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而學校走廊呢 - 你最可能會看到學生眉飛色舞八卦的場景。如果有眼福,你還能目睹一場小型的打架。但不管怎樣,都是一樁小事,沒啥稀奇的。

而在美國,學校走廊可能會成為學生示威運動的場所,也是對學校甚至社會秩序抗爭的發源地 (沒錯,我對此有親身經歷)。



















「你歷史老師讓我告訴你他錯了,你對了。 他到底啥意思我也不知道。」








圖片很快傳遍校園,形勢隨之惡化 - 許多同學對這種攻擊性言論感到憤恨,要求開除群聊成員學籍,甚至開始組織針對反LGBT(同志)文化與暴力言行的示威遊行。


















Our School Is A Mess

Freedom of expression, critical thinking, and what they do to American education

When you walk into a classroom, what would you expect to hear? Probably the drooling voice of a teacher, the crisp sound of shuffling paper, or maybe the mechanical voice of a student timidly reciting a chapter from the textbook.

But in America, you never know. You might be walking right into the middle of an intense political debate between angry students and teachers that』s about to blow the roof off.

What about when you』re walking in the school』s hallway? You might be expecting to hear some gossip between giggling students, some complaining about the loads of homework, or even a fight. Whatever. Normal stuff.

But in America, you never know. You might be walking right into the middle of a protest organized by student activists rebelling against society (yes, this has happened to me two times).

The prevalence of the freedom of expression, along with the emphasis on creativity and the ability tothink- characteristics that define both American education and the 「free citizens」 it seeks to nurture - has made students the pioneers of a new world order and the school a mirror of the conflicted American political landscape.

The classrooms have become the salons of the Enlightenment, and I have unknowingly become a participant in the midst of it all.


One day, we were going over something along the lines of westward expansion in our U.S. history class. I remembered clearly that I had been absent the day before, so I sat in my chair awkwardly while pretending to know what the teacher was talking about by nodding my head while he spoke.

But then our teacher started asking for class participation, and my classmates raised their hands eagerly, eloquently putting forth compelling contentions on abstract topics like how the frontier shaped the 「American psyche」.

Despite my cluelessness, I spoke up in a desperate attempt to impress those around me. I made up a vague claim about modern American culture and Trump, throwing in as many big words as possible as I stuttered hopelessly in front of judging eyes.

To my surprise, it worked.

Countless hands shot up, and the class exploded with fiery passion. The teacher』s lecture turned into a heated political discussion as we delved into Trump-related grave topics - the state of America today, globalization, and the political divide plaguing America. We nodded thoughtfully as our classmates spoke as if we were listening to the words of a sage; our brows furrowed with concentration and melancholy as we pretended to be pensive global leaders concerned with the world』s fate.

All of a sudden, sitting in that classroom, I felt amused by the situation - there was something ironic about teenagers who have barely stepped out of the cozy confines of home embracing such grandiose topics.

But then I realized that we』ve been encouraged to do this. Throughout each school year, we would always be required to do a project along the lines of identifying a global issue and providing a solution. So after weeks of 「research」, we would walk up in front of the class in suits and ties and propose a 「plan」 to combat the lack of sanitation, human trafficking, poverty, pollution, or terrorism.

Thus, for me, American education isn』t about training better test-takers - it』s about cultivating the next generation of worldly citizens of society who can think openly and critically, but for many people, this type of education seems to betray the traditional notion of what 「school」 means.


「You guys are like sharks,」 our history teacher said to us one day. 「You guys attack when you smell blood, and when you do, you like to pick the teacher apart.」

Our teacher was commenting on the class』s tendency to disagree with what he was saying, and his claim was quite on point - students often enjoy questioning and criticizing teachers like sharks hunting their prey. I think that this habit of telling the teacher 「you』re wrong」 came from the style of education here; all the talk about politics and the projects that make us feel like the saviors of the world have inflated our heads, making our big egos even bigger, and by encouraging us to think, to challenge conventions, to inflate our own self-importance, the adults in the classroom have in turn lost absolute authority.

