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標題里的curse並非翻譯成詛咒,而是「禍害」(something causes harm or evil)的意思;副標題里deviate from表示「背離,離開」





You』ve found the perfect job — and you』ve got the flexibility to leave work early and finish up your emails from home later in the evening. It』s standard procedure — so why in the world do you feel so guilty about it?


Some researchers have found that many people who work flexible hours are in a permanent state of guilt: They feel they need to work longer hours and do more to prove they』repulling their weight— even when there』s no evidence they need to do so.


pull one"s weight 盡自己的本分

"On average, employees with working-timeautonomywork the longestovertimehours, ,」 says Heejung Chung, a senior sociology and social policy lecturer at the University of Kent in the UK. In fact, Chung"s research found that people with flexible work-time arrangementsput inalmost four hours moreovertimecompared with people who work standard, fixed hours.

Heejung Chung是英國肯特大學社會學和社會政策學的高級講師,他說道:「通常,可以自主支配自己工作時間的員工加班時間最長。」事實上,他的研究發現那些工作時間靈活的人比那些工作時間固定的工作者要多花幾乎4小時的加班時間。

autonomy 自主權

put in... 投入(時間)

overtime 加班時間

Some people may experience flexible guilt, and feel they have a responsibility to put in more hours, because workers being able to choose their own hours is seen by some employers as aprivilege. 「Theyfeel obliged to justify the legitimacy ofworking from home or in their own time, by showing they are equally or more productive,」 Moen says.



feel obliged to... 有責任/義務去...

justify the legitimacy of... 證明...的合理性

Chung explains it a different way: 「In general, if you have more control over your working hours you tend to worry more when you are not at work – and this is especially the case for those workers with most control over when and where they work. This increase in tendency to worry seems to be highest in countries withhigh unemployment rates, less stablelabour marketconditions and if employees have a lack ofnegotiating power.」


unemployment rate 失業率

labour market 勞動力市場

negotiating power 談判權

Jennifer Tomlinson, professor of gender and employment relations at Leeds University Business School, believes this trend is cultural. In countries where it is acceptable to go home early, and part-time work is morenormalised, workersarelesslikely tofeel such pressure or guilt. People are more able totake up flexible work optionsandarelesslikely toexperience flexible guilt in countries where hourly pay rates are higher, the employment market is more stable and time in the office is less important than getting your work done.

Jennifer Tomlinson是利茲大學商學院性別與僱傭關係學的教授,她認為這樣的趨勢是具有文化性的。在那些人們可以提早下班回家且兼職工作較為普遍的國家,員工不太會感覺到壓力或者愧疚。有些國家的時薪較高,就業市場穩定,「完成工作」本身比在辦公室待著要更加重要,這些國家的工作者也會比較願意選擇從事工作時間靈活的工作,並且也不會感覺到愧疚。

nomarlized 常規化的

be (less) likely to (不太)可能

take up 從事,開始做(工作)

For some of us, any chance to control our work hours makes it easier tomanage work and family demands.For instance, in a family with two working parents, one parent might start work at 7:00 and be home in time for a child to come home from school, while the other might get to the office at 10am to manage the morning routine, arriving home later.


manage work and family demands 處理(平衡)工作和家庭需求

However, for many workers, the fear of being out of a job entirely will keep them in the office and fearful of asking for flexible work.「There are a few success stories of peopleoptingforthesea-changein their mid 40"s but they are the exception rather than the rule,」 says one senior manager at a large international bank in Sydney, who wished to remain anonymous. 「The reality is, most people in banking are trying to keep their jobs in a sector where themargins arebeingsqueezed.」


opt for 選擇

sea-change 大轉變,巨變

margins are squeezed 利潤被壓縮

Only about 10% of Australian workerswork remotelyon a regular basis, quite low by international standards, says Rea Cooper, associate dean at the University of Sydney』s Business School.But her research of flexible workers across a range of white-collar occupations and sectors indicates that those doing it are highly productive. 「Many report working much harder in non-standard employment, than co-workers in standard-hours jobs,」 Cooper says. It』sa feelingthat a lot of flexible workers canrelate to.

悉尼大學商學院的副院長Rea Cooper提到,只有10%左右的澳大利亞的工作者經常性地遠程辦公,這比國際標準要底得多。不夠,她的面向各行各業工作時間靈活的白領的研究表明,這些員工是非常高產的。她說道:「很多人都提到選擇這種非傳統的工作方式的員工比那些工作時間固定的同事要更加努力。」這會引起很多工作時間靈活的工作者的共鳴。

work remotely 遠程辦公

on a regular basis 經常性地,常規性地

relate to (feeling) 有共鳴

So, the next time you』re feeling guilty about leaving work early after an early start, remember – you』re not alone.










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