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SelgasCano creates bulging vivid-pink pavilion for Bruges architecture festival

西班牙建築師 José Selgas和Lucía Cano在布魯日的一條運河上設計了一座粉紅色的乙烯基涼亭,該運河穿梭在城市的老舊磚瓦房之間。

Spanish architecture duo José Selgas and Lucía Cano has erected a pink vinyl pavilion on a canal in Bruges, which floats between the city"s historic brick buildings.




The pavilion was created for Trienniale Bruges, an event that invites a global selection of artists and architects to produce unique temporary structures. Displayed at different points throughout the city centre, it"s hoped the constructions will "form a hospitable route that brings people together in unexpected spots".

Having launched in 2015, the second edition of the triennial focused on the theme of Liquid City, which makes reference to Bruges" renowned network of waterways.

SelgasCano——由建築師José Selgas和Lucía Cano合作設計,他們決定在Coupure運河上建造一個的亭子,希望它能成為游泳者的一個新日光浴平台。



SelgasCano – which is led by architects José Selgas and Lucía Cano – decided to build their pavilion on the Coupure canal, hoping for it to serve as a new sunbathing platform for swimmers.

It features a bulbous shell crafted from fluorescent-pink vinyl, sat atop a yellow timber base. Underpinned by steel rods, the structure was hand-assembled in situ so that materials could be welded or stretched where necessary to fit the site.

Its chrysalis-like shape echoes the pavilion that Selgas and Cano designed for the Serpentine Gallery two years ago, which was created from sheets of colourful flourine-based plastic.




"Steel structure and plastic skin are just one thing, indissociable from one another," said the studio in a statement.

"Light passes through the skin, creating a shambling atmosphere that changes the usual perception of the old city."

The structure is bookended by two irregularly-shaped openings and curves around a void at the platform"s centre to form a tunnel through which visitors can wander.

在2015年的首屆布魯日建築節上,來自東京的Atelier Bow-Wow設計了一個大型木製陽光露台,為城市的運河游泳者提供了一個休憩的地方。

SelgasCano此前為法國馬德爾基金會設計了一個波狀的亭子,該亭子由31排半透明玻璃纖維波組成。他們近期正在進行的項目是改造建築師Richard Rogers曾經的工作室,將其改造成為第二家使用植物填充的工作空間。

攝影: Iwan Baan

For the inaugural Triennial Bruges in 2015, Tokyo-based practice Atelier Bow-Wow created a large wooden sun deck that offered the city"s canal swimmers a place to stop and relax.

SelgasCano has previously created an undulating pavilion for France"s Foundation d"entreprise Martell, which comprised of 31 rows of translucent fibreglass waves. Most recently the pair turned their hand to architect Richard Rogers" former studio, transforming it into a plant-filled workspace for Second Home.

Photography is by Iwan Baan.




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