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※所有的詞義解釋,例句,同反義詞來自Oxford Dictionary,Collins Dictionary,柯林斯雙解,陸谷孫英漢大詞典, Wikipedia


Gender budgeting性別預算

Making women count要對女性負起責任


An idea to help governmentslive up totheir promises


IT IS easy to becynicalabout government—and rarely does such cynicismgo unrewarded.Take, for instance, policy towards women. Some politicians declare that they value women』s unique role, which can beshorthandfor keeping married women at home looking after the kids. Others create wholeministriesdevoted to policies for women, which can be adeviceforparkingwomen』s issues on theperipheryof policy where they cannotdo any harm. Still others, who may actually mean what they say, pass laws giving women equal opportunities to men. Yetdecreeingan end to discrimination isvery different from bringing it about.



?live up to sthif something or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised etc符合(標準);不負(盛名);履行(諾言)*The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations.銀行已經破產,將無力履行其義務。*The film has certainly lived up to my expectations.這部電影絕對沒有辜負我的期望。


?deliverv.~ (on sth)to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to履行諾言;不負所望;兌現*He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.他答應在六月底完成這項工作,我相信他會履行諾言。*She always delivers on her promises.她總是信守諾言。

?carry sthout?to do sth that you have said you will do or have been asked to do履行;實施;執行;落實*to carry out a promise/a threat/a plan/an order把承諾/威脅/計劃/命令付諸行動?

?fulfil a promise履行諾言


?1.「冷眼旁觀」、「冷嘲熱諷」。*cynical laughter嘿嘿恥笑*the cynical observer of life at a distance (Virginia Woolf. Night and Day)從遠處冷眼旁觀人生百態的人。

?2.認為世人或具體場合下的某些特定個人一定抱有卑鄙自私的目的,從而對之持懷疑否定的態度。*a cynical dismissal of the politician"s promise to reform the campaign finance system對那個政客改革競選籌款制度的諾言持否定態度。

?3.以「你不仁我也就不義」為辯解,自己本身也進行自私的算計。*The general showed a cynical disregard for the safety of his troops in his efforts to advance his reputation.那位將軍為了增進自己的聲譽,冷酷無情地不顧自己部隊的安全。

?4.「看破紅塵」、悲觀、往壞處想。*a cynical view of the average voter"s intelligence對一般選民的智慧看得很低。

?5.不帶貶義的「就事論事」、「想得開」、「講實際」。*From his cynical perspective, the reality of major social events never lived up to romantic expectation.從他那種事事想得開的觀點看來,重大社會事件的實情,從來都是滿足不了浪漫主義的期待的。

?go unrewarded無回報;未果;未獲成功*Real talent often goes unrewarded.真正的人才常被埋沒。

?draw a blankto get no response or result無迴音;無結果;無收穫*So far, the police investigation has drawn a blank.到目前為止警方的調查毫無結果。

?in vainwithout success枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣*They tried in vain to persuade her to go.他們極力勸說她去,但枉費了一番口舌。*All our efforts were in vain.我們的所有努力都付諸東流了。

?shorthand[????t.h?nd] n.[U]

?1.(對某事)簡略的表達方式*Third World is an abstraction, a form of shorthand.「第三世界」是個抽象概念,是一種簡稱。shorthand(for sth)

?2.速記;速記法*Ben took notes in shorthand.本用速記法記筆記。

?ministry[?m?n.?.stri] n.(政府的)部*the Ministry of Commerce of China中國商務部

?devicen.amethod of doing sth that produces a particular result or effect手段;策略;方法;技巧a device for doing sth*Testing yourself with information on cards is a useful device for studying.用卡片上的信息做自我測試是一種有效的學習方法。*Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device.作為一種營銷手段,用電子郵件發送廣告是非常成功的。[熟詞僻義]

?parkv.to decide to leave an idea or issue to be dealt with or considered at a later meeting把…擱置,推遲(在以後的會議上討論或處理)*Let"s park that until our next meeting.咱們把這留到下次開會時再處理吧。[熟詞僻義]

?shelvev.to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently擱置,停止(計劃)*The government has shelved the idea until at least next year.政府決定把這個想法先放一放,至少推遲到明年再說。

?keep/put sth on iceto do nothing about a plan or suggestion for a period of time將(計劃、建議)暫時擱置(凍結)*I"m putting my plans for a new car on ice until I finish college.大學畢業前,我把買車計劃暫時擱置。

?periphery[p??r?f(?)ri] n.[usually sing.]

