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As one of the four major Kings silver ten silver Jane Shanghai silver dollar, it will be on display in Singapore in 2018 spring Shanghai line one LiangWu mans version is undoubtedly this will be the hot spots of the auction, the silver dollar is in 1867 by the Shanghai municipal commission of Hong Kong by the mint, is the only coin issued by foreign settlers in China. Positive main photo is dragon, the ring around the book "Shanghai one or two" Chinese characters, mainly for the British crown emblem on the back, surrounded by English "ONETAELSHANGHAlH0NGK0NG1867" meaning "casting Shanghai one or two" in Hong Kong in 1867, the British national emblem design bottom engrave silver colour "982", namely "G566" silver content is 98.2%, and weight is the weight of 566 grains, (Grain Grain as the British unit of weight. The whole design of the silver coin showed strong British colonialism. So when municipal will "Shanghai one or two" silver market circulation, immediately rejected by Chinese businessmen and ordinary people, the "Shanghai one or two" only silver circulation in small scope, but not a lot of casting line, out of circulation issue soon. The "Shanghai one or two" coin has a very small amount of casting and a very short circulation time, so it is very rare, and it is also known as one of the great treasures of Chinese silver COINS.

It is because of scarcity, for many years in Shanghai, from all walks of life in the auction one two there is not much, in the spring of 2011, Beijing sincere one two completely not circulation appearance colorful Shanghai clinchs a deal with RMB 782000. After seven years, in 2018 the Shanghai one of two will once again the auction, now money market continues to heat, add Singapore on Chinese culture highly accepted and loved believe the Shanghai two silver hit a miracle.



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