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Google 公司通過智能軟體能幫助盲人徹底改變生活方式


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標題:Google"s plans to use AI to help the blind


短文來源: CNN news, by Heather Kelly, May 11th


Google wants to turn a regular Android phone into an artificial intelligence-powered helper for the blind.


Lookout is a new app that uses image recognition and artificial intelligence to describe a scene through a phone"s camera. Google announced the app at its annual I/O developer conference this week.

谷歌公司在近期主辦的網路開發者年會上(Google I/O)公布了一個全新軟體。軟體名叫 Lookout,它可以通過手機攝像頭,結合其圖片識別以及人工智慧技術應用,能夠對鏡頭捕捉到的場景進行(細節)描述。

Lookout 軟體能夠自動識別身邊物件並且描述出來

Google is testing the app now and said it will be released later this year, starting on Pixel devices.

谷歌稱他們正在新軟體進行測試,這款軟體將在今年下半年發布,並且將優先登錄谷歌公司旗下的 Pixel 智能手機。

If you walk into building lobby with an Android camera held in your hand or worn around the neck on a lanyard, pointed outward, Lookout will detect people and objects like elevator doors, and read nearby text. The app doesn"t require an internet connection.

如果你手中拿有安卓手機,或者是脖子上懸掛具有攝像頭的特殊設備,當你進入建築大廳,Lookout 軟體將會自動檢測你周圍的人群、物件(例如電梯),又或是牆上的標語等等。並且這款軟體在使用過程中並不需要連接互聯網。

Google says Lookout is designed to keep users engaged with what"s going on without bombarding them with information. It only describes the most important items. If a person wants to stop the narration, they put a hand over the camera or give it a knock to pause the app.

谷歌公司稱,Lookout 軟體的設計初衷是以非信息轟炸的方式,讓使用者(能夠密切)關注身邊發生的事情。 Lookout 軟體僅僅提供最具重要性的少量消息。如果使用者打算關閉信息播送,他們可以通過短暫覆蓋攝像頭或是輕輕敲擊手機的簡單方式讓軟體停止工作。


The company says the app uses similar technologies to Google Lens, a visual search tool. It combines machine learning, image recognition and several different machine learning models, according to the company.

谷歌公司提到,應用在 Lookout 軟體技術與其公司另一款視覺搜索工具相類似,Google 智能眼鏡(Google Lens)。 谷歌公司稱 Google 智能眼鏡融合了機器學習、圖片識別以及其他多種機器學習模型等技術。

"What blind people need is access to information," Erin Lauridsen, director of access technology at LightHouse in San Francisco. "A lot of times the way these things are promoted and generate capital is all about making blind people "see" but it really is about taking visual information and translating it into non-visual information."

「失明人士非常渴望接觸(生活中的)信息」,來自舊金山 Lighthouse 公司信息接觸科技部門主管 Erin Lauridsen 這樣說道。 「很長一段時間,人們想讓失明人士去感受察覺到身邊的信息,實際上的主要工作就是如何將視覺信息轉化稱非視覺信息,然後傳遞給失明人員」。

Google is not the first company to use artificial intelligence and smartphones to help the blind. Microsoft has a similar app for iOS called Seeing AI.

谷歌並不是第一家嘗試使用人工智慧技術與智能手機設備去幫助失明人員。微軟公司之前曾有過類似的軟體,在蘋果手機平台上的 Seeing AI 軟體。

微軟公司同樣也有類似為失明人士設計的人工智慧軟體 Seeing AI

Seeing AI can read printed or handwritten text, describe colors and recognize denominations of currency. Unlike Google Lookout, Seeing AI has a facial recognition component. After pointing the phone at a person, Seeing AI describes them and says how far away they are. If you"ve trained the app to recognize faces, it"ll tell you the person"s name. (Google said it may add facial recognition to Lookout in the future).

Seeing AI 軟體可以幫助使用者閱讀文字,描述事物的顏色,還能夠識別貨幣的面額。與谷歌公司的 Lookout 軟體不同,Seeing AI 軟體還具備面部識別功能。將手機對準面前的人,Seeing AI 能夠告訴使用者之間與身前人之間的距離。如果使用者對軟體進行一定程度的訓練及設定,Seeing AI 還能夠通過面部識別告訴使用者你面前的人是誰(Google 公司稱他們在今後會給 Lookout 軟體添加面部識別功能)。

App-based technology for the blind isn"t limited to big companies. The VocalEyes AI app, which can describe a person"s emotion or age based on their face, was created by an 18-year-old high school student at an MIT summer program.

為失明人士打造基於軟體的技術並不僅僅局限於科技業巨頭。在麻省理工學院(MIT)暑期項目中,一名18歲的中學生就開發出名叫 VocalEyes AI 的軟體,該軟體能夠通過面部掃描從而敘述出人的表情以及估算出的年齡。

Aira 公司的眼鏡設備與後台工作人員相連接,為盲人提供實時幫助

There are also more traditional apps that still use humans instead of AI. For example, Aira gives members smart glasses with a built-in camera so trained employees can describe what they see through the camera. Meanwhile, Be My Eyes relies on volunteers to check out what"s around you though a live video chat.

同樣還有許多傳統軟體仍舊使用人工服務而且智能機械。例如,Aira 公司給盲人提供的智能眼鏡,眼睛上的攝像頭與公司職員的電腦相連接,從而 Aira 職員通過攝像頭來描述攝像頭所拍攝的情況,從而給失明人士提供相關信息。此外,My Eyes 產品同樣是通過實時視頻通話,志願者們根據傳輸的視頻畫面,給失明人士提供需要的信息。

"I think that AI is trending in general, and it makes sense to see how it can help for people who are blind but i think there are a lot of unanswered questions," said Lauridsen.

「我認為人工智慧技術將成為未來科技的一大趨勢,我們可以將其正確應用從而能夠在生活中幫助失明人士,但是人工智慧領域仍舊存在許多未知領域需要我們不斷探索」, Lauridsen 這樣說。



今天給大家簡單解析的單詞為 「detect」。

在韋氏詞典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英語學習者版(English-language learns)中該單詞的解釋:

to discover or notice the presence of (something that is hidden or hard to see, hear, taste, etc.)

中文釋義為 「去發現難以察覺的(例如具有隱蔽性的)事物」,簡單來說就是 「發覺,查明,探測」 的意義。

金屬探測器,Metal Detector

此外,該單詞還有衍生名詞,「detector」。動詞 + 「-er/-or」 詞根是非常常見的組合,表示具有動詞所指意義的食物。「detector」 則為 「具有探測功能」 的工具,即為 「探測器,偵察機」。


Share of Pun


上圖描繪了三個雞蛋正在做健身鍛煉,這是 「eggsercise」。鍛煉的英文單詞為 「exercise」,圖中出現的組合詞語為 「eggs」 + "ercise",與 「exercise」 的讀音類似。「eggsercise」 與圖中場景相對應,恰好表達了雙關意義。




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