?1.the less important part of sth, for example of a particular activity or of a social or political group次要部份;次要活動;邊緣*minor parties on the periphery ofAmerican politics處於美國政治邊緣的小黨派

?2.the outer edge of a particular area邊緣;周圍;外圍*industrial development on the periphery ofthe town城鎮周邊地區工業的發展

?peripheral[p??r?f.?r.?l] adj.1.次要的,非主要的2.外圍的,周邊的,邊緣的;(與某地區)相關的3.(計算機設備)周邊的,外圍的

?do harm (to sth)/do sth harm(對某事)有害/損害某事*Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside.現代耕作方式對鄉村造成了很大的損害。

?do sb/sth a disservice(alsodo a disservice to sb / sth)to do something that gives other people a bad opinion of someone or something損害(破壞)某人/某物(的聲譽、形象等)*The fans have done the game a great disservice.球迷們的行為大大損害了這項運動的名聲。

?cause (sb/sth) harm(給某人/某事)造成傷害*Socks that are too tight can cause as much harm as badly fitting shoes.襪子太緊造成的傷害可能和鞋子不合腳是一樣的。

?do more harm than good害多利少*The treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.他們的治療對他弊多於利。

?[句式]Some …. Others… Still others …一些人…另一些人…還有一些人…Some heard a music clip of the top three performances. Others saw a video with sound. Still others watched a silent video.一些聽了前三名表演的音樂片段。其他的則看了帶聲的表演視頻,還有一些則看了無聲的表演視頻。

?decree[d??kri?] v.If someone in authority decrees that something must happen, they decide or state this officially.決定;規定;命令;頒布*The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.聯合國安理會已通過決議,規定選舉必須在5月前舉行。??

?be very different frombe distinct from

?bring sth aboutto make sth happen導致;引起=cause *What brought about the change in his attitude?是什麼使他改變了態度?


Amid thistangleof evasion, half-promises andwishfulthinking,some policymakers have embraced a technique called gender budgeting. It not only promises todo a lot of goodfor women, butcarries a lesson foradvocatesof anycause: the way to a government』s heart is through itspocke




?1.a twisted mass of threads, hair, etc. that cannot be easily separated(線、毛髮等的)纏結的一團,亂團,亂糟糟的一堆*a tangle of branches盤繞(糾結)在一起的樹枝*Her hair was a mass of tangles.她的頭髮亂糟糟的。

?2.a state of confusion or lack of order混亂;紛亂*His financial affairs are in a tangle.他的財務一塌糊塗。

?3.(informal) a disagreement or fight糾紛;不和;爭執;打架

?wishful thinkingthe belief that sth that you want to happen is happening or will happen, although this is actually not true or very unlikely單憑主觀願望的想法;不實際的幻想;一廂情願*I think she rather likes me. But maybe that"s just wishful thinking.我覺得她很喜歡我,也許那只是我一廂情願的想法。

?do good | do sb goodto have a useful effect; to help sb(對某人)有好處,有用處,有益*Do you think these latest changes will do any good?你認為最近這些變化有什麼作用嗎?*Don"t you think talking to her would do some good?你不覺得和她談一談會有用嗎?

?carry a lesson for sb給…上了一課

?advocate[??d.v?.ke?t] n.[C]

?1.someone who publicly supports someone or something提倡者,擁護者,鼓吹者~ of*She"s a passionate advocate of natural childbirth.她竭力主張自然分娩。~ for*an advocate for the disabled殘障人士的支持者

?2.a lawyer who speaks in a court of law, especially in Scotland(蘇格蘭等的)出庭律師

?advocate[??d.v?.ke?t] v.to publicly say that something should be done主張,擁護,鼓吹*Extremists were openly advocating violence.極端主義者公開鼓吹使用暴力。~ for*Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.主張可以在醫生協助下結束生命的人宣稱,晚期病人不應當受罪。

?causen.[C]an organization or idea that people support or fight for(支持或為之奮鬥的)事業,目標,思想*Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year.動物保護主義者去年為保護動物募集了7萬英鎊。*a good cause崇高的事業*fighting for the Republican cause為共和黨的事業而奮鬥


What counts is what』s counted

At its simplest, gender budgetingsets out toquantifyhow policies affect women and men differently (see page 60). That seeminglytrivialstep convertsexhortationabout treating women fairly into the coin of government: costs and benefits, and investments and returns. You don』t have to be a feminist to recognise, as Austria did, that the numbers show howloweringincome tax on second earners will encourage women to jointhe labour force,boosting growth and tax revenues. Or that cuts to programmesdesigned toreduce domestic violence would bea false economy,because they would cost so much in medical treatment and lost workdays.




