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Rise 青春崛起






一邊鬱悶著,一邊放著歌來聽,我慢慢好起來。以至於第二天早上,我帶著耳機走進公司,avoid every possible eye contact and small talk, 像個叛逆的中學生,心裡想著「I have my own beats」.

我們有個微信群,只有我們幾個人,每天嘰嘰喳喳的講著自己生活的故事,談男生,談心情,談工作,談how my work ruined my sex life. Oh, You won』t believe what are those topics. 但是,我在這看到了每個人的青春和掙扎。突然找到了,我缺的什麼,我缺了文學和文字。我缺了我的Margaret Atwood,Doris Lessing,我缺了看到everything I never told you 下面這段描寫小房子的牆上是怎麼留下她的腳趾印的時候,那種偷偷的喜悅。

He began to make small changes he thought she might like: he trimmed his hair; he bought a blue-striped Oxford shirt after she admired one on a passerby. (The cowlick, persistent, still stood up; years later, Nath and Hannah would inherit it, too.) One Saturday, at Marilyn』s suggestion, he bought two gallons of pale yellow paint, pushed the furniture to the middle of the apartment, and spread drop cloths across the parquet. As they brushed one section, then another, the room brightened like panes of sunlight stretching across the walls. When everything was painted, they opened all the windows and curled up on the bed in the center of the room. The apartment was so small that nothing was more than a few feet from the wall, but surrounded by his desk and chairs, the armchair and the dresser pressed close, he felt as if they were on an island, or afloat in the sea. With Marilyn tucked in the curve of his shoulder, he kissed her and her arms circled his neck, her body rose to meet his. Another tiny miracle, every time.

Later that afternoon, waking in the fading light, he noticed a tiny yellow blotch on the tip of Marilyn』s toe. After a moment of searching, he found a smudge on the wall near the end of the bed, where her foot had touched it as they made love: a dime-sized spot where the paint was blotted away. He said nothing to Marilyn, and when they pushed the furniture back into place that evening, the dresser concealed the smudge. Every time he looked at that dresser he was pleased, as if he could see through the pine drawers and his folded clothing straight to it, that mark her body had left in his space.

——Everything I Never Told You ,

Celeste Ng

工作又來了,就在我寫下這些文字的時候。工作有時候就像一個high demanding baby that drives you crazy.





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