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Buzzed goats make important discovery


It is only fitting that the history of a beverage so associated with good conversation starts with a storybook-like tale. Native only to parts of subtropical Africa, the stimulating effects of wild coffee beans are said to have been first discovered in about A.D. 800 by an Ethiopian shepherd named Kaldi, whose goats kept him up at nights after feasting on red coffee berries.


The shepherd shared his find with the abbott at a local monastery, where monks first brewed the beans into a hot drink, reveling in the way it kept them awake during long hours of prayer.


Romantic exaggeration or not, by A.D. 1000 the bean with a buzz was a favorite among those needing a boost in East Africa as well as across the Red Sea in Yemen, where the crop had migrated over with slaves.


If Ethiopia was the birthplace of coffee, Yemen was where it grew up. The brew first took hold among clerics there too, but spillover into the secular crowd didn"t take long and skyrocketing demand soon led to the world"s first cultivated coffee fields there in the 1300s. The entire Arabian peninsula became a hotbed of coffeehouse culture, with cafés – called kaveh kanes – on every corner.

如果衣索比亞是咖啡的出生地,葉門就是咖啡的成長區。 烹煮咖啡也是首先拿下了當地傳教士們,但是隨後不久就蔓延到了普通世俗百姓中,併火速上升的需求量在14世紀催生了當地首次人工種植培育咖啡。至此,整個阿拉伯半島成為了咖啡館文化的熱土,各個大街小巷都能看到被稱之為kaveh kanes的咖啡館。

By the 15th-century, Mecca resembled a medieval incarnation of Seattle, men sipping steaming mugs over games of chess and political conversations. Coffee houses were such an important place to gather and discuss that they were often called Schools of the Wise.


Coffee had much the same effect in Europe when it was introduced there in the 1600s. Cafés were the center of social life, where people with similar interests could gather and talk. The British insurance company, Lloyd"s of London, began as a café popular with sailors who often discussed insurance matters.

在17世紀咖啡進入歐洲後,也出現了類似的效果。 咖啡成為了社交生活的中心,有共同興趣的人們會聚集在一起高談闊論。英國保險公司,倫敦勞埃德,開始成為一個水手們的咖啡館,他們經常聚集在一起討論保險事務。



Caffeine becomes a cash crop


Arabia controlled the lucrative coffee industry for several centuries, exporting only roasted, infertile beans to their new trading partners in Europe and Asia. Caffeine junkies the world over were hooked, but couldn"t grow their own crops or buy beans at reasonable prices.


It took one intrepid Mecca pilgrim to break the Arab monopoly, according to legend, by smuggling some intact beans back to his native India, initiating an agricultural explosion. The Dutch also managed to get one plant back to Amsterdam and began cultivating in their Southeast Asian colonies in the 17th century. Europe now had a new, direct source for its daily coffee fix.

據傳說,一位勇敢的麥加朝聖者打破了阿拉伯世界對咖啡的壟斷。 偷偷帶走了一些未受損的咖啡豆回到了印度,由此開始了一個咖啡農業的大爆發。 荷蘭人也試圖帶回了一棵咖啡回阿姆斯特丹,17世紀時開始在他們東南亞的殖民地培育種植,至此歐洲才開始有了直接的貨源來滿足每日的咖啡需求。

Coffee plants went everywhere that European empires did, taking root in such famous bean-growing regions as Jamaica"s Blue Mountains, the Kona district of Hawaii, Indonesia"s Java Island and the rainforests of Brazil, which remains the world"s biggest producer.






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