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2018-044 《誘惑和糾結:中國海外游市場》

第二屆德國柏林國際旅遊交易會(Internationale Tourismus-B?rse Berlin)於2018年5月16日在中國上海世博展覽館隆重開幕,聚焦於中國出境游市場 B2B 領域。在5月16日至18日為期三天的行業盛宴上,來自全球各地的700多位展商和15000名參會者將在平台上會面,並展開相應的溝通與合作方案,由此足可以看出中國旅遊市場對全球的吸引力。數據顯示,目前中國國內旅遊市場仍然有著巨大的潛力,這也是中國經濟能得以持續發展的一個非常重要的基礎,它不僅僅對國內的企業有利,實際上也有助於中國在國際貿易中保持有利的地位。




Up and away: Chinese tourism

① Today the world"s largest travel show, ITB Berlin, opens its second event in China.

② Some 15,000 attendees from travel firms across the globe are expected to descend on Shanghai, where the gathering is taking place.

③ Airlines, hotels and travel agents are eager to grab a slice of China"s booming outbound travel market.

④ The number of Chinese going abroad on holiday has rocketed in the past decade, from 41m a year to over 130m.

⑤ That number is likely to rise further still.

⑥ The chief executive of Ctrip, a travel giant based in Shanghai, predicts that the number of Chinese who hold passports will double by 2020.

⑦ But it is easy to get burned riding this tourism dragon.

⑧ Western cruise lines—which have launched a flotilla of ships to chase a Chinese market that was growing at 80% a year—are hurting now that passenger numbers are forecast to shrink by 15% in 2018.




travel show 旅遊交易會

travel firm 旅遊公司

travel market 旅遊市場

Ctrip 攜程


上升 increase/rise/climb

飆升 rocket/surge/soar/escalate

下降 descend

驟降 plunge

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