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Huge fireball lights up Russian skies


More than five years after a large space rock slammed into the atmosphere over Russia, shattering thousands of windows in the city of Chelyabinsk below, another meteor exploded in the sky over the country last week, lighting up the early morning sky.

一個巨大的太空岩石衝進了俄羅斯的大氣層, 震碎了在其衝擊區下面的車裡雅賓斯克市數以千計的窗戶。 時隔五年後, 另一顆流星在這個國家的天空上爆炸, 照亮了清晨的天空。

meteor [?miti?, -??r] n.流星;大氣現象

The fireball was captured on camera near the town of Lipetsk, between Moscow and the Ukrainian border. It glows bright for a second, leaving a trail of smoke that lingers for several minutes afterwards.

這個火球在莫斯科和烏克蘭邊境之間的利佩茨克鎮附近被拍攝的。它明亮的閃爍了一秒鐘, 然後留下了幾分鐘後才漸漸消失的一串煙霧。

The impact of the meteor with Earth"s atmosphere was picked up by US government sensors used to detect nuclear explosions, among other things. NASA estimates the resulting explosion packed a punch of about 2.8 kilotons, which pales compared with the 440 kiloton blast over Chelyabinsk in 2013, but is the most explosive asteroid entry measured so far in 2018.

流星進入地球大氣層的撞擊被美國政府用來探測核爆炸和其它東西的感測器所發現。 美國宇航局估計, 由此產生的爆炸相當於大約2800噸TNT的爆炸力, 這與 2013年流星產生的44萬噸TNT爆炸力比相形見絀, 但它是迄今為止在2018年測量到的最具爆炸性的小行星穿入。

asteroid [??st??r??d] n.[天]小行星;海盤車;海星

There have been no reports of damage from the blast, but some eyewitnesses reported hearing a loud sonic boom, according to the International Meteor Organization. It can also be seen in footage from a weather satellite upon close examination:

據國際流星組織報道, 他們沒有收到爆炸造成的破壞的報告, 但一些目擊者報告說,他們聽到了超音速聲爆的巨響。經密切觀察,氣象衛星也記錄下了這個爆炸。

NASA estimates the meteor was moving at about 32,200 miles per hour (51,800 kilometers per hour) when it exploded about 16.7 miles (27 kilometers) above the surface of the planet.

美國宇航局估計, 當流星在地球表面上空大約16.7英里(27公里)爆炸 時, 它的穿越速度約為每小時32200英里 (每小時51800公里)。

Fireballs are a relatively regular occurrence, often coinciding with meteor showers. The Chelyabinsk fireball from 2013 was by far the most powerful such event recorded in the last 30 years, but an even more powerful impact is thought to have happened in Siberia in 1908.

這種火球是一種相對正常的現象, 經常與流星雨相伴出現。2013年的車裡雅賓斯克的火球是迄今為止在過去30年中記錄下的最強大的一次爆炸, 但據認為, 1908年在西伯利亞發生了一次更強大的爆炸。

So why always Russia? Actually, fireballs are seen around the world, but since Russia covers about an eighth of the globe"s total land mass, it just makes mathematical sense they"re more likely to be seen there.

那麼這種事為什麼總發生在俄羅斯?事實上, 在世界各地都能看到火球, 但由於俄羅斯覆蓋了地球陸地總量的近八分之一, 從數學幾率上來說就更有可能在俄國看到這種火球。




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