首頁 > 新聞 > 哈獸研學者發現干擾素誘導的馬屬動物抗慢病毒感染的新機制



近日,中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所馬傳染病與慢病毒病研究團隊在《Journal of Virology》在線發表了題為」Equine Myxovirus Resistance Protein 2 Restricts Lentiviral Replication by Blocking Nuclear Uptake of Capsid Protein」的研究論文。闡明了馬Myxovirus Resistance Protein 2(Mx2)蛋白對抗慢病毒感染的作用機制。





Human Myxovirus resistance 2 (huMxB) has been shown to be a determinant type I interferon-induced host factor involved in the inhibition of HIV-1 as well as many other primate lentiviruses. This blocking occurs after the reverse transcription of viral RNA and ahead of the integration into the host DNA, which is closely connected to the ability of the protein to bind the viral capsid. To date, Mx2s derived from non-primate animals have shown no capacity for HIV-1 suppression. In this study, we examined the restrictive effect of equine Mx2 (eqMx2) on both the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) and HIV-1 and investigated possible mechanisms for its specific function. We demonstrated that IFNα/β upregulates the expression of eqMx2 in equine monocyte-derived macrophages (eMDMs). Overexpression of eqMx2 significantly suppresses the replication of EIAV, HIV-1, and SIVs, but not that of MLV. Knockdown of eqMx2 transcription weakens the inhibition of EIAV replication by type I interferon. Interestingly, immunofluorescence assays suggest that the subcellular localization of eqMx2 changes following virus infection, from being dispersed in the cytoplasm to being accumulated at the nuclear envelope. Furthermore, eqMx2 blocks the nuclear uptake of the proviral genome by binding to the viral capsid. The N-truncated mutant of eqMx2 lost the ability to bind the viral capsid as well as the restriction effect for lentiviruses. These results improve our understanding of the Mx2 protein in non-primate animals.IMPORTANCEPrevious research has shown that the antiviral ability of Mx2s is confined to primates, particularly humans. EIAV has been shown to be insensitive to the restriction by human MxB. Here, we described the function of equine Mx2. This protein plays an important role in the suppression of EIAV, HIV-1, and SIVs. The antiviral activity of eqMx2 depends on its subcellular location as well as its capsid binding capacity. Our results showed that following viral infection, eqMx2 changes its original cytoplasmic location and accumulates at the nuclear envelope where it binds to the viral capsid and blocks the nuclear entry of reverse transcribed proviral DNAs. In contrast, huMxB does not bind to the EIAV capsidand shows no EIAV restriction effect. These studies expand our understanding of the function of the equine Mx2 protein.





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