首頁 > 最新 > 服裝界的轉變:Gap新風貌雙語快訊第36期


Change of clothes: Gap』s new look

When the global fashion retailer reports earnings today, investors will want to hear more about a new strategy unveiled last September. The firm plans to close about 200 of its loss-making Gap and Banana Republic stores over three years, and open 270 new shops for its fast-growing Old Navy and Athleta brands. Whereas Banana Republic』s same-store sales increased by 1% and Gap』s were flat last quarter, Old Navy, which sells cheaper, fast-fashion styles, saw its takings surge 9%. Athleta, which specialises in sportswear, is smaller, but could soon leap beyond $1bn in annual sales. The shift comes as Art Peck, the CEO, looks to stave off the likes of H&M, Zara and other fast-fashion chains, by bringing new styles to stores more quickly. He also wants to improve the online shopping experience to fend off competition from Amazon, which, Morgan Stanley reckons, could become America』s top clothing retailer this year.


今天,當這家全球時裝零售商公布財報時,投資者們希望聽到更多關於去年9月公布的新戰略的消息。該公司計劃在三年內關閉約200家虧損的Gap和Banana Republic門店, 並為其快速增長的Old Navy和Athleta品牌開設270家新店。Banana Republic的同店銷售額增長了1%,Gap業績與上季度持平,而低價、快時尚風格的Old Navy的收入卻猛增了9%。專門經營運動服裝的Athleta品牌,規模更小了,但它的年銷售額有望很快超過10億美元。這一轉變來自於首席執行官阿特?佩克(Art Peck),他希望以更快的方式推出新款式,來避開像H&M、Zara和其他快時尚連鎖品牌,他還想要改進線上購物體驗,以抵擋來自亞馬遜的競爭,據摩根士丹利估算,亞馬遜今年可能成為美國最大的服裝零售商。



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