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Otakuis a Japanese term for people who rarely leave their house because they are too busy indulging in their obsessions, especially anime and manga. In China, some members of the post-80s and post-90s generations have become drawn to otaku subculture, though it has not found universal acceptance. Critics say that those who identify as otaku are lazy, untidy, eating too much fast food and lacking social skills.


However, as technology advances and society evolves, the otaku way of life is starting to appeal to more and more people, some of whom have turned this unique lifestyle to their advantage. Not all of them are couch potatoes, nor are they all fans of anime or manga. Some lead singularly strange yet fascinating lives.


Indeed, if you were to step inside one of their houses, your perceptions of them would likely change dramatically. You might even find yourself envious of the lives they lead!


Here we take a closer look at three of the most common types of otaku!


ACG otaku 動漫遊戲宅

"ACG" is an abbreviation of "anime, comic, games". These otaku have been around the longest and often bear the brunt of negative stereotypes associated with otaku subculture. Yet they have also made many valuable contributions to pop culture, especially in their own areas of interest.



Dissatisfied with merely consuming media, this group of otaku are constantly on the hunt for new information about their favorite anime, comic or game, which they will often find and disseminate among fellow fans far faster than traditional media outlets. Some even work as unpaid translators, adding Chinese subtitles to their favorite foreign works. Just think, next time you find yourself reading some subtitles, it might be an otaku who did the translation!



If you"re a gamer, no doubt you"ve found yourself frustrated by a level or stage that you just can"t beat, no matter how hard you try. But whereas you might give up after 10 or 20 tries, an otaku will keep going until he or she finally beats the game. If you watch one of their game-playing videos online, you"ll find their techniques astonishing. You could even be forgiven for comparing them to real-life versions of the characters fromReady Player One, because they never seem to give up.



Technology otaku 科技宅

Imagine that you"re standing outside a technology otaku"s home.



Before you even step inside, the high-tech wizardry starts to reveal itself. A fingerprint sensor opens the front door, lights and air conditioning turn on automatically as you enter, and the floor is sparkling thanks to the robot vacuum cleaner and mop that you can still see scuttling about. Then your host speaks the magic words and the curtains open automatically, to reveal the outside world.



As if that wasn"t enough, the TV can be controlled by an app on the otaku"s smartphone, as can the color and intensity of all the lights throughout the house. Even the refrigerator is remote-controlled, making snacks easy to access. Walking through this house, you see smart furniture everywhere, as well as an array of gadgets and gizmos.



Technology otaku are always early adopters, buying the latest, cutting-edge tech before anyone else gets their hands on it. They are willing to pay a lot for convenience and will often make their homes so high-tech that they see no desire or even need to go outside.



Art otaku 藝術宅

Step into an art otaku"s home and the first thing you will notice is the peculiar furniture, which you would never find in any ordinary shop. Everything is immaculate and tidily arranged, thanks to the hours of housework that they do every day.



The dining room table is neither round nor square, but multi-sided and surrounded by triangular chairs of different colors. The cupboards are covered in complex artistic patterns. In the bedroom, the bed is equipped with a slide. The patterns on the curtains, sheets, closet and lightshade blend with each other, looking like a starry sky.


These otaku enjoy designing their own furniture as well as making and collecting art. You"ll likely find postmodernist paintings hanging on the walls of their living rooms, and a multimedia entertainment center equipped for viewing their favorite avant-garde films. On the balcony will be pots filled with colorful flowers, reflecting their eclectic tastes.



An art otaku will spend a lot of time either cleaning the house, or changing things around to make sure that everything is artistically aligned, leaving them little time for outdoor activities.



There are many other types of otaku in the world, and even those that can be defined by one of the types listed above will likely not fit each description perfectly. Otaku subculture defies lazy stereotyping exactly because it encompasses such a wide range of people. Everyone wanted to escape the daily grind at some point, and the otaku lifestyle can offer the opportunity to do just that.



But before you decide to withdraw from the world and adopt the otaku way of life, make sure you have enough money set aside. Otherwise, you might find your dreams are interrupted by your boss and the piles of work you"ve yet to finish.



Source: 果殼網

Editor: Zhang Xi

Intern: Shen Zheyuan




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