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The Cure 


我既愛攝影又愛畫畫,因此很被Michael Cherney的作品吸引,他擅長用攝影留住瞬間,再用水墨呈現作品,宜古宜今,宜中宜西,很有趣味。

五峰 Five Peaks

秋麥 Michael Cherney


Photography,ink on Xuan paper.

Set of 5 hanging scrolls


「彷彿在一條長長的道路上,鋪設一塊塊石材。」 Michael如是描述每一次拍攝。

山海圖#7 Map of Mountains and Seas #7

秋麥 Michael Cherney


Photographic print on mitsumata paper



透視 #1 Perspectives #1

張洪 / 秋麥 Arnold Chang/Michael Cherney


Ink painting and photographic print on paper



透視 #2 Perspectives #2

張洪 / 秋麥 Arnold Chang/Michael Cherney


Ink painting and photographic print on paper


輞川圖 Wangchuan

張洪 / 秋麥 Arnold Chang/Michael Cherney


Ink painting and photographic print on paper



Nature Observer——Michael Cherney

I love photograpy and painting. Michael Cherney, who combines the use of camera to capture themoments and the painting skills to display his final works,has amazed me greatly. His works have the intriguing qualities of both old and new, oriental and western.

I suppose every photography aficionado has this same experience --- the world observed through a camera viewfinder is different from the real. Their eyes seem to become more sensitive, detail-oriented and even more extensive. The kind of extension is not just visual, but more like an abstract broadening of time and space, it is like opening up the historical viewpoint.

"I feel like I"m laying stones after stones on a long stretch of road." Michael describes his every camera shot.

China is unique because she has a continual and uninterrupted art traditions, which can betraced way back into the old times.China is undergoing a time of tremendous changes, capturing historical moments with a camera will retain precious memories.

As an American, Michael shoota his photos at places that has great cultural and historical heritages, thus gaining experiences as well as understanding, traveling back in time to understand the country"s history through comprehensive contrast and knowledge.

His completed works have a few successful factors, firstly season and weather, followed by camera. All the pictures are shot through the use of films, then a local area within the 35mm film is magnified. The grainy touch of the the film can be a main factor of their fine qualities.

The combination of coarse grains,non-predetermined angles, lack of details and absence of contrasting objects has accomplished the abstractedness of the view.

To finalize his works, he then prints the pictures on Xuan paper with traditional ink. When some of the ink gets soaked into the paper and cause the loss of some details and vitality, the final works nevertheless become more breathtaking for certain type of scenes.

In his poem, Liu Changqing said, "When we are together, we become speechless. "When face his own works, words are just powerless. Instead of using poems and paintings, Michael uses nature, light and his camera to speak for himself.Photography has made him an observer, rather than the focus of his own artistic creation.

Zhuangzi said long time ago, " Nothing can trap your heart, nothing can degenerate your heart,nothing can entangle your heart, nothing can dominate your heart. " Our heart should be like a clear mirror, reflecting the heavens and the earth,neither pushing them away or welcoming them in, hiding nothing.

Aside from active creativity, we can embrace all that natures has to offer. Only then can a photographer find a view that is more close to the nature outlook, making this art a out-of-this-world experience that is within this world.

Museum of Arts,

The University of Hong Kong.

May of 2018.



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