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一、神奇的皮紋 Fascinating Dermatoglyphics

1.1 皮紋投射大腦系統


認識自我有相當多的途徑,比如星座、血型、行為觀察法、360評價系統等等,在此分享的是醫用遺傳皮紋學,簡稱皮紋學。在百度百科裡解釋分為三種:1、研究人體手指、手掌及腳掌間這些皮脊紋的科學;2、將皮紋學應用於醫學領域,研究生理遺傳與皮紋之間的關係;3、將皮紋學用於先天腦結構的個別差異,研究如何因材施教的科學,稱為「智能遺傳皮紋學」。再次強調,皮紋是指紋以及遍佈於掌上和足底的脊紋(細小突起如同指紋的脊紋,具有唯一性、不變性和遺傳性),而不是算命先生和病理研究凹下去的屈紋(屈紋會隨著身體素質、心情好壞和能量高低而變化)。在國內外,皮紋特徵在優秀體育人才、人類學遺傳基因、醫學疾病及智力測量方面的研究和論文近千篇。1892年英國科學家Francis Galton(進化論奠基者達爾文的表弟)發表指紋研究重要著作《指紋學》,首次將指紋分為斗紋、箕紋和弧紋。1902年Harris Hawthorne Wilder在形態學、遺傳學和種族指掌紋間的研究奠定皮紋學完整的系統基礎。1936年,美國學者Harold Cummins教授在「美國形態學協會」上提出Dermatoglyphics專有名詞。同期,研究中發現,染色體或腦部異常的病例,都有異於常人的皮紋。人的皮膚紋理在胚胎的第十三周便開始發育,至胚胎的第十九周形成,此時大腦神經元與手指皮紋同步成長,指頭上的脊紋總數(TRC)是由遺傳基因決定的,這種遺傳基因沒有顯性效應,後天環境因素影響很少。皮膚紋理一旦形成則終身不變,只有在形成期受到遺傳因素和環境因素影響才會引起一些改變。經過科學家多年的研究,現已證明許多染色體及腦部異常患者,都有著異常皮膚紋理圖像。

經過國內外近百年的眾多文獻總結,皮紋與大腦具有相當邏輯的正投射關係,比如,1938年,美國Dr. Walken教授找到皮紋與大腦的基本規律。1950年,加拿大腦外科教授Penfield指出手指皮紋與大腦間密切之關聯。1999年1月,北京體育大學的《排球運動員智能特徵及測試新方法的研究》獲國家體育總局科技進步獎。2000年4月,中國人類基因組負責人楊煥明教授在《生命大解密》一書中明確指出:從指紋也可以檢測DNA序列。2002年2月,《參考消息》刊發俄羅斯《論據與事實》發表的俄羅斯科學家研究指紋與運動能力的論文。2005年,皮紋心理學鼻祖連裕興老師於《台灣能量醫學會》期刊發表論文《自閉症皮紋特徵》。2007年,連裕興老師再次於《台灣能量醫學會》期刊發表論文《從皮紋檢測篩檢注意力缺失與過動症並探討致病原因》。


1.1 Brain Projection System with Dermatoglyphics

Our intentions are to stimulate the goodness of human kind; to exploit the unique and innate potentials of people at the vital crossroads in their lives, thereby creating a meaningful and valuable life through self-guidance!

There are many ways to know yourself, from zodiac signs and blood types, to behavioral analysis and 360 degrees evaluations. We』d like to introduce an interesting and ingenious methodology of Dermatoglyphics, which has the following explanations from on-line search: 1. A scientific study of ridge line patterns and characteristics of fingerprint, palmprint and footprint. 2. A medical research incorporating dermatoglyphics with genetic physiology. 3. A scientific study of individual differences in the brain incorporating dermatoglyphics to cater for personalized pedagogical methodology. A word of caution for readers what is being studied and used for data analysis is ridge line as opposed to crease line, the former being unique, consistent through life, genetic, the miniscule protrusions on the epidermal surface scattered with sweat pores, while the latter, dent and shady, may change throughout life based on physical conditions, emotional stimulations and energy level and are often referred to fortune telling and pathological symptoms. There had been thousands of research papers of dermatoglyphic characteristics study with regard to athletic talents, genetic traits of anthropology, medical diseases and mental power from scientists all over the world. Francis Galton, a British scientist in eugenics and cousin of Charles Darwin, published 「Fingerprints」 in1892, a milestone publication for dermatolyphic study, which made the first attempt of categorizing into 3 fingerprint patterns, whorl, loop and arch. In 1902,Harris Hawthorne Wilder established the complete systematic foundation of dermatoglyphic study for different ethnic groups in terms of morphology and genetics. The term 「Dermatoglyphics」 was first introduced in the American Morphology Association by Dr. Harrold Cummins, anatomist and scientist who had made tremendous amount of contributions to study of dermatoglyphic aberrations on chromosomal and brain abnormalities. The epidermal ridge line patterns begin to develop in the 13thweek of fetus development cycle and complete in the 19thweek, while the cerebral neurons are simultaneously developed. The Total Ridge Count (TRC) of all the fingers is determined by genetic influence which has no explicit effect and receives little,if any, influence from the environmental factors. Dermatoglyphic patterns, once formed, stay the same throughout life, and may only change a little during gestational period with genetic aberrations or severe external impact. After years of study by scientists around the world, it has been proven that dermatoglyphic pattern aberrations exist with patients of chromosomal and brain abnormalities.

The positive projection mechanism has been found between dermatoglyphic patterns and brain based on summaries of huge amount of papers and articles published in the recent 100 years from all over the world, e.g. Dr. Walken, an American physician who discovered the basic rule between dermatoglyphic patterns and the brain in 1938; Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian brain surgeon and professor indicated the close relationship between fingerprint patterns and the brain in 1950; Beijing Sport University received the National Sports Bureau』s Technological Progress Awardin 1999 with the study of new testing methodology of identifying the intellectual characteristics of volley ball players; Prof. Yang, Huanming, leader of Chinese human genes, indicated in his book that DNA test can also be done through fingerprints; Reference News reprinted the scientific research article on fingerprint and sport ability from the Russian 「Arguments and Facts」in 2002. Master Lien Yuxing, founder of dermatoglyphic psychology, published 「Dermatoglyphic characteristics of Autism」 in Taiwan Energy Medical Society periodical in 2005 followed by another paper 「Dermatoglyphic characteristics of ADHD with its pathogenesis」 in 2007.

「It is the wise who know others, the crystal clear who know themselves.」 Be aspired to use ingenuous assessment tool to identify and exploit innate talents of everyone, and become designer of thy own life!


Author Laura&Chris have devoted themselves to dermatoglyphics for many years with regard to personal growth, parent-child relationship, family education and love for work, to reach fullness of life. Let us rechoice our lives!


Please follow the author for further information regarding dermatoglyphic assessment details, taking another step towards happiness!



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