首頁 > 最新 > 總是被嘲笑英語句式Chinglish?小眾高分寫作句式打包送你


寫了十幾年的作文,讀了無數英文原版刊物,但是每到考場上寫出的英文還是「It"s very important that…」、「There is a saying that…」,真是為自己感到丟人又著急。不過不要喪,你只是掌握的句式還不夠高級、不夠俏皮、不夠native。快跟學霸君來學習幾個新句式吧~

From 英文悅讀


在上一期我們提到了一個用於舉例的短語be it (they) / whether it (they) be,今天繼續補充一個常見舉例表達:

Conflict has come to the doors of millions living in densely populated areas around the globein the form ofgang violence, terror attacks, and military strikes. Civilians are killed, historic centres are lost, and infrastructure is destroyed.

上面第一句話的意思是「衝突已經影響到全球數以百萬計生活在人口稠密地區的居民,這些衝突表現形式為暴力事件、恐怖襲擊以及軍事打擊」,其中in the form of含義是「以……形式存在」,短語的常見搭配形式是 A in the form of B,其中A一般為抽象名詞,B為具體事物,可以使用該短語來對抽象概念進行舉例說明。


They received a benefitin the form ofa tax reduction.

其中benefit是抽象名詞,a tax reduction則是具體的事物。


Help arrivedin the form oftwo police officers.

其中help是抽象概念,two police officers則是兩個具體的名詞。


Detailed reporting on crime helps citizens to safeguard themselves against potential threats by making them well-informed about events that happen around them. If residents can learn from the media that there are dangerous criminals at large in their neighborhood, then they will take necessary precautions to protect themselves, mainlyin the form ofinstalling surveillance cameras and iron gates.



Faced with a crisis, the government rushed through long-overdue laws to allow a streamlined form of bankruptcy protection similar to America"s Chapter 11. That will allow Parmalat"s new managers some breathing space while they try to salvage something from the wreckage. Helpfully, it also brings Italy more into line with other parts of Europe. Yet that merelythrows into reliefbroader Italian and European problems raised by the scandal.

上面選段中最後一句Yet that merely throws into relief broader Italian and European problems raised by the scandal. 也可以寫成Yet that merely throws broader Italian and European problems raised by the scandal into relief. 但為了避免頭重腳輕的問題,作者採用了第一種寫法。

其中 throw / bring something into relief 是一個固定搭配,含義是「(使某事物)更加引人注目,(使某問題)更加突出」。


Traffic problems have beenthrown into sharp reliefby the crisis.


(1) Global warming effects have beenthrown into sharp reliefby melting ice caps in the Arctic.

(2) The increase in lung diseases among urban dwellersthrows into reliefair pollution caused by too many private cars.



Just as it would be a mistake to underestimate the new Brazil, so it would be to gloss over its weaknesses.

這句話後半句省略了a mistake,補充完整後應該是:

Just as it would be a mistake to underestimate the new Brazil, so it would be a mistake to gloss over its weaknesses.

這個句子假設了兩種極端的情況:underestimate the new Brazil(低估新巴西),gloss over its weaknesses(掩飾新巴西的弱點),並說明這兩種極端情況都是錯誤的,由此來引出中間立場。

由此我們可以提取出一個句型Just as it would be…so it would be… 用於說明中間情況,例如:

Just as it would beunwise to promote economic growth at the expense of the environment,so it would beequally imprudent to preserve the environment to the exclusion of economic growth. The best approach, therefore, is to have an environmentally sustainable economy.



More recently, several developing countries have shown that low income and comprehensive health care arenot mutually exclusive.

其中A and B are not mutually exclusive是一個固定搭配,含義是「A和B之間並不互斥」:


Economic development and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive, as is shown by the case of the United States, where the service sector forms the backbone of the economy and growth is achieved in an environmentally friendly way.


如何表達「某事物具有雙重好處」?你可能會想到:Something has two advantages. 這裡提供一個新的表達:

Gruma is the world』s biggest maker of tortillas, with more than 100 plants in 20 countries. Free trade has beena double blessingfor such companies.

blessing在這裡的意思是「好處,益處」(something that is good or helpful),something is a double blessing for somebody 即「某事對某人而言具有雙重好處」。


Having part-time jobs can bea double blessingfor college students. First, part-time employment can help students to better understand their preferences or to test out a possible career direction, making it easier for them to find a satisfying career upon graduation. Second, students taking part-time jobs will have an advantage when it comes to job-hunting, as companies seeking to recruit recent graduates often give preference to those with real-world experience.

與blessing相關的另一個短語是mixed blessing,它的含義是「(某事)既有好處又有壞處」:


Life in the city isa mixed blessing. On the one hand, you can obtain better job opportunities and higher wages. On the other hand, you may suffer from traffic and housing problems associated with overpopulation.

本文系授權發布,By 魏劍峰,From 英文悅讀,微信號:read_the_economist,未經許可不得轉載,北美學霸君誠意推薦。



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