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Now i am pretty calm to write this article, just for remembering my feelings at the present.



There has been over one month for my second gap year, and the weather of cairns changes from hot summer into cool autumn, even a little bit cold in the deep night. The sleeping bag , which my mom nagged at me to bring it with me, finally plays its role. The second year for myself, i am not hurried or anxious as the first year, maybe the remaining money i earned last year can help me to survive for a while, or maybe i get a better mental mind and know there is no use to be hurry.


Except the begining of curiosity to new places or new sceneries, another purpose is to record the unique life and supervise myself to be enthusiastic ,no matter about food, or about life. At the same time, more use of English, more helpful it is for my writing, after all it is my weakness.


I met different kinds of people in the second year, no matter nice or not, they do enrich my experience. Some people help me to know my weakness, some people encourage me to be more confident, some also make me realise what i exactly dislike or can"t tolerate.

Stella 是我最近認識的一個小夥伴,也是WHV認識英文最厲害的人了。之前在國內是在上海一家培訓機構做托福培訓的,托福聽說讀寫單項滿分30,她可以拿28以上(英文水平幾乎母語水平),時薪大概是稅後RMB400 每小時,淡季每月工作收入稅後也是10K+,旺季的話每天上課6小時以上。我好奇像她這麼厲害(高工資)的人怎麼有勇氣選擇放棄工作出來,畢竟WHV我聽說過的最高時薪也沒有她國內的工資高。

Stella is one of the friends i get to know recently, and she is also the one , best at English as far as i know among the WHVers. Before she quitted, she worked as a TOEFL teacher in an educational organisation of Shanghai. For every part of TOEFL test, she can get over 28 scores as the total is 30, which means her level of English is as good as the native. The hourly rate is about RMB400 and he even in the low season, she can earn over RMB10,000, let alone the peak season, she normally worked over 6 hours per day. I am curious about her reason for quitting such a good job, because i had no courage to give up such a well-paid job and no one among the WHVers can make as much as the hourly rate she did.


Later she told me her gap experience to New zealand was so good, and the well-paid job was paid after huge and struggling work. If not come out and do w,hat she wants, there will be less chance. When we talked about our future plan, i was really in fear. It doesn"t become better since the beginning of 20s until now. She suggests me think clear and never make excuse for myself if i had never tried.

今天也算是很特別的吧,青旅的餐桌上意外出現了一束花,儘管不是那麼新鮮,依舊讓我想到一句話, 你若盛開,陽光自來。

Today should be a special day. On the dinning table of backpacker hotel, there is a bounch of flower, despite it is not fresh but it reminds me one sentence:If you bloom, the sunshine comes.


At the Caravella Backpacker Hotel




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