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《噴子滾開》:Being Different Is Not A Bad Thing


本期主播:王鶴儒 孫露元


文本編輯:王奭佳 張詩琪

又是為大家推薦好看的美劇和好看的電影的時間啦!今天,我們將給大家推薦一部非常冷門的美劇,豆瓣評分才6分,但其實我認為,這部劇的價值不僅僅有那麼點,你一定沒有聽說過這部美劇,這部劇叫做 『噴子滾開』。

It"s time to recommend good American TV series and good movies. Today, we will recommend you a very very strange TV show that just gets 6 points in Rotten tomatoes. But I believe that the value of the show, you may not hear of this show, the show is called "haters back off』.


The show, which premiered on Oct. 15, 2016, is an elaborate Netflix series that is said to have been adapted from a live-action YouTube event.


The odd family life of Miranda Sings, an incredibly confident, totally untalented staron the rise who continues to fail upward by the power of her belief that she was born famous, it"s just no one knows it yet.

美劇中,Miranda是home-school長大的,所以她才那麼 "freak", "weird "得徹底。因為家庭教育,媽媽是一個從來只順著她、鼓勵她、溺愛她的柔順中年婦女:溫婉嫻良,說話聲音從來都很小,把女兒的需求一直放在自己之上。

Miranda was brought up by homeschool, so she was "freak" and "weird ". Because of the family education, mom is a gentle, middle-aged woman who has always followed her, encouraged her, doted on her. Her voice is always very small, the daughter"s needs always on her own.

而舅舅,簡直一手催化或培養了Miranda的特殊,因為舅舅也是一個 totally freak , Miranda 和舅舅很多非常ridiculous的想法,一拍即合!舅舅很怪,卻將Miranda視為珍寶,鼓勵她、幫助她,無時無刻陪伴著她。Miranda 受到舅舅鼓勵,二人準備開啟自己在YouTube上的網紅之路。

As for her uncle, it"s almost catalyst Miranda, because her uncle is also a totally freak, and they have a lot of very ridiculous ideas each other, Miranda and uncle chime in easily ! Her uncle wasvery strange, but he regarded Miranda as a treasure, encouraging her, helping her, and accompanying her all the time. Miranda was encouraged by her uncle, who was ready to back to her YouTube channel.


Thus, with the unconditional support and love of her family, Miranda was not aware ofher differences with others, and she did not feel weird. In her eyes, she was acomplete genius, a talented performer. The other people who hate her are weird.


Her younger sister Emily is the only normal person in the this family, but she was neglected by everyone at home, at the dinner table, her sister is always the main character anytime, no one think about Emily.


I really recommend you to watch this American TV series, which makes me deeply reflect on the importance of family education.



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