?set out to do sthto begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal(懷著目標)開始工作,展開任務*She set out to break the world record.她一心努力要打破世界紀錄。*They succeeded in what they set out to do.他們實現了既定的目標。

?quantify[『kw?ntifai] v.~sth以數量表述;量化

?quantitative[『kw?ntit?tiv] adj.數量的;量化的;定量的*quantitative analysis/research定量分析/研究

?quantifiable[?kw?nt??fa??b(?)l] adj.可量化的

?trivial["trivi?l] adj.not important or serious; not worth considering不重要的;瑣碎的;微不足道的*a trivial detail細枝末節*I know itsounds trivial, but I"m worried about it.我知道這事聽起來微不足道,但我還是放心不下。

?exhortationn.[U]規勸;勸誡;勸告*Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough, nor are exhortations to reform.光有外資顯然不夠,只是勸告人們進行改革也不行。

?exhortv.to try very hard to persuade someone to do something規勸;敦促;催促=urgeexhort sb to do sth*Police exhorted the crowd to remain calm.警察規勸人群保持鎮靜。

?the labour force勞動力市場

?workforce[?w??k.f??s] n.[C + sing./pl.v]all the people in a country or an area who are available for work(國家或行業等的)勞動力,勞動大軍,勞動人口*A quarter of the local workforce is / are unemployed.本地四分之一的勞動力都失業了。*The company is cutting its workforce.這家公司正在裁員。*skilled/educated/flexible etc workforce技術熟練的/受過教育的/靈活的勞動力[寫作]

?designv.to plan or develop something for a specific purpose(為某種特定目的)計劃,設計design sth to do sth*These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles.這些運動是為了增強肌肉力量而設計的。be designed for sb/sth*The course is designed for beginners.這門課程是為初學者設計的。be designed as sth*The book is designed as a reference manual.這本書被設計成了參考手冊。

?devotev.to use a particular area, period of time, or amount of space for a specific purpose用於devote sth to sth*The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.這次會議將集中討論健康和安全問題。

?a false economyIfyou describe an attempt to save money as a false economy, you mean that you have not saved any money as you will have to spend a lot more later.假節約;看似省錢的做法*A cheap bed can be a false economy.便宜的床看似省錢,其實可能不然。*It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.在我看來,減少圖書館的數量並不是真正的節約


As well asidentifying opportunities and errors, gender budgeting brings women』s issues right to the heart of government, the ministry of finance. Governments routinely bat away sensible policies that lack achampionwhen the money is handed out. But if judgments about whatmakes sensefor women (and the general good) are being formed within the finance ministry itself, then the battle is half-won.



?as well (as sb/sth)in addition to sb / sth; too除…之外;也;還*Are they coming as well?他們也來嗎?*They sell books as well as newspapers.他們既賣報也賣書。*She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是個攝影師而且還是個天才的音樂家。

?[注意]一般都熟知as well as常常用於並列多個概念(這些概念可以表現為名詞、代詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞短語,甚至謂語動詞,as well as後面的一個概念通常是已知的或是作為襯托的,重點往往在前一個概念上)。比如本文中重點就在bringing women』s issues right to the heart of government上。*He gave me clothes as well as food.他給了我食物還給了衣服。*I can"t carry his bags as well as my own.我拿了自己的箱子,就拿不了他的。*t has symbolic as well as economic significance.它既有經濟意義,也有象徵意義。


?n.1.~ (of sth)a person who fights for, or speaks in support of, a group of people or a belief鬥爭者;捍衛者;聲援者;擁護者*She was a champion of the poor all her life.她終身都是窮苦人的衛士。=advocate2.a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport冠軍;第一名;優勝者*the world basketball champions世界籃球冠軍

?v.to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief為…而鬥爭;捍衛;聲援*He has always championed the cause of gay rights.他一直在為爭取同性戀者的權利而鬥爭。

?make sense

?1.to have a meaning that you can easily understand有道理;有意義;講得通*This sentence doesn"t make sense.這個句子不通。

?2.to be a sensible thing to do是明智的;合乎情理*It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.買最新的版本是明智的。

