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1. 墨西哥

Pandora bookstore has always been considered one of the best summer resorts in the Mexico city. This bookstore introduced an open space design with graceful trees, providing the readers the fresh air. As a natural air conditioning, it is said that the greening wall can make indoor average temperature down 3.29℃ in summer, winter indoor temperature up 2.46℃.


During hot weather, some private beaches along Mexico"s and the Caribbean coasts can only be reached by sculler local ship. These beaches under blue sky, you can enjoy delicious seafood here.


Tequila is the soul of Mexico, and the traditional Tequila is very special and requires a lot of skills in Mexico. First, place the salt on the back of your hand and hold a small cup of pure Tequila with your thumb and forefinger, and putting a slice of lemon with your ring finger and middle finger. Licking the salt into the mouth, and then drink and bite the lemon slices, the whole process is completed in a second. Tequila is also suitable for chilled drinks, or served with ice. Its unique flavor is more suitable for cocktails.



Japanese Summers are notoriously hot and humid. To deal with that, here are some tips to make the summer more bearable, and perhaps even enjoyable after all.

日本的夏天非常炎熱潮濕。 為了解暑,這裡有一些方法讓夏季更加舒適,甚至可能更令人愉快。

Arriving back home after a long day, there』s nothing better than to take a cold shower before winding down from the days』 events, followed by an ice-cold beer.


Grab some friends, a few water-pistols and head to the beach or nearest park.



Although Britain has a maritime climate and the highest temperature in summer will not hit 30℃, but because the air-conditioner is not popular, the hot summer still caused many people"s death. So the right way to cool down is especially important.


Pluck Out Charge 拔下充電器

Televisions, computers and laptops in the standby mode are likely to generate heat. Closing all the electronic devices which are not in using may cut down room temperature at least one degree.


Lie on the Ground 趴在地上

Hot air always rises, so the coolest place in the room should be the floor. If you want to cool down quickly, stay on the ground for a while, though it"s not the most comfortable place to rest.


Eat chili 吃辣椒

People in some of the hottest places in the world usually like eating spicy food, and chili curry can help you sweat for the purpose of cooling your body, although it can increase the temperature of your mouth.


4. 澳大利亞

Avoiding heat stroke is simple if you take the right precautions. In Australian summers the heat can reach the high thirties and even forties, so it"s important that on those days especially you take advantage of fans, pools, beaches and air conditioning to beat the heat.


Ensure that you"re adequately covered – not only for heat stroke prevention, but also as a measure to protect against skin cancer. If you start feeling particularly hot, drink plenty of cool water or diluted electrolyte beverages, and use cold compresses on your forehead and the back of your neck to balance your temperature.



Shutter is an ancient method of preventing heat in Spain. The traditional shutters are wooden, mostly green or brown, while most of the current material is plastic or light metal. Due to the unique Mediterranean climate in Spain, we feel drier and hotter in summer. It may be noticed that Spain rarely rains in summer.


The level of temperature is closely related to the sun. Under the sun we feel like being baked, but it is comfortable in the shadows. Therefore, the traditional Spanish method of preventing the heat is to use shutters to prevent sunlight from entering the room, and some families will add a thick curtain to the house, so that even though the heat is fifty degrees outside, it is not so hot in the room.



資料來源:搜狐 必應




編輯:馮熙然 馮候 王鳳 汪奕揚 李童鑫





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