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面談中,恰當的字彙選擇比多益成績更可以展現你的英文實力。Rochelle 老師從本期新聞雲中精選 7 大字彙,並延伸出進階的漂亮用法更容易琅琅上口的簡單用法,請跟著老師的示範,配合目前的英文程度反覆練習,讓你的面談不再苦無字彙可用!


撰文者?Rochelle 劉金坪 TESOL 英語教學權威?前阿聯酋航空乘務員


本刊主打雲 What"s your idea about union?

Part I Voc./ Synonym/ Pattern 面談必備超好用字彙 - 衍伸用法及句型範例

Part II Group to group interview

2016 年中華航空走上街頭兩次為自己爭取工作權益,11 月份復興航空結束的震撼彈,讓乘務員自救公會也走上街頭表達訴求。以國籍航空而言,第二階段的主管面試必定會出現的「公會」相關議題,是面談中不能不把握準備的,看看金坪老師重現面談情境,把剛剛學會的 7 個超好用單字通通用上 ~

*Rochelle 老師提醒大家 , 以下範例為著重流暢度的面談口語自然表達 , 不是正式書寫文章的模式喔 !

Recruiter(A):Many people talk about thematterof flight attendantstrike, we would like to hear from you about "joining the union". 最近大家都在討論乘務員罷工的議題,你對乘務員加入公會有什麼看法呢?

Jonathan:Thanks to the news. Because of that, I did someassessmentsabout what the union"s duties are for its members. And then the result for me is...I would only join an organization that has run quite well. I don"t mind paying extra membership fee, but it has to be very professional and responsible to win my trust. At this moment, there"s nourgentneed. I"m very careful about what I participate in. 最近的新聞讓我花了不少時間熟悉公會和公會成員應該要進到的義務,我認為我加入公會的唯一可能是在公會組織架構已經非常健全的時候。我了解加入公會需要支付會費來維持公會運,作但同時公會也需要提出專業的表現來贏得我的信任。對於我參加的活動我很謹慎,至少在現階段,我不認為我需要加入公會。

Recruiter(B):Anybody here has good work history that might lead a union well?現場有任何人過去有相關經驗可以證明工會有存在的正向意義嗎?

Pamela:Me...hum... sometimes I hear people call flight attendanttrolley-dolly. I don"t feel comfortable about this negative impression. For example, I"ve been a bank teller for 8 years and now I want to fly. If a union can gather people from different professions, that"ll be more promising. However, as a new comer, I also wouldn"t want to risk my job, my time, and my money. I prefer to know the company more before making any major decision. 呃...我有時候聽到有人說乘務員像花瓶會覺得很難過。我在銀行工作 8 年,現在想轉職到航空業,如果工會可以聚集眾多不同專業的人才對外發聲,我們的形象應該會更正面。但身為公司的新血,我不會在對公司的制度沒有全盤了解的情況下,就貿然加入公會。

Recruiter(C):What about the salary issue? 那薪水呢?你有什麼想法?

Flora:I wouldn"t care more ...because in every industry, or every company, we have uneven wages for bottom, middle and top levels of the staffpyramid. Why bother? I appreciate a lot that we still have the opportunity to work... 我想各行各業都有初、中、高階等不同的員工組織,現在對我來說,得到工作機會比爭取高薪資來得重要的多。

Recruiter(D):If you are already part of the union, what"ll you do when the company wishes no compromise to be made? 假設你們已經是工會成員了,公司不願意協商的時候要怎麼辦呢?

Winnie:I"ll feel depressed...coincidentally, my cousin just got sacked last month...she hadmagnificentcontribution to the company that she"s worked for 10 years. Though I feel bad for her, I understand that the company is struggling...and that"s the best option for everyone. Same to the airlines, it takes time to seek a win-win solution.這當然很令人沮喪......很巧的是,上周我表姊被她過去 10 年奉獻大量心力的公司資遣了,我很替她難過,但同時我也知道,在這樣的景氣下,公司必須要替多數員工的利益著想而做出這項困難的決定。相信在航空業也是一樣的,需要時間來達成勞資都雙贏的局面。

To be continued...



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