinforce the communication with the workers around the world. In this case, Engels established the second international in 1889. The second international was the extension and the development of the first international, it promoted more countries to establish the political parties and also pushed the further progress of the labor movement.


After Japan defeated Beiyang Fleet which is ranked sixth in the world during the Sino-Japanese War, militarism expanded in Japan. Therefore, Japan aimed its next target at the Far East of Russia. In the meantime, Czar Nicholas II had been coveting Manchuria for a long time, and he wanted to gain hegemony of Manchuria. As a result, a war took place inevitably. 「A Russian soldier can defeat three Japanese soldiers, and it only took us 14 days to gather 400,000 soldiers in Manchuria,」 said a Russian general. However, the military thoughts of Russian army had been out of date for a long time. Russian army advocated hand-to-hand combats; naval transformation plan was far from being completed; the construction of Siberian Railway was still in progress. In this case, mass mobilization became impossible. Russia』s underestimating enemy and internal chaos led to its fiasco. Since then, Russians have stopped expanding to the Far East, while economic and manpower losses caused by the war further intensified domestic conflicts.


After entering The era of Imperialism, the gaps in the power of capitalist countries changed significantly. Germany with its rapid economic development began to threaten the interests of the British Empire, and the conflict between France and Germany also led to a closer relationship between France and Britain. The relationship between Russia and Austro-Hungary fell off the cliff due to disputes in the Balkan region. Therefore under the threat of Germany and Austria-Hungary, the Russian Government decided to form an alliance with Britain and France.



"The lights are going out in Europe" -- British foreign secretary Gray.

On June 28, 1914 (Serbia』s National Day), the Austro-Hungarian"s Empire"s crown prince Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalist youth in Sarajevo visit. In just five weeks, a full-scale war broke out among European countries and their colonies in the world. It is known as the first world war. Russia was not industrialized at that time. For example, its military strategy was still obeying the Suvorov"s thought, and the Cossack cavalry was still playing an important role. Thus, at the beginning of the war, German』s military power was superior to Russia』s. Not only the industry and agriculture but also the citizen were suffering from hardship.


The huge amount of resource Russia spent in WWI made the Romanov Dynasty unstable. In March 1917 ( February in Russian calendar), before the end of WWI, a bourgeois revolution was started in Russia, which was called February Revolution. With the agitation of Bolshevik, several main factories and departments in Moscow held a huge strike, and the news was spread quickly. Although Czar Nicolas II was weak, he was determined to put down rebellions. He arranged the local military to suppress the rebellion but didn"t think of the betrayal of his own army. Soon the fire of revolution got across St. Petersburg and other major cities, and the Romanov Dynasty which lasted for 304 years, was conquered in less than two weeks; the rebels won in some ways. Why are we saying "in some ways"? That is because the February Revolution was started by both the White Army and Bolshevik. Although the revolution overthrew the Imperialism regime, Russia became a country without a leader. Both the White Army and Bolshevik are related to foreign politics. Russia became an arena with different forces. The White Army was supported by the American military, whose aim is to establish a Capitalist government; while Bolshevik was supported snakily by the German government, which had the purpose of sending Lenin-- the pioneer of the revolution-- back to Russia secretly so that Russia could quit the WWI and sign the treaty with Germany. Thus, they could aim for the enemies in the Western front.




翻譯:Emilyyy, Esteban Chao, 傑西, Eason, 科爾森

校對:Summer, 歐文, Crystal




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