首頁 > 最新 > 外媒如何用26個句子表達俄羅斯5:0血洗沙特?









1. World Cup 2018: RussiaThrottlesSaudi Arabia in Home Opener

釋義:Attack or kill (someone) by choking or strangling them.

例句:(figurative) 『international sanctions were then throttling the country"s economy』

2. Russia comprehensivelythrashedSaudi Arabia, 5-0, in the opening game of its home World Cup.

釋義:(informal) Defeat heavily in a contest or match.

3. Russia vs Saudi Arabia, FIFA World Cup 2018: Five-star RussiaTrounceSaudi Arabia on Opening Day

釋義:Defeat heavily in a contest.

例句:『Essex trounced Cambridgeshire 5–1 in the final』

4. RussiabeatSaudi Arabia 5-0 in World Cup opening match

釋義:Defeat (someone) in a game or other competitive situation.

例句:『she beat him easily at chess』

5. SpainhitArgentina for six, Brazil beat Germany

6. In the opening match of football world cup 2018 at Moscow, host Russia beat Saudi-Arabia by five goals.

7. Football World Cup 2018: RussiabeatSaudi Arabia by five-nil

8.The score wasfive-nilwith five minute left in the game.


9. RussiadefeatSaudi Arabia 5-0 in World Cup opener

釋義:defeat 挫敗; 擊敗,戰勝;

Win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat.

10.Russia kicked off the World Cup today with acrushing5-0 victory against Saudi Arabia.

11.Russia opens World Cup 2018 withthumping win overSaudi Arabia

釋義:win over 贏得 Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict)

例句:『United won four games in a row』

12.FIFA World Cup 2018: RussiablankSaudi Arabia 5-0 in tournament opener


North American informal用法 : Defeat (a sports team) without allowing them to score.

例句:『Baltimore blanked Toronto in a 7–0 victory』

13.RussiaRoutsSaudi Arabia 5-0 in World Cup Opener

釋義:VERB 擊潰;大敗;徹底打敗 If an army, sports team, or other group routs its opponents, it defeats them completely and easily.

可做名詞:Rout is also a noun.

例句:The host nation opened the 2018 competition witha 5-0 routof Saudi Arabia at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on Thursday

例句:Zidane completedthe routwith a low shot from the edge of the penalty area.


14. Russia kicks off World Cup withdominating win overSaudi Arabia

15.Rampant RussiapummelSaudi Arabia 5-0 in opening FIFA World Cup 2018 match

釋義:to beat or thrash with or as if with the fists.

16.Russia begin 2018 FIFA World Cup with 5-0win overSaudi Arabia

17.Putin Shrugged: RussiaObliterates Saudi Arabia, 5-0, in World Cup Opener

釋義:destroy utterly; wipe out.

例句"the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind"

18.RussiaSmashesSaudi Squad 5-0 in FIFA World Cup Opener

釋義:to defeat, disappoint, or disillusion utterly=hit hard

19.Russiacrush sorrySaudi Arabia 5-0 in World Cup opener

釋義:to destroy, subdue, or suppress utterly:

20.Saudi Arabiabeaten5-0 by Russia in World Cup opener

21. Russia cruises past Saudi Arabia with 5-0 win at 2018 FIFA World Cup opening match

22. RussiaBlastsSaudi Arabia 5-0 In World Cup Opening Match

釋義:to damage or destroy by or as if by a blight; wither; ruin

23.RussiahammerSaudi Arabia in 5-0 World Cup opener

釋義:(informal)to inflict a defeat on

24.RussiaripsSaudi Arabia 5-0 in World Cup opener

釋義:to move violently or precipitously; rush headlong

24.Hosts RussiathumpSaudi Arabia 5-0 in opening match of 2018 FIFA World Cup

釋義:to defeat decisively

25.Russiahitfive in World Cup opener against Saudi Arabia

26. Host nation RussiaoverpoweredSaudi Arabia as theystormed to a 5-0 win in the 2018 World Cup opening match in Moscow.

釋義:In a sports match, when one team or player overpowers the other, they play much better than the other and beat them easily.

Storm:釋義:Move forcefully and decisively to a specified position in a game or contest.

『Chester stormed back with two goals in five minutes』

例句:Britain"s tennis No 1 yesterday overpowered American Brian Garrow 7-6, 6-3.





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