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Kaleido是一個區塊鏈業務雲,幫助企業構建和管理區塊鏈平台,而無需從頭開始,並且基於Ethereum區塊鏈。這是Joseph Lubin』s區塊鏈孵化器「共識」所支持的新興企業之一。



正如Kaleido的創始人之一Steve Cerveny告訴CNBC的那樣,公司可以「專註於他們的設想,而不需要成為密碼學中的博士」。

在與Kaleido的最新合作之前,AWS在4月份發布了一個區塊鏈框架,用於Ethereum (ETH)和Hyperledger Fabric,允許其用戶構建和管理自己的塊驅動的分散應用程序(dapp)。去年,一份針對亞馬遜(Amazon)創始人傑夫?貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)的請願書要求將加密貨幣作為電子商務平台上的一種支付方式接受,但該公司迄今尚未做出這一選擇。



Amazon Web Services (AWS), the tech giant』s cloud computing arm, is partnering with ConsenSys』 blockchain startup Kaleido to offer simplified blockchain cloud platforms for its clients, CNBC reports today, May 15.

Kaleido is a blockchain business cloud that helps enterprises build and manage blockchainplatforms without having to start from scratch, and is based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is one of the emerging ventures supported by Joseph Lubin』s blockchain incubator ConsenSys.

Lubin told CNBC that Amazon』s move 「is a heavy duty, full stack way of getting the company into blockchain solutions.」

Kaleido is already listed on AWS marketplace, where it explains that the blockchain solution is designed to accelerate the 「entire journey from experimentation and PoCs [proofs-of-concept] to pilots and production.」 Clients can choose 「between Ethereum protocol packages Geth and Quorum」 as well as 「consensus algorithms such as RAFT, IBFT, and POA.」

As Steve Cerveny, one of the founders of Kaleido, told CNBC, companies can therefore 「focus on their scenario, [without having] to become PhDs in cryptography.」

Before its latest partnership with Kaleido, in April AWS released a blockchain framework for Ethereum (ETH) and Hyperledger Fabric, allowing its users to build and manage their own blockchain-powered decentralized applications (DApps). Last year, a petition directed at Amazon founder Jeff Bezos demanded that cryptocurrencies be accepted as a mode of payment on the e-commerce platform, but the company has to date not made this option available.

Ethereum is currently trading at $737.75 at press time, down 0.33 percent over a 24-hour period.



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