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500 Miles

 The music from beautiful angel

The Innocence Mission 


Martina Eriksson是瑞典建築師,自2003年創立M-Arkitektur以來,一直在公司的架構中進行自己的建築設計項目。致力於發展與現有的建築環境,清晰的景觀,當地的氣候,並經常與當地的材料和工藝有關的整體思維的建築。

Since 2003 Martina Eriksson have been doing my own architectural activity in the company"s architecture. The focus of the business is to develop buildings with an overall thinking in relation to the existing built environment, a clear landscaping, local climate, and often with local materials and crafts.

Martina Eriksson曾挪威的Bergen建築高等院校和斯德哥爾摩皇家學院受過教育,並於1998年獲得皇家學院學士學位。

I am educated at Bergen Architectural High School in Norway and at KTH in Stockholm, with a degree from KTH in 1998.


The office cooperates with wood, steel, concrete and wood designers, as well as designers, if necessary.It will create an enhanced quality of life for the user, both functionally and aesthetically.

在進行最初的建築教育之前,Martina Eriksson曾擔任過大約五年的建築工程師。一年在Mora的Skanska建築公司工作,四年在Falun和柏林的White Architects工作。畢業後,在斯德哥爾摩各建築辦事處擔任建築師約五年,主要設計多戶住宅和辦公大樓。

Prior to the initial architectural education,Martina Eriksson worked as a construction engineer for about five years. One year on the construction company Skanska in Mora and four years at White Architects in Falun and Berlin. After graduation, sheI have worked for approximately five years as an architect at various architectural offices in Stockholm, with the design and design of mainly multi-family houses and office buildings.



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