首頁 > 新聞 > 南京大學醫學院公共健康研究中心吳稚偉團隊發現早幼粒細胞白血病蛋白可通過調控自噬水平抑制腸道病毒71 的複製

南京大學醫學院公共健康研究中心吳稚偉團隊發現早幼粒細胞白血病蛋白可通過調控自噬水平抑制腸道病毒71 的複製

導 讀

腸道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71, EV71)是導致手足口病(Hand Foot and Mouth disease, HFMD)的主要病原體之一, EV71能夠有效抑制宿主的天然免疫,在某些病兒中引起腦炎。闡明EV71-宿主相互作用,如何抑制和逃逸宿主免疫防禦是免疫學的重大科學問題。EV71感染可以誘導自噬水平的明顯升高,同時EV71病毒在複製的過程也充分利用自噬來幫助自己在宿主細胞中實現病毒增殖。2018年6月,著名國際學術期刊Frontiers in Immunology 在線發表了吳稚偉教授團隊的最新研究成果《PML restricts enterovirus 71 replication by inhibiting autophagy》。研究揭示了早幼粒細胞白血病蛋白(PML)在EV71複製過程中起到限制性因子作用的分子機制,以及病毒如何通過自編碼蛋白降解PML逃逸宿主的免疫抑制。



PML最早被發現是腫瘤的負調控蛋白。PML在細胞核內主要由6種亞型組成,來源於單個基因的選擇性剪接。所有異構體都有一個由外顯子1-3編碼的類似N-末端區域,並含有RBCC基序,PML通過該基序多聚形成環狀結構,與核基質結合形成PML-NBs。C端區域決定不同亞型的PML具有不同的生物學功能。 PML啟動子區包含PML的靶點基因,可被包括I型和II型干擾素(IFN)直接誘導,上調PML亞型的表達和PML-NBs數量及體積。

在最新的研究中,我們發現PML可以作為宿主限制性因子抑制EV71複製。 PML通過抑制細胞中的自噬來抑制EV71的複製,反之PML缺陷引發自噬,從而輔助病毒複製。此外,IFN-β介導的抗病毒天然免疫功能需要PML的參與,這表明ISG可能需要PML的存在才能建立抗病毒狀態。 但是,EV71能夠通過其編碼的3Cpro 病毒蛋白酶誘導PML降解,破壞PML核體結構,從而逃逸宿主的抗病毒機制。這些發現證明了PML在針對EV71的天然免疫防禦中的重要作用,並闡述了病毒逃避先天免疫的新機制



Fig. 1.PML降低和缺失後在HeLa 和MEF細胞里自噬水平的變化


Fig. 2.免疫熒光檢測在感染EV71的細胞核內PML核體的減少

Fig. 3 .3C蛋白酶切割降解PML

結 語


在PML敲低或者敲除的細胞中EV71複製增加;在PML的6種亞型中,PML III和IV被鑒定為對抗EV71的抗病毒而PMLIII或PMLIV的過表達抑制EV71病毒生產。 因此,PML是EV71複製的限制性因子。



該研究由國家傳染病重大專項,國家重點研發計劃資助。This study was supported by grants from the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (2018ZX10301406-001 to ZW), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFC1201000 to ZW), and Nature Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BY2015069-02 to ZW).博士研究生陳德燕為第一作者,吳稚偉教授為通訊作者。


The promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein, also known as TRIM19, functions as a major organizer of PML nuclear bodies (NBs) in most mammalian cells and plays important roles in antiviral activities against both DNA and RNA viruses. In this study, we found that the downregulation of PML rendered HeLa cells more susceptible to infection by enterovirus 71 (EV71), and the overexpression of the PMLIII or PMLIV isoforms inhibited viral protein expression and resulted in viral titers that were 2–3 log units lower than those in the control. Using short interfering RNAs, the downregulation of either the PMLIII or PMLIV isoform increased both viral protein VP1 expression and viral production. The PML repression of EV71 replication was partially mediated by the inhibition of autophagy, and PML deficiency triggered autophagy. Furthermore, the EV71 infection resulted in a reduction in PML independent of the proteasome pathway. Instead, PML degradation was mediated by virus protease 3Cpro. In conclusion, PML contributes to a cellular antiviral effect by inhibiting autophagy, which is countered by a disruption of promyelocytic leukemia protein-nuclear bodies mediated by viral protease 3Cpro.

Auhor Summary

In this article, we describe the roles of PML as a cellular restriction factor in EV71 infection. PML inhibited EV71 replication by inhibiting autophagy in the infected cells, and PML deficiency triggered autophagy, which facilitated viral replication. In addition, the IFN-β-mediated inhibition of EV71 replication required the presence of PML, suggesting that the ISGs likely require the presence of PML for the establishment of an antiviral status. Moreover, the EV71 infection induced PML degradation, which was mediated by virus protease 3Cproindependent of the proteasome pathway. These findings demonstrate the important roles of PML in innate immune defense against EV71 and describe a novel mechanism by which the virus evades innate immunity.





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