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Foxconn, the world』s largest contract manufacturer of electronics, which is best known as a key supplier for the Apple iPhone, ismaking a pushinto industrial technology — such as automating other manufacturers』 processes — as the global smartphone market slows.

隨著全球智能手機市場放緩,全球最大的電子產品代工製造商富士康(Foxconn)正在進軍工業技術,例如自動化其他製造商的流程。富士康以蘋果(Apple) iPhone的主要供應商而聞名。

make a push奮發;推動,推進

例句:Industrial models in factories are now standard, but recently Japanese companies are making a push to inject robots into everyday life. 應用於工廠的工業機器人目前已經非常規範,而最近日本公司正在推進機器人在日常生活中的使用。

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Speaking on Wednesday at a celebration to mark the Taiwanese company』s 30thanniversaryof doing business in China, founder and chairman Terry Gou said: 「We are an incredibly large, traditional technology manufacturing business. Now we need to use the power of AI?.?.?.?Foxconn will push smart manufacturing with all our strength.」

富士康創始人和董事長郭台銘(Terry Gou)周三在紀念這家台資公司在中國大陸經營30周年的活動上表示:「而立之年的富士康,將全力推動智能製造,儘力成為中國先進實體經濟中推動互聯網、大數據和人工智慧的領頭羊。」

anniversary[?n?"v??s(?)r?] n. 周年紀念 adj. 周年的

例句:Secretary Gates said he expects the current approach to be validated by a U. S. government review set for December, its first anniversary. 國防部長蓋茨說,他預計現行的辦法將通過美國政府定於12月進行的第一次周年審查。

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Foxconn, also called Hon Hai Precision Industry, is best known for producing the majority of Apple』s iPhones. But it is trying to diversify from its traditional smartphone business and reduce its reliance on Apple. Last year, global smartphone sales fell and its profitstook a hitfrom delays in the manufacturing of the iPhone X.

富士康又名鴻海精密(Hon Hai Precision Industry),以生產大部分蘋果iPhone而聞名。但它正試圖實現傳統智能手機業務以外的多元化發展,降低對蘋果的依賴。去年,全球智能手機銷量下降,富士康的利潤因iPhone X的製造延遲而受到打擊

Over the past two years, Foxconn has started producing everything from Sharp』s LCD screens, after acquiring the Japanese electronics group for $3.5bn, to internet-connecteddocklessbicycles for Mobike, and even semiconductors, launching a failed $19.5bn bid for Toshiba』smemory chipbusiness.


take a hit遭受打擊;受到影響

例句:"We are only able to transfer a portion of our cost increases to our end customers, so we do take a hit on our margin, " he said. 他說,「我們只能將一部分的增加成本轉嫁給我們的終端客戶,因此,我們的利潤確實受到了影響。」

dockless[d?kl?s] adj. 無樁的

例句:In many other large Chinese cities, though, it』s not the sturdy, official public hire bikes that stand out. It』s the rash of brightly coloured 「dockless」 share bikes, haphazardly piled on the pavements in their thousands. 在很多其他的大型中國城市裡,引人注目的並非那些固定的政府公共自行車,而是無樁的顏色鮮艷的共享單車,大量隨意的停放在人行道上。

memory chip內存晶元;存儲器片

例句:The decisions came as the two companies reported their fifth consecutive quarterly net losses after a continued slide in memory chip prices. 在做出上述決定之際,由於存儲晶元價格持續下滑,兩家公司已連續第五個季度出現凈虧損。

Screenshot: fii-foxconn.com

Wednesday』s event focused on the company』s Foxconn Industrial Internetsubsidiary. The unit, which provides industrial robots and cloud computing services to businesses, is hoping to launch the biggestIPOin mainland China for three years, aiming to raise roughly Rmb27bn ($4.2bn) in Shanghai.

本周三的活動聚焦於富士康旗下子公司——富士康工業互聯網(Foxconn Industrial Internet,簡稱工業富聯)。工業富聯為企業提供工業機器人和雲計算服務,它剛剛在中國大陸進行了3年來最大規模的首次公開發行(IPO),籌集約270億人民幣(合42億美元)資金。

subsidiary[s?b"s?d??r?] adj. 附屬的;輔助的 n. 子公司

例句:The move would complete a rapid journey for the company, which less than a year ago was a subsidiary of Ebay. 此舉將完成該公司的快速成長曆程,不到一年前,它還是Ebay的一家子公司。

IPO上市,首次公開募股/發行(Initial Public Offering)

例句:The only thing on which companies and investors seem able to agree about initial public offerings is not to trust investment banks. 說到首次公開發行,上市公司和投資者能夠想到一處的,似乎只有「不要相信投資銀行」。

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FII generated $56bn in revenues last year, compared with $48bn at US internet hardware producer Cisco. Market research firm IDC expects Chinese manufacturers』 spending on 「internet of things」 products, such as sensors and robots, to reach $128bn by 2020, growing at an average rate of 14.7 per cent a year from 2016 to 2020.


「PC growth has been negative and smartphone growth has slowed down. So companies are focused on other growth sectors, like servers,automotivesand industrial technologies,」 said Dan Wang, tech analyst atconsultancyGavekal Dragonomics in Hong Kong.

諮詢公司龍洲經訊(Gavekal Dragonomics)的科技業分析師Dan Wang表示:「個人電腦業務近年負增長,智能手機增長放緩。所以企業聚焦於其他增長領域,如伺服器、汽車和工業技術。」

automotive[,??t?"m??t?v] adj. 汽車的;自動的 n. 汽車;汽車工業

例句:He said the high-tech, automotive and steel industries would be hit first. 他說高科技、汽車和鋼鐵行業會最先受到衝擊。

consultancy[k?n"s?lt(?)ns?] n. 諮詢公司;顧問

例句:"Chinese carmakers are trying to move up the value chain and the brand-positioning chain, " says Michael Dunne, of JD Power, a consultancy. 「中國的汽車製造商們正努力向價值鏈和品牌定位鏈的上游進軍,」諮詢機構JDPower的邁克爾?鄧恩表示。

Screenshot: FTC

Foxconn』spivotalso takes advantage of theMade in China 2025policy, under which tens of billions of dollars in subsidies are beingearmarkedfor smart manufacturing sectors, such as industrial robots.

富士康還利用《中國製造2025》(Made in China 2025)政策作為轉型支點——按照該政策,數百億美元補貼被指定投入工業機器人等智能製造行業。

pivot["p?v?t]n. 支點;樞軸;中心v.(使)在樞軸上轉動

例句:But you know the object is just a pivot. It"s a pivot between a process and a system.但你知道目標只是個中樞,是「過程」與「系統」之間的中樞。

?earmark["??(r).mɑ?(r)k] n. 標記;特徵 vt. 指定…的用途;預先安排;標記

例句:TPG has raised more money specifically earmarked for investment in Asia than any other international firm. 與其他國際公司相比,TPG籌集了更多專門用於在亞洲投資的資金。



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