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What Libraries Mean to the Nation



Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

安娜 ? 埃莉諾 ? 羅斯福

安 娜?埃 莉 諾?羅 斯 福(Anna Eleanor Roosevelt,1884—1962),美國第 32 任總統富蘭克林?羅斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)之妻,社會活動家、外交家、作家。她任美國「第一夫人」長達 12 年,創美國歷史之最。二戰期間,她在歐洲、拉美等地區為改善青少年和下層人民的生活而鬥爭。她是美國第一任駐聯合國大使,後當選為聯合國人權委員會主席,協助起草了《世界人權宣言》(The Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。她的作品包括《我的故事》(This Is My Story)、《走向明天》(Tomorrow Is Now)等。

本文是羅斯福夫人 1936 年 4 月 1 日在哥倫比亞特區圖書館協會晚宴上的致辭。在講話中,她以樸實動人的語言表達了對美國教育狀況的擔憂,以及對吸引更多人讀書、愛書、討論書的期許。她將書籍與青年成長、終身教育乃至國家興衰聯繫在一起,使閱讀的意義不言而喻。









前些天我收到一封令人心酸的來信。信是一位老人寫的,他說自己 74 歲了,他寫信是為了讓我確認一下他那個社區的成人教育班沒有停辦,因為學習閱讀對他來說意義非凡。


他說:「我不是唯一的一個。我隔壁的鄰居今年 81 歲,他去年冬天學會了閱讀,這讓我們重生了。」這讓我覺得,儘管我們已經做了一些事,但我國的教育事業仍有大量工作要做。

我們已經走了很遠, 我們已經做了很多,但是要改進教育體系,我們還有許多事可以做,僅僅在圖書館這件事上就大有可為。



I have lived a great deal in the country, in a state which prides itself in spending much money on education, and I am quite sure that some people think there is no lack of education and no lack of library facilities, and sometimes I long to take people and let them see some of the back country districts that I know, in New York State. I know one place in the northern part of the state where I camped for a while in the summer, and I went to the schools and talked to the teachers. They are using school books which have been passed down from one child to another. They have practically no books outside of the textbooks. The children in the district are so poor and some of them so pathetic that I suppose the struggle to live has been so great you could not think much about what you fed the mind, but I came away feeling that right there, in one of the biggest and richest states in the country, we had a big area that needed books and needed libraries to help these schools in the education of the children, and, even more, to help the whole community to learn to live through their minds.

We are doing a tremendous amount through the home economics colleges to help people to learn how to live in their homes, to better their standards of material living. We have got to think in exactly the same way about helping them to live mentally and to attain better standards, and we can do it only through the children. We can do ground work with the children; we must begin with them; but we have got to do a tremendous amount with the older people.

I had a letter the other day which was pathetic. It was from a man who said he was 74 years old. He wrote to ask me to see that the adult education classes in that particular community were not stopped, because it had meant so much to him to learn to read. He did not think that I could understand what it meant never to have been able to understand a word on the printed page. He said, 「I am not the only one. My next door neighbor is 81 and he learned to read last winter, and it has just made life over for us.」 It gave you the feeling that there is a good deal of education that is not being done in this country, in spite of all that is done.

We have come a long way. We have done a great deal, but we still have a lot that can be done to improve our educational system, and we still have a tremendous amount to do with our libraries. We have got to make our libraries the center of a new life in the mind, because people are hungry to use their minds.



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