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Which player"s career is worst you would accept for #1 pick in draft?


The title probably isn"t phrased well so I"ll try to explain it.


In hypotetical situation in which you have 1st pick in this (or some other) year"s draft and you can trade that pick for current/former player that is guaranteed to have exact the same career as he really did (it brings you only their performances, you can"t say "Horry because that would guarantee me 7 rings").


Which player had the worst career you would accept as safe and not being disappointed with him instead of gambling with selecting some player who can turn superstar/good/average/disappointment/complete bust?


[–]Hawks Tankwagoncallmerevan 604 指標 10小時前

Off the wall here but I"d at least like Elton Brand, 20/10/2/2 is pretty damn solid and he"s got a couple All Stars and All NBA teams.


[–][PHI] Allen IversonEuroStep0[S] 97 指標 9小時前

yeah, that"s pretty good answer

it would obviously depend year-to-year, in 2003 i would definitely want someone better than in 2013 for example even without knowing LeBron will turn out to be top 3 players of all time



[–]Rockets Bandwagonlivefreeordont 63 指標 6小時前

He was just a tier below the Amares, Duncans, Garnetts, and Dirks off the 2000s


[–]uleelee 37 指標 6小時前

id say he was on the same tier when he was dropping like 25 a game on the clippers lol.


[–]Rockets Bandwagonlivefreeordont 75 指標 6小時前

That was a single year lol. Just like I wouldn』t say IT was ever on the same tier as Steph or CP3


[–]SimonGallupsBass 46 指標 5小時前

He averaged 20/10 for 7 straight seasons before an Achilles jacked his career.


[–]Rockets Bandwagonlivefreeordont 47 指標 5小時前

Yup. Just a tier below like I said


[–][PHI] Allen IversonEuroStep0[S] 323 指標 10小時前

my absolutely lowest would be something like Jeff Hornacek

no major injuries, about 17ppg on good efficiency with 5-5.5apg in prime, very reliable shooter



[–]sickvisorbro 112 指標 9小時前

You can have the coach version of him :).


[–]UFOVeeg 47 指標 6小時前

He would be called a HUGE bust by all his fans though for his entire career


[–][WAS] Gilbert Arenaselipark13 71 指標 6小時前*

Do people call Andrew Bogut a bust? Because he was a #1 pick who similarly peaked as a good not great player who could serve as a key piece on a contender.


[–]uleelee 61 指標 6小時前

bogut was a beast before that injury where he landed on his arm and had 3 different injuries on his arm


[–]CelticsMrMojo18 95 指標 10小時前

I think it is realistic to expect atleast a couple years at an Allstar level from a guy taken first overall.

Elton Brand (who actually was picked 1st) is a good example imo.

Jermaine O"Neal maybe aswell, though he was on his way to a Hall of Fame career if not for injuries.

Maybe Kyle Lowry aswell?





[–][GSW] Stephen CurryDraper-11 382 指標 10小時前

Paul Millsap?


[–]Raptorsraptorsfan97 146 指標 10小時前

He"s the exact player who came to my mind too lol.


[–]Trail Blazers_Quetzalcoatlus_ 64 指標 9小時前

Maybe if he played like he did in Atlanta, but he wasn"t even a starting caliber player until his 4th year in the league. And he wasn"t a capable shooter until his 8th year (first year in Atlanta).


[–]Knicksalexyxray 58 指標 7小時前

As much as I love Paul Trillsap his career is really overrated by stats junkies like us on r/nba, probably from all the praise he gets from Kevin Arnovitz and Zach Lowe.

雖然我很喜歡米爾薩普,但是他的生涯真的被一些像本論壇網友這樣看重數據的人高估了。可能源於Kevin Arnovitz和Zach Lowe對他的讚譽吧。

To me his ideal role on a good team would be what Iguodala was in his first year with the Warriors, hit timely shots, defend the best player and do what the team needs, but is a 3rd option as a scorer at best.


[–]Warriorsvelocirappa 160 指標 9小時前

Peja Stojakovic? A couple all star teams, number two guy on a contender for a couple years, briefly top 10 in the league.


[–]UnusualNegotiation 16 指標 6小時前

Bruh you show me a healthy Peja on a good team w/o Webber and I"ll show you an MVP candidate.


[–]KingsBagel_Technician 17 指標 4小時前

He was 4th in MVP voting in "04


[–]Savarinoj 284 指標 9小時前

I think Mike Conley is a good candidate. Definitely an above average player when healthy that』s never received any accolades for his play.


[–][OKC] Kevin Durantonewonyuan 71 指標 9小時前

Are we back on the "Mike Conley is underrated" train?


[–]Maverickshalfbrit08 128 指標 8小時前

He"s appropriately rated. He"s been considered one of the best non-allstar PGs for a while now.


[–]Cavalierskevinnye 452 指標 10小時前

i actually really like this question. i know he"s kind of an enigma right now, but maybe the lowest i"d go is like a kevin love. multiple all-stars, had stretches where he could carry a team, and (particularly when younger) could be an incredible complement if you already have another stud on the roster - that would be a nice guarantee for a #1 overall.


[–]CelticsAFuckingShark 378 指標 10小時前

I would way way rather have guaranteed multiple all-star than a gamble at #1 Love is too good for the lowest you would accept IMO.


[–]Spursasa55 28 指標 9小時前

Who would you consider then?


[–]CelticsAFuckingShark 129 指標 9小時前

I listed JJ Reddick lower down this thread but I may have low balled it. The worst I"d accept is a good player - but not an all-star. A guy who has consistently been an above average starter and overall contributor.


[–]RaptorsOthellothepoor 100 指標 9小時前

I think you"re selling it a bit low. For me personally, should be at least 1/2 All-Star, or All-NBA, or DPOY. I think a #1 SHOULD at least have one impact year. That"s jsut me though


[–]Spurshonsuo73 84 指標 9小時前

Kemba. Fringe all star, gets buckets. Not gonna change a team but you could do a lot worse with a #1 pick


[–]JazzRGiss 113 指標 10小時前

Someone like Hayward.


[–]ZandrickEllison 69 指標 10小時前

Hayward is about as close to the line as I"d consider, but I"d still roll the dice on the #1 pick. Hayward wouldn"t be a "bust" at # 1 by any means, but he"d be a little underwhelming.


[–]JazzTheNextMOH 111 指標 8小時前

I think people underestimate just how good Hayward was last year because he played in a small market. But I think if he"s able to come back at that level...he is a top 15 player in the league. Very well rounded. sobs




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