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Dealing With Impostor Syndrome When You』re Treated as an Impostor

deal with 處理

impostor [?m"p?st?] n.冒充者

Impostor syndrome is not a unique feeling, but some researchers believe it hits minority groups harder.

syndrome ["s?ndr??m] n.綜合征

minority [ma?"n?r?t?] n.少數派

By Kristin Wong

Last May, I walked into a room of impeccably dressed journalists at a media event in Los Angeles. I tugged on my pilly cardigan and patted down my frizzy bangs.

impeccably [im"pek?bl?] adv.無瑕疵地,完美地

Los Angeles [l?s ??nd???li?z] 洛杉磯

tug [t?g] vi. 用力拉

tug on 拽著

cardigan ["kɑrd?ɡ?n] n. 羊毛衫

pilly cardigan 開襟羊毛衫

pat down 輕輕拍打

frizzy ["fr?z?] adj. 捲曲的

bangs ["b??z] n. 劉海

When a waiter presented a tray of sliced cucumbers and prosciutto and asked, 「Crudité?」 I resisted the temptation to shove three of them into my mouth and instead smiled and replied, 「No, thank you.」 I was focused on the task at hand: pretending not to be a fraud among this crowd of professionals.

present [pr??zent] vt.呈遞,提供

a tray of 一盤一碟

sliced [sla?st] adj. (食物)已切成薄片的

cucumber ["kju?k?mb?] n. 黃瓜

prosciutto [pr?"?u?t??] n. 義大利熏火腿

Crudité 色拉

temptation [tem(p)"te??(?)n] n. 引誘

shove [??v] vt.擠;強使;猛推

fraud [fr??d] n.騙子

Ironically, I was at the event to interview someone about impostor syndrome.

ironically [a?"r?n?kl?] adv. 諷刺地

interview ["?nt?vju?] vt.採訪

The psychologists Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes coined the term in 1978, describing it as 「internal experience of intellectual phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.」

psychologist [sa?"k?l?d??st] n. 心理學家

coin [k??n] vt.杜撰,創造

phoniness ["f??ni?n?s] n. 虛假

intellectual [,?nt?"lekt???l] adj. 智力的

intelligent [?n"tel?d?(?)nt] adj.聰明的

capable ["ke?p?b(?)l] adj. 能勝任的;有才華的

In other words, it』s that sinking sense that you are a fraud in your industry, role or position, regardless of your credibility, authority or accomplishments.

in other words 換句話說

sinking sense 低人一等的感覺

regardless of 不管

credibility [kred?"b?l?t?] n. 可信性

This is not a unique feeling, and it hits many of us at some point in our lives. But some researchers believe it hits minority groups harder, as a lack of representation can make minorities feel like outsiders, and discrimination creates even more stress and anxiety when coupled with impostorism, according to Kevin Cokley, a professor of educational psychology and African diaspora studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

a lack of representation 缺乏存在感

discrimination [d?,skr?m?"ne??(?)n] n. 歧視

impostorism 冒名頂替症候群

coupled with 加上,外加

diaspora [da?"?sp?r?] n. (某一民族的)大移居

Texas ["teks?s] n. 德克薩斯州

Austin ["?:stin] n. 奧斯丁

「I was interested in whether impostorism would be an even greater predictor of negative mental health outcomes in minorities than discrimination,」 Dr. Cokley said. 「And so I conducted a study and it』s exactly what I found.」

predictor n.預報器

conduct ["k?nd?kt] vt.進行;實施

Most everyone has felt like a fraud because of their own insecurities, and while Dr. Cokley said it』s important not to homogenize minority groups as having a single shared experience, the issue does become more complicated for minorities, who may be treated as impostors in the workplace.

insecurity [??ns?"kj??r?t?] n. 不安全;不牢靠

homogenize [h?"m?d??na?z] vt. 使均勻;使類同

having a single shared experience 有一個單一的分享體驗

complicated ["k?mpl?ke?t?d] adj.複雜的





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