首頁 > 教育 > 2018年英語大咖們6月四六級作文話題預測匯總!





/1.唐遲:Views on online games/novels/video clips

  • 當前,有很多大學生沉迷於網路遊戲/小說/短視頻
  • 利弊分析{模板句:Whether it is advisable to … or to … has


    heated discussion among the public, or, at least among college students.

    Observers are split on this discussion

    . Some hold to the notion that …. Others, holding nose at such remark, contend that ….(應該……還是……,作何選擇才算明智呢?這個問題在大眾中——至少在大學生中——引起了熱議。大家觀點不一。有人堅持認為……。另一些人則對這種說法嗤之以鼻,他們反駁道……)}
  • 作為大學生,應該怎麼做



  • 閱讀的重要性
  • 現代科技對生活的影響
  • 如何理性的選擇
  • 苦難挫折樂觀對成功的影響
  • 家庭教育對成長的影響
  • 傳統道德和文化(比如節約誠信合作)的重要性
  • 就業率與受教育程度的關係




預測1:中國傳統文化(the traditional Chinese culture)(情景作文)

/1.主題:In my opinion, the traditional Chinese culture is not only certain to survive, but, in fact, is destined to thrive and prosper.(在我看來,中國傳統文化不僅肯定會存活,事實是,它必將繁榮興盛)


successful commercialization efforts(成功的商業化努力)。舉例:For instance, since China』s opening-up to the outside world, China』s acrobatic, theatrical and opera troupes have emerged as burgeoning tourist industries.(例如,自從中國對外開放以來,中國的雜技團、戲劇團和歌劇團已經開始快速發展為旅遊產業)

unwavering government support(堅定不移的政府支持)。舉例:As an illustration, traditional arts, such as calligraphy, dance and music, are often taught as a mandatory element of young children』s education, ensuring that they grow up with an awareness of their cultural roots.(例如,傳統的藝術,比如書法、舞蹈和音樂,經常作為兒童教育的必修課在學校教授,以保證他們在成長過程中能意識到他們的文化根源)

growing interest overseas(不斷增長的海外興趣)

預測2:碩士學位的價值(the value of a master』s degree)(情景作文)

/1.主題:A master』s degree ensures me a secure future in a society in which college graduates in mounting numbers failed to be employed.(當越來越多的大學生找不到工作時,研究生學位卻能保證我有穩定的將來)


  • 求職有競爭優勢:An candidate with a master』s degree will have an competitive advantage over those with only a bachelor』s degree.(擁有碩士學位的求職者比只有學士學位的求職者更有競爭優勢)
  • 薪水高:The higher education you have, the higher salary you will receive.(接受的教育程度越高,就能獲得更高的薪水)


主題:成功除了智力因素(比如academic brightness(學習優秀), technical competence),非智力因素(比如good interpersonal skills, the ability to express oneself)也很重要。

預測4:閱讀的重要性(the importance of reading)(圖畫作文)

/1.主題:Obviously, what the portrayal conveys is that utmost significance should be attached to reading books.(顯而易見,這幅漫畫所表達的是我們應該充分重視讀書)


  • A good book is our faithful friend.(一本好書就是我們一個忠實的朋友)——詳細說明:It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely.(當我們高興和幸福時,書能增添我們的滿足感;當我們傷心和孤獨時,書能減輕我們的痛苦)
  • Reading extensively can also offer us a wide range of experiences.(廣泛的閱讀還能向我們提供廣泛的人生經歷)





  • The chart above illustrates the various reasons that college students find finding jobs increasingly difficult.(上圖揭示了大學生就業越來越難的各種原因)
  • From the perspective of employers, lack of practical experience and overly high expectations are in the front ranks, accounting for 57.1% and 42.3% respectively.(在用人單位看來,缺乏實踐經驗和期望值過高排在前列,分別佔57.1%和42.3%)

/2.解決方案:Among many solutions, having a correct attitude toward job-seeking is an extremely crucial one.(在諸多解決方案中,對求職擁有一個正確的態度是至關重要的)


預測1:大學裡令我印象最深的一門課(the course that impressed me most in college)(情景作文)

/1.主題:I maintain that English is the course that has impressed me most in college.(我認為英語是在大學裡令我印象最深的一門課)


  • English adds greatly to convenience and comfort of my life.(英語給我的生活增添了很多的方便和舒適)舉例:For instance, as nearly all information on the Internet and over half the world』s technical and scientific periodicals are in English, a good command of English will facilitate my work.(例如,由於幾乎所有互聯網上的信息和超過半數世界科技期刊都是英文的,熟練地掌握英語將方便我的工作)(微信號:kaoyanx)
  • Mastering English also means chances and opportunities.(英語好也意味著更多的機遇)


/1.主題:The implication of the cartoon is that teamwork is vital for achieving success in harsh reality.(漫畫所體現的寓意是團隊合作對於在嚴峻的現實中獲得成功至關重要)

/2.分析:With the development of economy and society, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a task all by himself.(隨著經濟和社會的發展,競爭日漸激烈。任何人都不可能完全獨立地完成一份工作)

/3.建議:to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society(採取一些措施來提高社會上人們的合作意識)





/1.圖表說明:The diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Engineering (ME) in China during the past seven years.(上述圖表清楚地揭示了過去七年中中國的工程碩士招生錄取人數急劇增長)


  • 需求增長:China has become particularly active in manufacturing, which has led to an increased demand of qualified engineers.(中國在製造業方面變得異常活躍,這使得對高素質工程師的需求增長)
  • 不能很好滿足需求:The development of the job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which has obliged a large number of students to stay on campus for another three years to get better prepared for their careers.(就業市場的總體發展無法跟上大學畢業生人數的增加,這促使很多學生在校園裡再呆三年時間,為就業做更好的準備)

/3.建議:to encourage students to choose majors for which theoretical knowledge and practical skills will be demanded in the job market(鼓勵學生們選擇那些在就業市場上需要的既有理論知識又有實踐技能的專業)



  • be good at communicating and organizing(擅長溝通和組織)
  • be warm-hearted and easygoing(熱心和隨和)


  • I will organize suitable activities.(我將組織大量合適的活動)
  • I will try to reach your demands as well.(我將努力滿足大家的需求)

預測5:歡迎加入英語俱樂部(Welcome to English Club)(告示)

/1.活動內容:You can participate in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on.(你們可以參加各種各樣的活動,包括表演音樂劇、組織小組討論,觀看奧斯卡獲獎影片等等)


  • Your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibilityand managing interpersonal relations.(你們的積极參与有助於培養責任感與經營人際關係)
  • Various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English.(我們組織的種類繁多的活動能提高你們的英語熟練程度)

/3.如何加入:You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via englishclub@126.com. The deadline for entries is June 18. Come on, and join us now!(你們可以向我們的行政辦公室提交書面申請或發送電子郵件到 englishclub@126.com 報名。報名的截止日期是6月18日。快來加入我們吧!)


/1.原因:As you are one of the leading experts in the English language all over the world, I believe that the students will not only be able to learn from you, but to be inspired by you as well.(由於您是全球英語語言研究方面傑出的專家之一,我相信學生們不僅能從您身上學到很多知識,而且也能夠獲得很大的啟發)

/2.具體安排:We are hoping that you will be available for a lecture on our campus on January 12, at 10:00 am. There will be 45 minutes allocated for your lecture and 15 minutes for a question and answer session.(我們期待您能在1月12日上午10點抽出時間來我們學校做演講。演講時間共計45,還有15分鐘的問答時間)



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