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Secret gym hack that you need to know 你應該知道的一些健身房秘訣

Ever feel like the exercise you』ve been told to do doesn』t exactly hit the spot? Do you find yourself wasting time waiting for the equipment to (become) free? Do you ever give up on the exercise because the position is just unbearable? Well, here are 5 gym hack you need to know.

你是否覺得你按照之前他人所告知的方法來鍛煉並不能滿足你的實際需要?你是否發現自己在浪費時間等待設備(變得)閑置可用? 你是否因為難以忍受某種姿勢而放棄鍛煉?如果是這樣,下面的5種健身房秘訣將是你應該知道的。

Hamstring curls on decline bench


When machine you need isn』t available it』s time to get creative. There are different exercise variations for leg curls but our favourite is decline bench hamstring curls. Positioning the bench at a decline enables you to move your legs in a better range of motion, recruits your hamstrings more efficiently and works your muscles harder.

當你所需要的機器不可用時,則到了發揮你創造力的時候了。 腿部彎曲訓練有不同的類型,但我們最喜歡的是斜板腿部彎曲訓練。將凳子固定在一定的坡度,讓你能夠在更舒適的運動範圍內移動雙腿,更有效地收復你的腿後筋,並讓你的肌肉得到好的鍛煉。

Hamstring gluteus raises on lat pull down


Bodyweight exercises may sound easy but that couldn』t be further from truth. To take your hamstring game to the next level try this hardcore exercise using lat pull down machine for better stability.

體重訓練聽起來很容易,但事實上卻遠非如此。為了讓你的腿筋訓練更上一層樓,請使用 高拉機訓練機嘗試這種不受限制的訓練,以獲得更好的穩定性。

Bulgarian split squats on smith machine


Bulgarian split squats improve your strength, test your balance, and can be a great exercise alternative for people who can』t squat.

But let』s be honest, they can be completely unbearable.

To still take advantage of this superior exercise try performing it on a Smith machine with extra padding. Unlike the bench, Smith machine allows you to adjust the hight of the elevated leg, and using the barbell pad removes any discomfort you could otherwise feel in your back leg.



要堅持利用這個超級棒的鍛煉方式,請嘗試在史密斯架上墊用額外的填充物進行輔助練習。 與長凳不同,史密斯架允許你調整高架腿的高度,並且使用杠鈴墊可以消除你在後腿上感覺到的任何不適。

Front Squats


Not everyone is build for back squats. People with long legs might find themselves having hard time properly performing a squat or progressing. To add to it, long legged people often complain they can』t feel their quads while back squatting. If you are one of these people try front squats instead. Front squats will help you maintain a more upright position and will really activate your quadriceps muscles.

不是每個人的身體都適合後蹲。腿長的人可能會發現自己很難適當地進行下蹲或前進。 更重要的是,腿長的人經常抱怨他們在後蹲時找不到下蹲的感覺。 如果你是其中之一,可以嘗試前蹲。前蹲將幫助你保持一個更加直立的姿勢,並將激活你的四頭肌。

Abductors on adductor machine


It makes sense that to grow abductors (side of the bum) you should head for the abductor machine. Well, that might not be the case. Try this exercise on adductor machine to really feel the burn in your side gluteus!

有意義的是,為了外展肌(屁股的一邊)增肌,你應該去用用夾腿機。但是,這並不是重點。 在夾腿機上嘗試這種鍛煉時,它會讓你真正感受到臀部肌肉在燃燒!

Things you should know before starting your fitness journey.


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