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In many of the world』s top coffee cities, the cafe is more than just a place to get a warm drink—it is also a hub of culture and conversation for locals and visitors alike. And while each city defines its coffee culture in a different way—whether it be by their classic drink style or by the sheer concentration of independently owned coffee houses—these four cities introduced below have one thing in common: the cities are filled with people who live for the craft of coffee.


古巴的哈瓦那 Hanva,Cuba

Cuba』s capital city is in the middle of a seismic economic shift, with the expansion of private enterprises and a boom in international tourism. Locals are proud of their national identity and happy to share their culture with travellers and expats alike.


Much of the local energy seems to be underpinned by 「cafe cubana」, the full-bodied espresso served with sugar that accompanies nearly every meal. It is very easy to find really good cafe in Havana. Most restaurants and all privately owned restaurants know how to deliver on cafe. And if you happen to be staying in a hotel for a few days while you get your bearings, you can seek out the espresso bar that most hotels will have in the back instead of settling for the bland, Cafe Americano-style coffee often served with breakfast.


Dedicated coffee drinkers should look for apartments in La Habana Vieja (Old Havana) alongside some of the country』s most historic buildings. Located on the eastern edge of the city, La Habana Vieja is filled with colonial-era houses and mansions situated alongside plazas and parks.


奧地利的維也納 Vienna,Austria

As one of Europe』s smaller capital cities, Vienna offers the best of both worlds: the cultural amenities of a big metropolis with the affordable, well-kept housing of a smaller city. This environment also leads to a low-key, often independent vibe. While locals usually like to keep to themselves, they are friendly to visitors and often appreciate an outsider』s view on culture and current events.


The city』s cafes make ideal spots for these types of conversations. The Viennese value the fresh air of meeting visitors, including the musicians, conference attendees and those working for the UN.


The grand old coffee houses (such as Cafe Central, Landtmann, Griensteindl and Demel) may be a draw for tourists, but locals like to gather at lesser known spots, where at least half of the customers will be regulars.

宏偉的老咖啡館(如中央咖啡館、朗特曼、格林斯德和德梅爾)可能十分吸引遊客,不過當地人卻喜歡聚集在稍稍不如這些老咖啡館出名的地方 ——那些地方的顧客至少有一半是常客。

Many locals like Cafe Phil in central Vienna』s artsy 6th district, where books for either buying or borrowing line the walls and free concerts featuring groups with classical instruments or rotating DJs take place in the evenings. They also like Cafe Hawelka, in the 1st district, where the small space often requires strangers to sit next to each other and meet.


美國的西雅圖 Seattle, U.S.A

No list of coffee cities would be complete without including the city that launched the world』s largest coffee chain. But even though Seattle is known globally for Starbucks, many locals prefer the independent spots that feature local art on the walls and fair trade coffee in their cups.


Much of Seattle』s social life revolves around the city』s numerous cafes. The sense of community in Seattle is housed where the coffee is brewed. That"s where you go for dates, for meetings, to study or to people watch. Many locals』 favourite place is the University District』s Cafe Allegro, the city』s first espresso bar (established in 1975) and the birthplace of Starbucks』 signature roast, developed by Cafe Allegro founder and roaster Dave Olson.


While any neighbourhood will have plenty of coffee options, Seattle residents feel very loyal to their particular district and tend not to move far once they have found their niche. Some of the more famous neighbourhoods include the fashionable Fremont (famous for its massive, under-the-bridge troll), the hip-but-family-friendly Ballard, and Queen Anne, named for its stately 1850s-era houses.


義大利的羅馬 Rome, Italy

Words like 「latte」, 「cappuccino」, and 「espresso」 are all Italian, so it should come as no surprise that the country』s capital overflows with cafe culture. While locals can seemed rushed and always on the go, most will slow down for their morning coffee ritual. There is no such thing as coffee to go. Even while enjoyed standing up at the counter, drinking espresso is when you stop, enjoy what is in front of you, and chat with friends, the barista or the next person over.

像「latte(拿鐵)」「cappuccino (卡布奇諾)」 和 「espresso(特濃咖啡)」 這樣的辭彙都是義大利語,所以你不會對此感到意外:義大利的首都處處洋溢著咖啡館文化。儘管當地人看起來總是行色匆匆,忙忙碌碌,但大部分人都有慢下來在清晨享用咖啡的習慣。沒有比來杯咖啡更美好的事情了。即使是站在吧台前喝杯濃咖啡也是一種享受,這時就是你停下來,享受眼前的一切,和朋友、咖啡師或是那邊的旁人閑聊的時候。

One of the most atmospheric areas to experience that temporary slow-down is in the centro storico, or historical centre. Sitting down in an outdoor cafe, watching the people go by, has got to be one of the great luxuries of living in Rome. Whatever the cafe of choice, Italians share an unspoken rule of what drink to order when: cappuccino in the morning and only an espresso after eating. Italians will poke fun at Englishmen or Americans who order a cappuccino after a big plate of pasta on a full stomach. Later in the evening, the drink of choice is caffe corretto, an espresso served with a shot of grappa or brandy—the perfect way to wind down for the night, or get a head start on the Roman nightlife.


(選自《新東方英語·TEENS 》,趙凡譯)



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