?3.to be easy to understand or explain表述清楚;易於理解;道理明顯*John wasn"t making much sense on the phone.約翰在電話上說得不大清楚。*Who would send me all these flowers? It makes no sense.誰會給我送這麼多花呢?真不可思議。

?make sense of sthto understand sth that is difficult or has no clear meaning理解,弄懂(不易理解的事物)


Gender budgeting is not new. Feminist economists have argued for it since the 1980s. A few countries, such as Australia and South Africa, took it up, though effortswaxed and wanedwith shifts in political leadership—it is seen as left-wing and anti-austerity.TheNordiccountries were pioneers in the West; Sweden, with its self-declared 「feminist government」, may bethe gold standard.Now,egged onby the World Bank, the UN and the IMF, more governments aretaking an interest.They shouldsign onas the results are worth having.



?wax and wane(literary) to increase then decrease in strength, importance, etc. over a period of time(力量、重要性等)興衰枯榮,盛衰;陰晴圓缺

?austerity[???ster.?.ti] n.

?1. [U]a situation when people do not have much money to spend because there are bad economic conditions(經濟的)緊縮;嚴格節制消費*War was followed by many years of austerity.緊隨戰爭的是多年的經濟緊縮。

?2. [C usually plural, U]bad economic conditions in which people do not have much money to spend窮困,艱苦*a time of great austerity after the war戰後的極度困苦*the austerities of present Eastern Europe當今東歐的貧困

?3.[U]the quality of being austere苦行;貧窮*a life of austerity苦行的一生

?austere[???st??r] adj.

?1.simple and plain; without any decorations樸素的;簡陋的;無華飾的*her austere bedroom with its simple narrow bed她那僅有一張窄牀的簡陋卧室

?2.(of a person) strict and serious in appearance and behaviour(人)嚴肅的;嚴厲的*My father was a distant, austere man.我父親是個難以接近的嚴肅的人。

?3.allowing nothing that gives pleasure; not comfortable苦行的;禁慾的*the monks" austere way of life僧侶的苦行生活方式


?gold standard1.[singular]典範;黃金標準2.the gold standard金本位[經濟學人1.7.There is flattery in friendship]But Ms Cong says the 「Shakespeare of the East」label does Tanga disservice by implying that Shakespeare is thegold standardfor literature.

?egg onIf youegga personon, you encourage them to do something, especially something dangerous or foolish.慫恿;煽動;唆使*He was lifting up handfuls of leaves and throwing them at her. She was laughing and egging him on.他抓起一把把葉子扔向她,她大笑著鼓動他。*They egged each other on to argue and to fight.他們互相拱火,大打大鬧。??

?take an interest (in sth)(對某事物)產生興趣

?sign on

?1.to sign a document to show that you agree to work for someone簽約受雇~ as*He signed on as a soldier in the US army.他簽約在美國軍隊里當士兵。~ with*I"ll probably have to sign on with a nursing agency.我也許得和護理介紹所簽約。

?2.(BrE) to state officially that you are unemployed by signing a form, so that you can get money from the government登記失業〔以領取政府的救濟金〕


Partly becauseSouth Korea invested little in social care, women had to choose between having children, which lowers labour-force participation, or remaining childless, which reduces the country』sfertility rate. Gender budgeting showed how, withan ageing population, the country gained from spending on care. Rwanda found that investment in clean water not onlycurbed diseasebut alsofreed upgirls, who used to fetch the stuff, to go to school.Ampleresearch confirms that leaving half a country』s people behind is bad for growth. Violence against women; failing to educate girls properly; unequal pay and access to jobs: alltakean economictoll.



?[句式]partly because部分原因是…;在某種程度上是因為…*Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.有些人不願來上課,部份原因是所需的費用問題。



?partly because…Its banks were steady, it was argued, in part because they were shielded from the ferocious competition for market share that pushed banks elsewhere into hazardous loans.有人認為,加拿大的銀行業之所以穩定,部分原因是它們沒有加入爭奪市場份額的激烈競爭,而這種競爭讓其他國家的銀行爭相推出了高風險貸款。[經濟學人.Maple grief]

?due in part to sthHer success was due in part to luck.她的成功在某種程度上是由於運氣好。

?thanks partly to sthThis week the Fed raised rates for the second time in three months—thanks partly to the vigour of the American economy, but also because of growth every-where else.本周美聯儲三個月來第二次加息,部分原因是美國經濟的活力,但也多虧了全球各地的增長。[經濟學人.On the rise]

?be partly to do sth與…有一定關係*This is partly to do with the way search engines and social platforms work. [經濟學人.Winner takes all]

