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Camping on The High Plateau Grassland 冰山樑高山草甸露營

Upcoming Utrips

Camping on The High Plateau Grassland




Heibei Province, Chicheng 河北省赤誠縣

220km,about 4h;約220公里,約4小時

Meeting Point 集合地點

【Point 1】Huixinxijienankou Subway Station Exit B

Departure time 8:00am(no waiting)


【Point 2】BLCU South Gate

Departure time 8:30am(no waiting)


Please arrive at least 10min in advance to catch the bus.請提前十分鐘到達集合地點上車,過時不候。

Itinerary 行程安排


14:00 Arrive at Bingshanliang Peak, distribute camping equipment and start. 抵達冰山樑停車場,分配裝備並上

15:30 set up the tent and rest or take a walk and wait for the amazing sunset if the weather is fine. 紮營休息,若天公作美一邊享受長城日落,一邊準備晚餐。

18:30 Pinic on campsite, and party under stary sky at night.大家一起野餐,然後在漫天繁星下享受中外文化交流盛宴。


6:30 Enjoy Sunrise (Whoever wants to get up earlier and catch it) 想看日出的隊友六點半之前起床。

8:00 Get up and pack up tents and other equipment.


9:00 Going downhill after breakfast.


12:30 Reach the foot of mountain and have lunch in a local restaurant, then return.


16:30 Huixinxijienankou Subway Station


17:00 BLCU South Gate


The schedule of above is the normal situation. 以上行程為正常預計時間安排。

Registeration notes 報名須知

Original fee 報名費:380 RMB

Discount Price 分享優惠價:350 RMB (sharing link into your moments)

Group Price 團體價:350RMB (3 or more persons booking together, 3或以上同時預訂)

Positions 名額:15min,30max

You can get discount price if you follow Utrips offical acount and share this article in your moments. 關注Utrips轉發此推送至朋友圈並將截圖上傳到報名表中,即可享受優惠價。

● Included 費用包含:

-Utrips biligual guide 尤趣雙語領隊及當地領隊

-Round Bus fee 大巴費用

-Camping spot fee 營地費用

-Equipment Rent (One tent shared by two, sleeping bag, moisture pad)露營裝備(兩人一個帳篷,睡袋,防潮墊)

-Water (two bottles/pax, 1L recommended to prepare it depends on your need) 礦泉水(兩瓶/人,建議再準備1L)

-Two-day outdoor insurance 兩日戶外保險

-Gas stoves and pots provided to cook dinner.露營當晚的煤氣爐和鍋具(分小組共享)

● Not included 費用不含:

Other Meals and other personal expenses 其他用餐和其他個人消費。

the Entrance fee40RMBif applicable 門票費或進山費40RMB

Note 注意事項

● This is a casual camping,no need profesional clothes and shoes


● A thick coat to keep you warm for it"s windy and chilly at night and in morning. A blanket is recommended if you are very afraid of coldness.


● Take your personal medicine and basic first aid supplies.


● Take flashlight and other camping gear if available.


● No smoking, fire or littering on The camping site, All participants should protect the environment during the activity and leaders have the right to dissuade if someone breaks it.


● If weather is broadcast to be bad like big raining, lighting in 3 days, which will make camping no fun, we will postpone it to the next weekend or refund you.


● How to Register 如何報名:

Long press and extract QRcode to register.Limited seats First-come First-served.

Registration form will be closed automatically when it』s full.



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