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Concerto In F major "L"autunno" RV 293 I. Allegro 3


Fabio Biondi 


Concerto In F major "L"autunno" RV 293 II. Adagio


Fabio Biondi 


Concerto In F major "L"autunno" RV 293 III. Allegro


Fabio Biondi 


維瓦爾第《四季》- Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi violin



By Eric Dahan


- June 23, 2001 at 1:20 am

- 2001年6月23日凌晨1點20分

Founded ten years ago, the Europa Galante ensemble conquered audiences and critics with the juicy, sunny sound of Bach or Boccherini, the sparkling bow and the innovative articulation of its founder, the virtuoso violinist and musicologist Fabio Biondi .


The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 3 in F Major, RV 293 "L"autuno"

 The Golden Age of Italian Baroque Music

Europa Galante 


But nothing foreshadowed the shock of his first engraving for Opus 111 Four Seasons Vivaldi, prancing at the head of French record sales in 1996 with 400,000 copies sold. The magazine Stereo Review, speaking of "historical reference", will evoke "the same impression that would seize at the sight of a painting of Caravaggio or Tiepolo freshly restored,the brilliance of the colors, this passion absolutely Italian, who suddenly find their power of seduction beyond the centuries.」

但沒有什麼能預示他第一次為Opus 111公司錄製的維瓦爾第的《四季》(Vivaldi The Four Seasons Spring:Violin Concerto in E, Op.8, No.1, RV269,Summer:Violin Concerto in G minor, Op.8 No.2, RV215,Autumn:Violin Concerto in F, Op.8 No.3, RV293,Winter:Violin Concerto in F minor, Op.8 No.4, RV297)所帶來的震撼,這張唱片以40萬張的銷量躍居1996年法國唱片銷售排行榜榜首。《立體聲評論》(The magazine Stereo Review) 雜誌談到「歷史的參考」,(這張唱片)會喚起「如同在眼前看到一幅卡拉瓦喬(Caravaggio)或蒂普洛(Tiepolo)最新修復的畫作 ,色彩的光輝、這種義大利式絕對的激情,產生同樣的印象,會突然發現其魅力跨越了幾個世紀。」

Sonata in re minore per violino e basso, Op.6 No.12 I Adagio

 Italian Violin Sonatas

Fabio Biondi 


Five years later, Biondi, born in Palermo on March 15, 1961 and discovered at the age of 16 in Marc Minkowski"s sets, Jordi Savall and Gérard Lesne, published Il Cimento dell"armonia e dell"inventione, a collection of twelve Vivaldi concertos (including the Four Seasons) being his first release at Virgin Classics. Innovative, this recording is as much as the first by the violence of the attacks and the dynamic contrasts, the delirious tempos demanding of the baroque instrumentalist of the technical prowess that was thought to be reserved for the romantic world, and especially a sum of intentions interpretative interpretations that make it no longer a program decorative work, but a psychological odyssey. The opportunity for an explanation with the interested party.

比昂迪於1961年3月15日出生於巴勒莫,16歲時在馬克·明科夫斯基(Marc Minkowski)的套裝錄音中被發現,還有朱迪·薩瓦爾(Jordi Savall)和傑拉德·萊斯內(Gerard Lesne),五年後出版的作品是《和聲與創意的實驗》(Il Cimento dell』armonia e dell』inventione),這是他第一次在維京古典(Virgin Classics)發行作品,維瓦爾第的這十二首協奏曲,其中包括《四季》(the Four Seasons)。創新,這個錄音幾乎是第一次以激烈的力度和動態對比、發狂的節奏要求巴洛克樂器演奏家具備超凡的技術實力,這被認為是留給浪漫世界的,特別是一些意圖作為說明的解釋,使裝飾性工作不再是問題,但這是一次心理歷險。與相關方進行解釋的機會。

L"Autunno, RV 293: I. Allegro

 Vivaldi: The Four Seasons

Fabio Biondi 


L"Autunno, RV 293: II. Adagio

 Vivaldi: The Four Seasons

Fabio Biondi 


L"Autunno, RV 293: III. La Caccia

 Vivaldi: The Four Seasons

Fabio Biondi 


Eric Dahan :What did you learn about Vivaldi"s manuscripts compared to the Leceneedition?


Fabio Biondi :For the Lecene edition, Vivaldi had gathered concerti written at different moments of his life, and, for a greater diffusion of his music, had erased the most difficult aspects of execution of certain pieces written to satisfy the narcissism of virtuosos and amaze the audience hungry for sensations. In addition to bursting with fingerings and bow styles, the manuscripts can be used to follow Vivaldi when he composes. Why such erasure here, such an addition there ...


In the manuscript of the Tempesta di Mare, we discover the formation of the Dresden court orchestra of which Pisandel, who will do much for the diffusion of Vivaldi"s music in Germany, was the first violin augmented by two oboes and a bassoon that give an interesting color. In the Estate, we discover an agogic relationship (which changes the tempo transiently) and a very strong metronomic between the storm and the adagio, which means that Vivaldi sought, by this sequence, to suggest a presurrealist emotion.

Violin Sonata in G Major: I. Siciliana

 The Poet

Fabio Biondi 


在《海上風暴》(Op. 8 No. 5 Concerto In E Flat Major ,RV253"La Tempesta Di Mare")的手稿中,我們發現了德累斯頓宮廷管弦樂隊的組成,皮森泰爾(Johann Georg Pisendel 1687–1755,德國德累斯頓宮廷管弦樂隊的領導者,德國著名音樂家、小提琴家、作曲家,當時歐洲最好的小提琴演奏家。)將會為維瓦爾第的音樂在德國的傳播做大量的工作,他把第一小提琴搭配兩個雙簧管和一個大管加以增強,呈現出一種有趣的色彩。在音樂構建中,我們發現了一種緩急的關係(這改變了瞬間的節奏),在暴風雨和柔板之間製造出一種強有力的節奏,這意味著維瓦爾第通過這種順序安排暗示了一種先驗的現實主義情感。

Violin Sonatas No. 10 in G Minor, Op. 1, B.g 10 "Didone abbandonata"

 The Golden Age of Italian Baroque Music

Fabio Biondi 


Eric Dahan :Why did not Vivaldi leave a violin treatise?


Fabio Biondi :At the crossing point of the old baroque school and the Neapolitan gallant school, Vivaldi"s work can be considered as an encyclopaedia of the possibilities of the violin of its time. And to return to the Four Seasons, I believe that this work, which we have been playing for ten years, has become the mirror of the life of our ensemble, as it now seems to me to document the life and psyche of the eighteenth century in a revolutionary way.


If it were only to reproduce the song of the birds, we would have tired of it. It may seem paradoxical, but the respect of the baroque letter leads us to express modern and modern things with Vivaldi.


Caro mio ben (我親愛的)

 Pavarotti Forever

Luciano Pavarotti 


Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV. 846

 Bach: The Well

Angela Hewitt 


II. Adagio (第二樂章 慢板)

 Sibelius & Brahms : Violin Concertos

Pinchas Zukerman 




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