Interestingly, some teachers have gladly accepted this loss. In fact, I have a feeling that our history teacher rather enjoys being told that he is wrong because to him, it』s a form of class participation.

I』ve actually blatantly told him multiple times that he got his history facts wrong (not that I ever get my own history facts right), and I figured that under some circumstances, I would』ve either gotten dirty looks, angry yelling, or a trip to detention.

I remember there was one disagreement between us where he was actually mistaken. I was in music theory class when the teacher called me up, his expression confused.

「Your history teacher asked me to tell you that you were right and he was wrong.」

Apparently, my history teacher had searched the topic of discussion up afterwards, and since he felt a little bad about his mistake, he didn』t want to wait until the next day during class to tell me. The point? Sometimes, the role of the teacher in America is dramatically different - the teacher is an equal rather than a superior; the teacher is a source of guidance rather than the source of absolute truth because the latter stifles the open-minded thinking American education cherishes.


Far more dramatic than little skirmishes with teachers is the time when our students staged a rally on campus.

It was the day after our school』s theatre presented a play, and it seemed as if a curse had descended upon the school. Glancing at students around me, I noticed hushed, nervous gossips, and when I tried to inquire what all of it was about, some of my friends shook their heads sadly.

「You don』t want to know.」

After being quite oblivious for half a day, the truth was finally unveiled to me. Apparently, one of the main actors of the play had been targeted by a group conversation on Snapchat (a multimedia messaging app) due to his sexual orientation. One of the members texted something along the lines of 「let』s beat the gay out of him,」 with many others responding in the affirmative, and a screenshot of the conversation was released on Twitter.

The picture spread throughout the school, and the tension began to escalate. Many people were furious at those who wrote these comments and called for their expulsion from school. As the reaction over these text messages escalated to a dramatic peak, theatre students began organizing a 「walkout」 (where students would literallywalk outin the middle of class to protest in a rally) against anti-LGBT sentiment and intolerant rhetoric.

But the most interesting thing about what happened was the appearance of an obvious political divide I saw among students. In response to the call for the expulsion of the conversation』s members, one of my more conservative friends, whose name is John, wrote a 「counter-petition,」 in which he claimed that the text messages were private and taken out of context.

「It』s ridiculous,」 he told me during lunch one day. 「It』s not as if they were the only ones joking around like this.」

He thought that the outcry and the walkout embody a crusade against free speech and a witch-hunt.

「You should sign my counter-petition,」 said John.

I smiled at him nervously. 「C』mon, man. Don』t pull me into this mess. I just want to graduate.」

Right after lunch, I walked to class with a girl who is more of a liberal, and inevitably, the ongoing controversy became a topic of our conversation.

「So you know apparently John wrote a 『counter-petition』 to protect the people in the Snapchat conversation,」 she said, clearly frustrated.

「Yeah! He just asked me to sign it.」

She looked at me, horrified. 「Tell me you didn』t do it.」

「You know, maybe he』s got a good point,」 I began, pulling up the petition on my phone and showing it to her. 「Read this, it』s pretty well-written.」

Her eyes skimmed through the text, and when she was done, she rolled her eyes. 「Ugh,」 she sighed, half exasperated, half amused. 「You know, John』s a great person, but sometimes, I just can』t stand his ideas.」

I reflected on what each of them said, and I realized that the ideological dichotomy so prevalent on the American political arena was also right in front of me.

That day, during our fifth period class, our normally cheerful teacher approached us with a grim face, holding a solemn letter from the principal that they were asked to read to their classes. The school administration warned against any sort of walk-out and informed the students that such actions would entail certain consequences. They promised a school organized rally instead.

However, the students were defiant and angry. On the set date, they nevertheless held a walkout on campus. As I went from one class from another, I saw my peers gathered in a large crowd, holding hand-made signs while chanting together - 「spread love, not hate!」 And even as I arrived in my next classroom, the deafening cries of the student protesters still rang in my ears.

As the scene of the walkout played again and again in my mind, I could not help but wonder - what has our school become? Do the values of American education really lead the nation in the right direction? Or is it a storm on the horizon, the clap of thunder that could sound the demise of a superpower?



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