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相比Apple Siri和Microsoft Cortana只能機械式對話的語音互動,Google Assistant完全顛覆了人們的認知。

Google Assistant不僅能聽的懂人話,而且,Ta可以無障礙和人溝通。

發布會上,用戶對Google Assistant說:我想剪頭髮。Google Assistant接受指令後直接幫你電話預約。

整段對話,Google Assistant表現的自然流暢,理髮店那頭絲毫沒有察覺到自己竟然是在和AI對話。



Google Assistant甚至還能幫你預訂餐館、影院、旅行社…媲美私人智能管家。








當然,這些職業都非常有趣,也很有意義。 然而,我們現在面對一個很現實的問題:當下被用作基礎設施的技術和工作種類在未來可能會消失。 如果人工智慧和計算機技術的進步日新月異,我們又該如何規劃未來的職業呢?



去年,我帶我的學生JL去面試美國頂級寄宿高中。當我們參觀校園時,招生官員轉向JL問他:「如果你不知道將來有什麼工作可供選擇時,你會如何規劃自己的未來?」 這正是我們PA天才學院最關注的問題,我們希望學生在各種不同領域的專業知識中培養出可遷徙的通用技能。




「對於像谷歌這樣的公司來說,員工能夠在不同的團隊和角色之間相互切換是非常重要的。 事實上,因為職位需求在不斷變化,谷歌非常重視能夠真正解決問題的人,以及對職位的相關知識具有『普遍認知能力』的人。」








(Neil 老師英文原文,向上滑動查看內容)

As the future descends upon us at a hurried pace, students are struggling to keep up with the latest job prospects in technology. I often ask students what their future career goals might be and regularly, they tell me they want to go into video game design, web design, computer programming or internet technology. All of these are interesting options that could prove to be meaningful careers. However, there is one glaring problem with this decision: the jobs of today and the technology being used as infrastructure will not necessarily be around in the future. How can one plan a future career when advances in AI and computer technology improve on a day to day basis? The answer is quite simple: most tech companies aren』t looking to hire graduates who studied a particular software or specialized in a niche programming language, they seek graduates who are creative thinkers; people who are able to adapt to market trends and those who can problem solve analytically.

Last year, I went with a student, JL, on his visit to The Bolles school in Florida. As we were touring the school campus, the admission officer turned to JL, then asked him 「how do you plan for the future when you don』t know what jobs are going to be available?」 This is what we focus on at Prodigy Academy. We want our students to develop transferable skills across many different fields of expertise. JL was able to answer the question confidently because he was well immersed in the Prodigy Academy philosophy of learning to think critically and be an analytical problem solver. All major companies look to hire these kinds of graduates. But you don』t need to take my word for it. There are plenty of examples to be seen in the real world.

Hiring managers at companies like Google, for example, explicitly outline their approach to new hires in this way:

「They (Google hiring managers) are like a layer of objectivity and they"re looking to see does this person match the qualification for this immediate role at hand," says the lead recruiter. "Also, are they gonna be a good fit for the organization as a whole for the longer term.

This is particularly important for a company like Google in which employees jump from team to team and from role to role. In fact, Google says that the company values applicants who are problem-solvers and who have a "general cognitive ability" over role-related knowledge because positions are constantly shifting.」

Studying English and American literature, history, and writing, where our mentors emphasize analytical thinking, proves to be just one way to sharpen those skills that employers seek and will continue to look for in the future. Not to mention, Prodigy Academy also provides internship opportunities at high tech companies in Shenzhen and Silicon Valley where students can witness, first-hand, people employing those skills in the job sector. We also take students on tours of major high-tech companies like Tencent or QQ to see if students truly want to pursue a tech-related role as they progress with their studies. Part of being a strong critical thinker extends to making good judgments about your future based on experience rather than the perception of what a career simply appears to be. More often than not, after brief exposure to the real nature of tech jobs or video game design, students opt for a different career or study path because tech jobs are not as glamorous as they first seemed.

All of this is to say that the world』s technological pace of development will only increase over time. This much is obvious. At the end of the day, even high tech companies like Google want problem solvers as opposed to specific, niche-oriented tech gurus. If you can learn to think critically and solve problems, you can certainly learn to use the latest programming software in your tech job or, even better, maybe improve on an available software or create your own. Learn skills that will benefit your future. At Prodigy Academy, we teach specifialy those skills.






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