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# 經濟學人 #

6.23- 6.29 / 2018

專欄 | Finance and Economics


「QUANT」 (quantitative) hedge funds, whichcraftelaborate algorithmsto make trading decisions, rely onaccess to information. That used to mean market data, such as prices and trading volume. But some nowseek anedgein novel sources. An industry has sprung up to serve them with, and help them analyse, 「alternative」 data, such as thosegleaned from satellite images or byscrapingwebsites. Many of these data firms have been founded by entrepreneurs, but some quant funds themselves are getting involved. Winton, a large London-based fund, isspinning offHivemind, a data-analysis unit. A full-time management team was announced on June 18th.





craft: v. to make or produce sth skilfully

edge: n. an advantage that makes sb. or sth. more successful than other people or things 優勢

glean: v. obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty 搜集

scrape: v. copy (data) from a website using a computer program

e.g. All search enginesscrapecontent from sites without permission and display it on their own sites.

spin off: to create sth new based on sth else that already exists

e.g.to bespun offinto a separate company

For funds making macroeconomic bets bytrading in, say, currencies or government bonds, real-time measures of inflation (scraped from e-commerce sites) or trade flows (from shipping data) can be better and more timely than the output of national statistics agencies. Funds trading in individual firms』 shares can infer information on sales from satellite photos of their car parks, and onfootfallin shops from data bought from mobile-phone and credit-card companies, rather than having to rely on company reports or quarterly earnings statements. Many of these datasets arefine-grained. Quandl, a data provider, sells information on the number of Tesla cars sold each day, broken down by each American state.


footfall:n.the number of people entering a shop or shopping area in a given time

e.g.a drive to improvefootfallin individual branches

fine-grained: adj. involving great attention to detail 詳細的,深入的


But amid thenew wave ofdata vendors are some that arepushing the boundariesoflegality. John Funge of Winton』s San Francisco office says some are careless about privacy. Anoosh Lachin of Aspect Capital, another London quant fund, was once offered data by a former employee of the American government, who founded a firm to 「predict」 the statistics released by the agency he had worked for. Jonathan Streeter of Dechert, a law firm, says hedge funds are waking up to the risks of potentiallysuspect data.The mainpitfalls are privacy laws andinsider-tradingrules.

但在新一輪的數據供應商中,有一些正在試探法律的界限。Winton基金舊金山辦公室的John Funge說一些公司對(侵犯)隱私毫不在意。倫敦的另一家量化基金Aspect Capital的Anoosh Lachin有一次還得到了曾經是美國政府的一名前僱員提供的數據,這個前僱員創立了一家公司來「預測」他曾經工作過的機構發布的統計數據。律師事務所Dechert的Jonathan Streeter表示,對沖基金正在意識到潛在可疑數據的風險。主要的隱患是隱私法和內幕交易規則。

legality/li?"g?l?t?/: n. the quality or state of being in accordance with the law 合法性

pitfall: n. a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty 隱患

e.g.thepitfalls of buying goods at public auctions

The biggest risk is reputational; onlyegregious transgressions are likely to lead to penalties. In America, aconvictionfor insider trading requires not only proof that the information ismaterialand non-public, but also proof of a 「breach of duty」; that it was obtained without the owner』s consent, for example. Since many phone and credit-card companies include clauses in their contracts allowing them to sell information, that condition is rarely fulfilled. In Europe, though no breach of duty is needed to prove insider trading, thebaris higher in other ways. But privacy isa much greater concern. A new EU-wide data-protection law is backed byheftyfines.

最大風險是(有損)聲譽; 只有極其嚴重的違法才有可能被懲罰。在美國,要定內幕交易的罪不僅需要證明信息是重大且非公開的,還要證明「違反了職責」,例如是在沒有得到所有者同意的情況下獲得的。但由於許多電話和信用卡公司在其合同中就包含了允許出售客戶信息的條款,因此這一條幾乎名存實亡。在歐洲,雖然不需要違反職責這一條來證明內幕交易,但在其他方面標準會更高。但隱私是大家廣泛關注的問題。新的歐盟數據保護法就有對這方面巨額罰款的處罰。

egregious/?"gri?d??s/:adj. outstandingly bad; shocking 極壞的,極嚴重的

e.g.egregiousabuses of copyright

transgression: n. an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct

material: adj. significant; important

hefty: adj. large and heavy

Some funds are seeking ways to explore new datasets without breaching privacy. In apilot projectintended eventually tofeed intoits trading algorithms, Winton has worked with researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, to use 「differential-privacy」 techniques to analyse datasets that Winton was wary of looking at alone. Differential privacy works by adding noise to data, thusobscuringpersonal, identifiable information without destroying the dataset』s useful features. It is already used by tech firms including Google and Apple, and by America』s Census Bureau.


Thenascentindustry is cleaning up its act, too. Emmett Kilduff of Eagle Alpha, an alternative-data provider, points to the Investment Data Standards Organisation, a non-profit body set up earlier this year. It is unsurprising that firms such as Eagle Alpha and Quandl are moving into analysis, rather than merely providing raw data. Amid theproliferation,the needtosortuseful from pointless, and legal from dubious,has never been greater.

這個新興行業也在整頓其行為。一家另類數據提供商Eagle Alpha的Emmett Kilduff指出了今年早些時候成立的非營利機構投資數據標準組織。像Eagle Alpha和Quandl這樣的另類數據提供商正在轉向分析而不僅僅是提供原始數據這個變化看起來一點都不意外。在這個數據激增的時代,從無意義的數據中整理出有用的信息,從法律界限模糊規避到完全合法,這類需求從來沒有如此之大。

sort: arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type

e.g.Once the dataiscollected, the computer willsortit by date.

- The End -



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