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墨西哥TEC 205住宅

House TEC 205 / Moneo Brock Studio


來自建築事務所的描述:Casa TEC 205項目毗鄰墨西哥蒙特雷的Chipinque生態公園,這是一片由Sierra Madre設計的城市景觀場所。這座住宅是蒙特雷科技大學組織的競賽活動的一等獎項目,該活動主要目的是為學生集資。

Text description provided by the architects. The Casa TEC 205 is located very close to the Chipinque ecological park in Monterrey, an urban landscape dominated by the Sierra Madre. This house is the first prize in a raffle organized every year by the Technological University of Monterrey to raise funds for its students.


The house design preserves four large extant trees on the site. Now embedded in the house, the trees characterize the spaces they inhabit. Major interior spaces enjoy direct connections to their own corresponding outdoor spaces, each associated with a different landscape, a unique character and quality of light.


In order to gather these outdoor spaces into the project, a series of large wall planes that intersect in the house』s center project into the surrounding outdoor space, moving continuously between the interior and the exterior of the house. This constructivist assembly allows the walls to be read as independent, plastic elements, effectively blurring the distinction between inside and outside.

許多人都十分羨慕墨西哥建築的豐富色彩,其中最具代表的是墨西哥建築大師里卡多?列戈瑞達(Ricardo Legorreta)和路易斯?巴拉干(Luis Barrag)的建築作品。因此,在這個項目中,建築師為牆體施加了濃墨重彩,不僅僅是因為建築師擅長色彩的運用,同時也表達了對大師作品的尊重。

We have always admired the use of color in Mexico, from its vernacular architecture to that of the masters Luis Barragán and Ricardo Legorreta. We have applied strong colors to these walls not only because we often use color in our work, but clearly as recognition and homage to this great heritage as well.


Because the land slopes steeply down from the entry level we were able to invert the conventional arrangement, placing the bedroom floor below the entry floor instead of above. The bedrooms take advantage of the earth』s thermal mass, bringing natural freshness to the house and lowering cooling loads during the many months of high temperatures in Monterrey. This arrangement allows the more public floor to enjoy the better views that it』s higher position affords, and provides direct access to the garden for all the bedrooms.


The roof top is conceived as a large exterior room, accessible directly from the street entry, delimited by walls and windows that frame the fantastic views of the Monterrey mountains.


In the interior design the color has been the main character. The pigments applied to walls run inside and outside, emphasizing their autonomy and determining the character of each space. In some rooms, we have used wallpapers with vibrant murals to provide color and design. In others we have placed Mexican tiles with geometric patterns and bright colors.

顏色鮮艷的幾何形地墊也由Moneo Brock設計,另外入口大廳塗有丙烯顏料的半透明「PlexiJazz」屏風和彩色乙烯基塑料也具有同樣的特點,在門廳內接待參觀者,為參觀者呈現了室內設計色彩的共同特徵。

Also designed by Moneo Brock are the colorful, geometric carpets and the 「PlexiJazz」 screen of translucent acrylic and colored vinyl, which receives visitors in the entrance hall and establishes the general character of the interior design.

建築設計:Moneo Brock Studio


主創建築師:Belén Moneo, Jeffrey Brock

建築團隊:Pedro Arnanz, Irene Alberdi, Francisco Blázquez, Juan Crespo, Guillermo Avanzini, Elias Sad

項目與施工管理:Construcción Sorteos Tec: Santiago Cerna, Alonso Villarreal, Araceli Santibá?ez, Lizzette Garza

結構工程:Sociedad de Dise?o Constructivo, S.A. de C.V.

基礎設施工程:AISA, Alta Ingenieria en Instalaciones, S.A. de C.V.

施工方:Grupo Inmobiliario Canada, S.A. de C.V.

場地面積:738 m2

花園面積:398 m2

面積:673.0 m2


攝影:Adrián Llaguno – Documentación Arquitectónica

製造商:NOVIDESA, Cuprum, Mobiliário, Porcelanosa

Architects: Moneo Brock Studio

Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Lead Architect: Belén Moneo, Jeffrey Brock

Architecture team: Pedro Arnanz, Irene Alberdi, Francisco Blázquez, Juan Crespo, Guillermo Avanzini, Elias Sad

Project and construction management: Construcción Sorteos Tec: Santiago Cerna, Alonso Villarreal, Araceli Santibá?ez, Lizzette Garza

Structural Engineering: Sociedad de Dise?o Constructivo, S.A. de C.V.

Facilities Engineering: AISA, Alta Ingenieria en Instalaciones, S.A. de C.V.

Construction: Grupo Inmobiliario Canada, S.A. de C.V.

Site Area: 738 m2

Garden Area: 398 m2

Area: 673.0 m2

Project Year: 2018

Photographs: Adrián Llaguno – Documentación Arquitectónica

Manufacturers: NOVIDESA, Cuprum, Mobiliário, Porcelanosa



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