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Black concrete boxes form Casa Bruma in rural Mexico

墨西哥建築師Fernanda Canales和Claudia Rodríguez在森林裡設計了九座深色混凝土房子,它們環繞在一起圍一座庭院。

Nine dark-coloured blocks circle a forest clearing that acts as a courtyardfor this home by Mexican architects Fernanda Canales and Claudia Rodríguez.

Canales和Rodríguez設計的這個Casa Bruma項目佔地6500平方英尺(604平方米),該項目用於年輕家庭的度假。

Canales and Rodríguez collaborated on the 6,500-square-foot (604-square-metre) Casa Bruma project, which serves a holiday home for a young family.



The house comprises cuboid units of varying heights, each accommodating a different function. These are strategically located for the best views and relationships to one another, and so all of the existing trees were left standing.


"The result is an "exploded house", where the dwelling is composed of isolated volumes that are placed according to the views, the orientations and the existing vegetation," said the architects.


The residence is located about 100 miles (161 kilometres) southwest of Mexico City, and its geometric design contrasts with the dense foliage surrounding the property.



Board-marked black concrete covers the exterior, with flat roofs topping each of the blocks to add cohesiveness to the project.

Four of the volumes are used as the principal living areas, such as a kitchen, dining room, and sitting room, and are linked together with covered walkways.



A master bedroom is located above a children"s bedroom in one, and a studio is above the dining area in another.

The five other boxes contain two guest rooms, a private apartment, a garage, and a utility room.


Most of the rooms have large floor-to-ceiling windows and views of the courtyard. Black and white walls, oak ceilings and polished basalt floors decorate the interiors.



Two of the boxes also have roof access, creating terraces over the living room and a guest bedroom. The rest of the buildings are topped with greenery.

All of the water used for the house is sourced from collected rainwater, and landscaping uses plants native to the region.

深色混凝土是墨西哥和整個拉丁美洲使用的流行建築材料。類似使用深色混凝土的項目還有 JSa建築事務所在墨西哥用深色混凝土砌塊建成的一家酒店的庭院;Cadaval&Solà-Morales建築事務所在城市郊區設計的長方形度假休息室和MG設計工作室用鋅板和混凝土設計的哥斯大黎加的一間房子。

攝影:Rafael Gamo

Black concrete is a popular construction material used in Mexico, and throughout Latin America. Examples of other black concrete designs include the courtyard of a hotel in Mexico City made with black concrete blocks by JSa, a rectangular holiday retreat on the outskirts of the city by Cadaval & Solà-Morales, and a house in Costa Rica with separate zinc and concrete volumes by MG Design Studio.

Photography is by Rafael Gamo.


設計團隊:Hugo Vargas, Aarón Jassiel, Alejandra Tellez

工程師:Grupos SAI


Project credits:

Project team: Hugo Vargas, Aarón Jassiel, Alejandra Tellez

Engineer: Grupos SAI

General contractor: CM2



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