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最初對於京劇完全聽不進去,不知何種原因總是排斥它。不過有聽過完整的一場京劇,完全被震撼到了,原來可以這麼美。最近在春晚出現的《同光十三絕》也很贊,意境唱腔皆有,當然可以忽略掉內個爛掉的結尾。 這一前一後的變化,讓我開始反思,京劇內容博大精深,意境優美,但為何又一步一步走向衰弱呢? 很多人都說是跟不上年輕人的審美觀念,但不是說偉大的藝術可以穿越時間而常青嘛?

At first, Beijing opera could not be heard at all. Somehow, it always rejected it. However, I heard that a complete Peking opera was completely shocked, and it could be so beautiful. Recently, "Tongguang thirteen absolutely" appeared in the Spring Festival Gala. It also has a great artistic atmosphere. Of course, we can ignore the rotten ending. Let me begin to reflect on this change. The content of Peking Opera is extensive and profound, and its artistic conception is beautiful. But why is it weakening step by step? Many people say that they can not keep up with the aesthetic concept of young people, but do not mean that great art can go through time and evergreen?


The opera is a pot of slow stew. The shell of the opera is rather hard. You need a lot of knowledge to stew for a long time before entering the system. In the absence of specific knowledge, take the "Thirteen great lights of the same light" for spring evening. At least you should know the script of each story, the role of each character, and you can know what he is singing and what it tastes like. This means that the audience will take a long time to enter the theater and the audience will have a long training cycle.


The characteristics of opera appreciation are repeatability. The audience listened to the same play, savoring the same story, but every time there was a different feeling and mood, this time the experience of the play began to recall the last time. In the past, opera performances were also related to celebrating festivals and important dates. Everyone at the village was watching the grand opera. Or, someone in the family listened to the play, and the child followed him. So listening to drama is associated with a lot of real life. In a certain situation, a person who has no concept of a opera, meets one of the moments, is moved by a plot or an actor in the play, and begins to watch the play.



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