首頁 > 文史 > 【Amazing China】今天,讓我們用英文聊聊夏至,你一定猜不到這個成語竟然和夏至有關係

【Amazing China】今天,讓我們用英文聊聊夏至,你一定猜不到這個成語竟然和夏至有關係

原標題:【Amazing China】今天,讓我們用英文聊聊夏至,你一定猜不到這個成語竟然和夏至有關係


The longest day of the year

On the Summer Solstice itself, daylight lasts the longest for the whole year in the northern hemisphere. After this day, daylight hours get shorter and shorter and temperatures become higher in the northern hemisphere.


How long is the longest day in China? According to the expert, the entire day in Mohe in Helongjiang province, located in the northernmost tip of China, lasts nearly 17 hours when you include dawn, twilight and its afterglow. Summer Solstice is the best season for viewing the aurora in Mohe, "the sleepless town of China".


In ancient China, people divided the Summer Solstice into three periods—first period: antler falling off; second period: cicada chirping; third period: herbs blossoming.


A public holidy in ancient time

Summer Solstice was an important festival in ancient China. As early as the Han Dynasty (260BC-220), when the Mid-autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival were not as important as they are today, the Summer Solstice was already celebrated.


To celebrate Summer Solstice, women gave colored fans and sachets to each other. Fans could help them feel not so hot and the sachets could drive away mosquitoes and make them smell sweet.


Eating noodles

There is a saying in Shandong province which goes, "eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice and eat noodles on Summer Solstice." People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day. Other people around China, including those in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles.


Summer Solstice idiom

In Chinese, an idiom "杯弓蛇影" is related to Summer Solstice.

According to the records , a man named Du Xuan attended a banquet on Summer Solstice, where he mistook the shadow of a bow in his cup for a snake and he had to drink it out of fear.


After the banquet, he felt chest pains and a bellyache and couldn"t recover even after seeing many doctors. Finally, he found he had mistaken the shadow of a red crossbow on the wall for a snake in his cup and recovered. Later, people used this idiom to refer to people who are suspicious and frighten themselves.



首播: 15:30-16:00

重播: 18:00-18:30




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