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— 摘 要 —

中國是世界上最大的碳排放國。本文基於投入產出分析建立了一個優化模型——經濟與氣候集成模型(Integrated Model of Economy and Climate, IMEC)。該模型旨在評估降低排放與促進經濟增長之間的權衡關係。給定中國未來20年的預期年均經濟增長率將超過5%,中國二氧化碳排放量可以在2026年達到峰值。在這一情景下,中國的碳排放量將在2026年達到112億噸的峰值,然後在2030年下降到109億噸。與在2030年達到碳排放峰值的情景相比,中國在這一情景下從2015年到2035年間累計碳減排220億噸。與此同時,提前達峰將會對中國GDP產生影響,20年間累計減少16%國內生產總值。中國為應對全球氣候變化做出了巨大貢獻。為了在2026年底前達到二氧化碳排放量的峰值,中國需要在2030年將能源強度和碳強度分別下降到2015年水平的43%和45%。



China is the largest emitter of carbon emissionsin the world. In this paper, we present an Integrated Model of Economy and Climate (IMEC), an optimization model based on the input-output model. The model is designed to assess the tradeoff between emission deceleration and economic growth. Given that China"s projected average growth rate will exceed 5% over the next two decades, we find that China may reach its peak CO2emissions levels by 2026. According to this scenario, China"s carbon emissions will peak at 11.20 Gt in 2026 and will then decline to 10.84 Gt in 2030. Accordingly, approximately 22 Gt of CO2will be removed from 2015 to 2035 relative to the scenario where in China"s CO2emissions peak in 2030. While this earlier peaking of carbon emissions will result in a decline in China"s GDP, several sectors, such as Machinery and Education, will benefit. In order to reach peak CO2emissions by 2026, China needs to reduce its annual GDP growth rate to less than 4.5% by 2030 and decrease energy and carbon intensity levels by 43% and 45%, respectively, from 2015 to 2030.




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