?be partly to blame…要負一定責任Labour abundance is partly to blame; the owners of factors of production in shorter supply—such as land in Silicon Valley or protected intellectual property—are in a better position to bargain. [經濟學人.I, taxpayer]

?the fertility rate人口出生率

?fertileadj.infertileadj. 1.不能生育的2.(土地)貧瘠的fertilisern.[C]肥料*artificial /chemical fertilizers人工/化學肥料

?an ageing population老齡化人口

?curb diseases遏制疾病

?free sb/sth (up)to make sb / sth available for a particular purpose使可用(於某目的)*We freed time each week for a project meeting.我們每周都騰出時間開一次項目會議。*The government has promised to free up more resources for education.政府保證調撥更多資源用於教育。

?ample[『?mpl] 1.enough or more than enough足夠的;豐裕的=plenty of*ample opportunity / evidence / space / proof充分的機會;足夠的證據;寬敞的空間;充足的證明2.(of a person"s figure人的體形) large, often in an attractive way豐滿的;碩大的*an ample bosom豐滿的胸脯

?take a heavy toll (on sb / sth)|take its toll (on sb / sth)to have a bad effect on sb / sth; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.產生惡果;造成重大損失(或傷亡、災難等)*Illness had taken a heavy toll on her.疾病對她的身體造成極大的損害。*The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.經濟衰退使住房市場遭受著重大損失。

?take an economic toll造成經濟損失[寫作]


Inevitably there are difficulties. Dividing a policy』s costs and benefits between men and women can be hard. Sometimes,as withlost hours of school, the costs have to be estimated. Redesigning the budgeting processupendsdecades ofpractice. If every grouppressing forchange took the same approach, it would becomeunmanageable.In a way, though, that is the point. Governments find it easy topay lip-service towomen』s rights. Doing something demandstough choices.



?[過渡句]Inevitably there are difficulties.[寫作]

?as with用以表示「如同其他類似的事例一樣」,當前拿來對比的事物,在句中可以有各種各樣的地位,可以是主語、賓語、定語、狀語,等等。

?作主語*As with the first two volumes in this series, volume III amasses a great deal of useful information (including bibliography) on the words dealt with.正如本系列的頭兩冊一樣,第三冊收集了大量涉及已經處理過的單詞的有用資訊(包括書目)。*Hermes as with the other gods had numerous affairs with goddesses, nymphs and mortals.赫爾墨斯同其他的神一樣,曾經同一些女神、仙女以及凡人都有染。

?作句中其他成分*As with the overall influence of Christian fundamentalism, his theological tenets make reconciliation in this conflict less likely.正如基督教原教旨主義曾起過的全面影響那樣,他的那些神學原理,也使得這個衝突更加難以調和。*In an agreement between two parties where there is an imbalance in power, as with the Israelis and Palestinians, the rights of the weaker party must be protected.雙方實力懸殊,像以色列人和巴勒斯坦人那樣,要達成協議,力量弱的一方,權利必須得到保護。*As with the other players, encrypted support is not provided directly by MPlayer.同其他放送機一樣,MPlayer並不直接提供加密支持。

?upend[?p』end] v.to turn sb / sth upside down翻倒;倒放;使顛倒*The bicycle lay upended in a ditch.自行車翻倒在一條小水溝里。

?practicen. [U, C]a way of doing sth that is the usual or expected way in a particular organization or situation通常的做法;慣例;常規*common / current / standard practice一般/現行/常規做法*guidelines for good practice優良做法的準則*religious practices宗教習俗

?press for sthto keep asking for sth不斷要求= demand , push for *They continued to press for a change in the law.他們不斷要求修改這項法律。

?unmanageableadj.difficult or impossible to control or deal with難以控制(或處理)的;無法對付的 manageable

?intractableadj.(formal)(of a problem or a person)very difficult to deal with(問題或人)很難對付(或處理)的 tractable

?trickyadj.difficult to do or deal with難辦的;難對付的*a tricky situation微妙的局勢*Getting it to fit exactly is a tricky business.使這完全合適是件很難做到的事。*The equipment can be tricky to install.這設備安裝起來可能很費事。

?lip-servicen.If you say that someone payslip serviceto an idea, you are critical of them because they say they are in favour of it, but they do not do anything to support it.空口的應酬話;口惠*Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.不幸的是,他對他們觀點的支持只是口惠而實不至。

?tough choices艱難的選擇




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