首頁 > 最新 > 2018年阿拉斯加黃金鰈漁業形勢及下半年的捕撈預期



文/ 美國阿拉斯加海產報告網站創始人 Jason Anderson

黃金鰈(Yellowfin Sole,拉丁名:Limanda aspera),也稱黃腹鰈、黃蓋鰈,主要分布在東北太平洋白令海東部和阿拉斯加灣一帶,在白令海北部、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省沿岸、日本海的太平洋一側等海域也有分布。








Amendment 80 is described in part one of this series and is the largest yellowfin sole allocation. You can read part one of this article [here]. Certain coastal communities in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands who meet CDQ criteria receive quota allocations. Often CDQ groups partner with Amendment 80 vessels to harvest their allocations. Trawl limited access includes catcher vessels that deliver to Amendment 80 vessels, and pollock vessels who may target yellowfin sole during non-pollock seasons.

Current aggregate 2018 catch as of the most recent NMFS data is 65,857 mt. The 2017 aggregate quota was the same as this year, and from week 21 of 2017 through the end of the fishing year, 76,719 mt was harvested.

Yellowfin sole are harvested during two main seasons. The first occurs during the spring after the rock sole spawn, and the second during the fall months. Yellowfin spawn in late May and early June, after which the fish disperse, and the flesh becomes low quality. During the fall fishery, large schools re-emerge, and flesh quality improves, increasing fishing efficiency and marketability.

Catch by week of non-CDQ yellowfin sole from 2013 through September 2017. Figure from NMFS 2017 yellowfin sole stock assessment.

In general, yellowfin sole aggregations move across the Bering Sea shelf towards their spawning areas in Bristol and Kuskokwim Bays. Prior to spawning, large schools of yellowfin sole provide high efficiency, low bycatch fishing, making this area one of the most important to yellowfin sole fishermen.

However, these areas are also culturally important to native Alaskan populations who use these areas to fish and hunt. To reduce vessel conflicts and unintended interference with fish and marine mammal migrations routes, the fleet has negotiated a June 7 closure of the Bristol Bay yellowfin sole grounds. This more or less corresponds with yellowfin sole spawning grounds, but during some years the fleet must leave still-productive fishing.

According to industry representatives, halibut bycatch has been high in these areas relative to recent years, causing vessels to search for cleaner fishing grounds. Additionally, rock sole catch is higher than normal for this time of year, potentially due to impacts of halibut impact.

The following heat maps show yellowfin sole fishing intensity by month and area. Because the stock assessment is prepared each fall, only 2017 data were only available through September.

NMFS 2017 yellowfin sole stock assessment





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