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The Religion of Dong Ethnic Group


Chapter Four: Passed Families


Chating Dong elder men under a drum tower


Death, a word of horror since antiquity. No matter who you are, no-one can avoid the end of our lives. Therefore, people always imagine the world after death. Ancient Egyptians believe in afterlife, they think people are judged in front of gods after their death; Mesopotamians believe our souls come to an end after death; the Western Society believes that people meet God after death, he will decide if one will be in heaven or hell for eternity; Buddhism believes life is an infinite cycle, every cycle begins in each life. Most people are afraid of death, because no one feels certain about what to face after death. Is it heaven, and other life, or nothing? No one has the proved answer. However, for Dong people, since everyone has to face death, it becomes an easy word that comes to every creature"s life journey.


In the villages south of Qingshui River, parents of every infant always plant a tree for their baby. This tree grows with the child; when the child turns to the age of 50, he/she will cut the tree down and make a coffin with it. Dong people treat death leisurely, they believe everyone"s soul will come back to mother nature after life. They do not mind discussing each person"s coffin either. Coffins are usually placed in where ever is convenient; such as beneath the family granary. In other cultures, coffin is usually a taboo topic. However, there are coffins placed everywhere in Dong Villages, which form a distinctive landscape.


Same as Han people, Dong people also emphasize burial under the earth. The soil has been carrying everyone"s life, it is believed that letting body return to the earth is a respect and admiration for nature. For Dong people, we are all born out of earth, and our body will go back to earth after life. As a part of soil, our body will keep feeding and supporting our descendants.


Coffins in Dimen Village


Coffins under granaries in Dencen Village


Coffins under granaries in Dencen Village


Ancestral Worship in Southern Region


There is less contact between southern villages and the outside world; therefore it has gained fewer influences from other parts of China. Southern Dong people has a simple way of worshipping ancestors, the ritual usually happens in family"s house. According to Dong villagers, people prepare incense and candles for their ancestors during lunar new years. There must be an empty seat on the new year dinner table that is reserved for the passed family members. Ancestors" niche is placed in the middle of the central front room, which shows an important status among the family.


A niche in a house at Qianbao Dong Village, Rongjiang County. The couplet of niche writes: "Piety to parents leads to wealth, Admiration to ancestors leads to prosperity."


Dong people think when their elder family dies, his/her soul lives in mysterious spiritual regions, which helps to keep family prosperous and wealthy. Therefore, they consider burials as an important affair.(1)Dead families are usually buried in a highly decorative graveyard with an appearance of a palace, those palaces symbolize dwelling places for dead people.


Graveyards in Dimen village, this decorated stone palace represent the living place for dead ancestors.


Besides ancestor worship, Dong people are very respectful toward elders as well. Elders usually socialize under drum towers and play with little kids. Those elder people have more privileges giving orders, all younger people have to listen to their instructions. On a dinner table, you can only move your chopsticks after the oldest family member』s permission.


Southern Dong People do not build fancy temples for their ancestors. However, each action and behavior is important to the family. For southern Dong people, it does not matter whether there is an elegant place to worship. Fancy structures do not matter as long as people behave sincerely and faithfully.



1.《侗族文化大觀》貴州民族出版社2016年6月第一版,第十五章:宗教信仰,324頁,貴州省民族事務委員會編。The Culture of Dong Ethnic Group, Guizhou Nationality Publishing House, the first edition of June 2016, the fifteenth chapter: religious belief, Page41, by the Guizhou Ethnic Affair Commission.



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