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Junior Finance Business Partner, Greater China (BJ)


GC Finance Business Partner is to provide support across all Finance functions, including management information pack preparation and articulation, and be a trusted commercial advisor to the Business Lines/Business Units.

Key Responsibilities

1.Monthly forecast and closing

Assist FBP manager to articulate monthly rolling forecast (MMC, including HYMMC).

Participate in monthly closing for the Business Lines/Units.

2.Mid-term and long-term business planning

Primarily responsible for Business Lines/Units budget and Strategic Planning, from information collection to deliverable submission.

Ensure information collection completeness which should include both function input.

Keep tracking follow up actions post to Budgeting.

3.Country and Business Lines management information

Assist FBP manager to articulate key business analysis information for management.

Revenue insight.

Cost insight.

Margin insight.

Functional performance measurement.

Ad hoc information analysis to support necessary management information needs.

4.Sales productivity

Financial planning side input on the policy of performanc- linked staff costs, such as sales commission, to ensure policy within budget limit unless additionally approved.

Provide support for sales operation team of monthly sales performance and commission calculation.

5.Other work required from country finance as a team


Hands-on/detailed work attitude; strong business acumen.

Excellent analytics skills and excel financial modelling.

At least 3 years working experience in international CPA firms or MNC in-house finance.

Good communication, information collection and performance tracking skills and strong collaboration ability.

Good presentation and excellent written (and communication) skills in both English and Chinese (Mandarin).

Enthusiasm and flexibility to take lead and initiative for continuous improvement.

FP&A, finance business partner or international CPA firms experience is a plus.

Hyperion and Oracle reporting tools experience would be an advantage.


益博睿是全球領先的信息服務公司,向世界各地的客戶提供數據和分析工具。益博睿幫助消費者和企業客戶放心管理數據,並通過運用數據實現人生和企業的重要瞬間,從購買房屋或者車輛,到資助下一代大學教育,再到新業務拓展等。益博睿幫助消費者了解個人信用、獲得金融服務;幫助企業做出更優決策、發展業務;幫助機構防範身份盜用和欺詐風險。益博睿在37個國家擁有約1.6萬名員工,我們非常重視對新科技、人才和創新的投資,以幫助客戶實現商機的最大價值。我們在倫敦證券交易所(EXPN)上市,是英國倫敦金融時報100指數(FTSE-100)的成份股之一。如欲了解有關益博睿的更多詳情,敬請訪問 http://www.experianplc.com,或瀏覽益博睿中國網頁http://www.experian.com.cn,也歡迎訪問益博睿全球新聞博客了解益博睿最新消息和洞察。



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