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你眼中的中國是什麼樣?China』s National Image in India

編輯/ 胡周萌設計/ Andrey Maleev

Edited by Hu ZhoumengDesigned by Andrey Maleev


「What do you think of China?」 is a question foreigners frequently run into when visiting the country. What answers will Indians give to this same question when asked in their home country?


From March to June in 2017, the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, Kantar Millward Brown and Lightspeed jointly conducted the fifth global survey of China』s national image in 22 countries. Respondents to the survey included 500 Indians ranging from 18 to 65 in age, half male and half female.

調查結果顯示, 印度受訪者認可中國對全球治理的貢獻,尤其是在經濟和科技領域的貢獻。在他們眼中,歷史悠久、充滿魅力的東方大國是最突出的中國國家形象,勤勞敬業是最突出的中國國民形象。對於中國政府倡導的舉措,印度受訪者認為,最有益的是從印度進口更多的產品到中國。此外,他們認為武術是最能代表中國文化的元素,他們最熟悉的科技成就是中國高鐵,最熟悉的中國品牌是聯想,最熟悉的中國城市依次是北京、香港和上海。

The survey showed that Indian respondents acknowledge China for its contribution to global governance, especially in the science and technology sector. In their eyes, 「a big oriental country with a rich history and full of charm」 is the most prominent characterization of the country, and 「hard working」 is the most prominent feature of Chinese people. Concerning the Chinese government』s proposals, Indian respondents believe that the most beneficial one to India is importing more goods from them. They regard martial arts as the most iconic representation of Chinese culture. Their most familiar Chinese achievement in science and technology is the high-speed train, most familiar Chinese brand is Lenovo, and most familiar cities are Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai, in that order.








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